Comments posted by KWood


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+5 1. KWood commented 12 years ago on video Smartguy Cameraman Gets Tased

The cameramans comments about "I'm not a person, I'm a man" are from a internet conspiracy belief call "free man on the lamb"

It's based on really bad understanding of federal law and spread around by word of mouth by gullible people who because they don't trust the government won't check out actually law books for the truth because they think there propaganda info. The only info they are told are correct is on these other sites created by these conspiracy enthusiast.

A close friend of mine bought into it and it was impossible to reason with him because the only sources he believed in were the ones on these websites.

It was a very sad situation. He was down on his luck which made him gullible to this and con artist who take advantage of people in his situation.