Comments posted by Belinda


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+1 1. Belinda commented 14 years ago on video Deer for breakfast anyone?

I thought the video was awesome.I'm from Minn. and I have no problem with people feeding the deer here.There are winters here that are so cold and snow very deepand it's hard for the deer to find food. So with the lack of food they starve and get weak and can't take good care of there young ones. And plus they don't have the energy to run from the ones that are hunting them and I don't mean humans I mean the packs of wolfs!!!! There was one winter here where there was a lot of snow on the ground and ditch's full of icy water. It was 20 to 30 below most of the winter and I seen deer standing up dead with there legs frozen in the ice in the ditch's. If they could of found more food they most likely would of had the strengh to keep moving. But with the lack of food they couldn't keep going they gave up. So I don't see any thing wrong with this video. They are people with big hearts and care not just for people but for the wild life around them also.