Comments posted by MindTrick


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+61 1. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Honey I lost my job today...

PM: We'll just use two trucks and tow the fucker down the hill
Worker: But sir..
PM: Shut up, just get it done!
Worker: But sir, they are not built for this kinda...
PM: I am an engineer, i know what I'm doing! Get it done!
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+52 2. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Space Oddity

Covering David Bowie, a song about space, in space, by an actual astronaut... that's it, we're done, there is no way to beat this!
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+47 3. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Guy attempting to release a mouse into the wild.

aaaawwwww..... that's just so... nature :'(
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+46 4. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Do you recognize that voice?

If you've never heard this before, then you've had a very limited video game experience.
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+43 5. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Japanese tire ad

I was soooo prepared for anything, still got me :P
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+42 6. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Hypnotizing Wind Sculpture

Wow, now THAT is art, not those splashes of paint you see in the galleries sometimes.
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+41 7. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Celebration goes wrong!!!

Well, i guess thats one way of taking a screenshot...
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+39 8. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video There's still some decent cops out there...

This officer seemed to know what he was talking about, seemed to have a good understanding of the vehicle and the equipment. Which makes me comfortable knowing that he will probable have a good understanding of a criminal activity as well. I don't think this is the guy who would slam someone to the ground for a minor incident. I hope i'm right and that people up there are happy with the police force.
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+38 9. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Parking Skills

thank you captain ;)
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+38 10. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The best magician is the one, who can trick himself!

Last line, epic...
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+36 11. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video All you can eat ribs courtesy of Golden Corral

You, guy in the video, if you ever read this, YOU DID THE RIGHT THING!!! Screw that job, you'll get another.
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+36 12. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Road rage karma

#2 exactly my thoughts too. If someone wants to pass, let them pass. Two idiots in this incident.
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+36 13. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Close to 200 cars pile-up

Sorry, but what the FUCK are these people thinking driving at that speed at a snowy road with almost no visibility?
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+35 14. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How to deliver sand to the 4th floor

Damn he looks tired when he climbs up, i think he's been doing that all day long... good thing he gets a bit of fun rappeling in between!
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+35 15. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Banksy sells his art on the streets (incognito) to see what the reactions would be

This reminds me of that experiment Joshua Bell had where he was in incognito, playing his million dollar Stradivarius. The main headline for that one was that people in the streets doesn't appreciate "fine art" and can't recognize true talent and art when presented like that. You know what i think? I think certain people are getting hyped up by media, when they in many cases, are not as special as people would like them to be. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying either of these two are bad artists, quite opposite, i like them both. But this experiment shows the raw, naked view of people, without being pushed opinions on them, and we see the result. Now the question lingers... is it the exposure that is the problem? Or is it the fact that the masses are that easily persuaded?
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+35 16. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

Nice lecture, angry but composed :)
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+32 17. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The Most Dangerous Place on Earth

Wish all my teachers would have been like this guy, then i would prob have an education :P
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+32 18. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Giant oil rig being thrown around by heavy seas

This reminds me of a party i was at once. No no, hear me out. It was fun and all, and i went to bed. The next day, i opened the curtains, and i stared straight onto a huge oil platform. I closed them again thinking "ok, i had too much to drink last night" and did a second take. It was still there. Turns out a platform had driven loose, and it had drifted all the way in to my town, resting against a huge bridge that was lower than the platform. Was quite a sight. Google for "plattform puddefjordsbroen" and check google images, i live right next to the bridge :)
edit: added a link as there wasn't that many pictures after all
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+32 19. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Woman at the gas station

#1 because of the safety mechanism that are built in to those devices. Those people right there are the reason why it exists :P
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+31 20. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Guy finds his house plumbed with beer

With friends like these, you can die a happy man :)
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+31 21. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video A Trampoline in a German Town Square

I'm 35, and i wouldn't need even a drop of alcohol to do the exact same :)
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+30 22. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Train derails while cleaning up a train derailment

They haven't been properly trained... :(|)
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+29 23. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Lost wallet test in Poland

Can't help to think that being so public with so many people looking, this "test" is quite biased. Would like to try this in a less crowded place. Not saying all of those people would steal it of so, but i think some would.
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+29 24. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Home-made flamethrower

Yea, Jacob... wtf... :D
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+28 25. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video A rather extraordinary play in Basketball

Hehe, the face of the black guy is priceless, it's a proper "ffffuuuuuuu" moment :D
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+27 26. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

Who the fuck gave them permission for this anyways, I'd like to find that person...
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+26 27. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The Owl Whisperer.

Looks like the owl was ready to attack, but then lost the window of opportunity...
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+26 28. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Perfect welding

As a guy with over 37 years of no experience what so ever with welding, it was satisfying to watch :)
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+26 29. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hiding from Police in the refrigerator

Thats a cool place to hide... O:)
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+25 30. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Army driving

I know russians hate poles, but seriously?
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+25 31. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Prank to a flight attendant

#(removed comment)
So you would rather see a flight attendant get therapist counceling, than seeing a man with no legs laugh and smile?
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+25 32. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Diver attacked underwater by another diver

Ok, so now i have to worry about underwater mafia? Great...
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+24 33. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Elevator prank

Norwegian comedians, called the Ylvis brothers, they have some good stuff.
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+24 34. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The (new)wheelchair

Do you have a better idea? As with all things, they are expensive at first, but will decrease in price over time like any other product like this. And many countries have support programs for people who can't afford such things, so even poor people will have a possibility as well. I see nothing negative about this, apart from technical aspects, and i am gonna be happy for all those people who need it ,and gets it.
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+24 35. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Homeless Veteran's Intense Reaction To Bait Car Prank

Some of you might have seen me post positive comments before about these social experiments. Unfortunately the video i commented on turned out later to be a big hoax, there were ppl hired to be the "randomers". I felt fooled and robbed, and also, it makes me sceptical to more videos. I dunno about this one, but i get a very strong feeling its mostly a setup here as well. They do however include the address for the official government site for homeless, which is nice. But yea, if this one also turns out to be a hoax like many of the others, im not sure what to think about it anymore. Please leave links or comments if you have anything to "prove me wrong", cause i really hope i am.
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+23 36. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Robber chooses the wrong nerd on an iPhone

i just noticed, he actually puts his phone in his pocket before attacking further
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+23 37. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Going Around a Corner on Bicycle

#1 the sarcasm is strong with this one...

I don't care if it's an ad for viagra or whatever, i've never seen anyone corner with a bike like that before, so i loved it!
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+23 38. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Norwegian helicopter Induces a Rock Fall beside a Fjord

#1 You can't just "lower down" dynamite, you need to secure it manually and drill holes etc. Just detonating a stick on the outside of the rock would only lead the force outwards in the free air, having very little impact. And it also would defeat the purpose a bit, as the objective is to make as less rocks fall, not more. A blast would increase the chance of more rocks falling down later.

#2 thats exactly it, they don't want the leftovers to be falling at next rainfall, so they do it immediately under controlled circumstances. There is a road under it, so would be bad to have rocks falling randomly at next rainfall.
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+23 39. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Smartest prank ever? from Brazil

I laughed :x Then i started thinking about it, and its amazing how people actually react to this. I mean, where did they think the meat came from in the first place? I've seen a pig slaughter, and its not very fun or pleasant to watch. But i tell you this, it gives me a lot more appreciation about the meat when i eat it, so i think everyone who eats meat should experience it once.
Really good prank tho, loved it :x
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+23 40. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Molten Copper vs Ice

Judging from the proper equipment he is using for the melting process, and the neat looking setup and all, one would think he would know what he was doing... :P But hey, we all learn somehow ;)
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+23 41. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The world's fastest reflex

Well, to be fair, in most cases a calculator is faster than the human brain :P
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+22 42. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile in a Romanian car service

Thats how airbrushing started actually
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+22 43. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cool visualisation of a Dial Up Modem Handshake

I used to sneak out of bed at night, and i would cover the modem with books, blankets, and whatnot, just to keep it silent so my parents wouldn't wake up. It was always this pause right after it was connecting, where i listened carefully for movement upstairs, and if i heard nothing, i was safe. We didn't have a soundcard on the pc anyways...
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+22 44. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Truck utterly fails making a u-turn in a parking lot

I saw almost the same thing one day, a truck was about to hit a lightpost in his blind spot. I ran over to the driver and stopped him and prevented the accident.
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+22 45. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Truck jumping

Good thing that house is secured with a yellow tape! Those trucks can do a lot of damage, but safety first :)
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+21 46. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Proof there are still good people left in the world

#3 And why is that? How does it become less genuine?
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+21 47. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Dude throws a rock at Lamborghini Aventador...

Ok, i've done some research now (but just normal websites, so take it all with a grain of salt).
The area in the video is a residential area that is supposed to have a 25 mph speed limit. A post in a video said that the lambo in question had a spoiler on the back that only kicks in when you reach 50 mph. In the video, that spoiler is activated. You can see it comes down as the car stops in the beginning. This is a very good proof that he was speeding, IF the information about the car is correct that is. The guy throwing the rock, might actually not have broken the law according to a random law student (again, use salt, but this one has some substance at least).
"If there has been a violation of the law, a citizen is allowed to interfere if there is danger of either; evidence disappearing, life threatening situations, or potentially so. In this scenario, the man throwing the rock was legally allowed to interfere to make them stop racing. He can claim that the rock was to make the car stop, to save other people's lives." Sounded like a lawyer there too i guess... But yea, if he previously had asked them to stop racing, and they refused, it seems he had the law on his side, trying to stop them, even with throwing a rock.

I can't say i have any sympathy for the drivers, but i cannot either defend the guy throwing rocks. But as for the car, they can afford to fix it, probably insured beyond the damage, they might even make money on it. And there is a good rule about owning a vehicle. "If you can't afford to fix it, you can't afford to own it".
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+21 48. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Latest Curiosity Mars Sunset 2012 AUG 7th.

I've never imagined I would see a sunset on another planet... beautiful :)
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+21 49. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cut in half

That is by far one of the best costumes i've seen. Well done :D
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+20 50. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video First world problems are not problems at all

If you ever decide to donate money to causes like this, do some proper research on where the money goes. When you see those coin buckets in stores and other places, most of these pennies goes to people that administrate the rest of the money. And so does it work with a lot of other organizations. Pick one that you know is helping!
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+20 51. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Never knew how cute porcupines sound!

my ice cold heart is melting... thats just so cute and adorable!
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+20 52. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Dog "Saves" his owner

Not to start an argument about cats n dogs, but we've all seen the video of the cat rescuing a child from being attacked by a dog, so the protectiveness goes for both ;) Its very touching no matter which one, the bond between humans and animals are always beautiful.
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+20 53. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Neighbour Tries to Shoot Down Drone

I hope someone DOES shoot that drone one day, and i hope its an expensive model too... what a jerk, clearly an overstep of the comfort level of privacy.
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+19 54. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How we see

First part, i was more like "hm, what am i looking for..."
second part, i was like "ok, i'm def never gonna dj, i didn't even notice shit there..."
third part, i was like "fuck... i'm gay!!!"
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+19 55. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Hungarian Dance

I was trying to be grumpy today, but this video ruined that effort! Damn ninja smile...
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+19 56. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Batarang

I bought a defect boomerang once, i should have known what they meant with the no return policy...
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+19 57. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video E-Cigs: The X Games of Vaping

I'm a bit concerned about health risks, but then again, i don't really know anything about health risks and vapor. But something tells me this can't be good if used over time, hope I'm wrong tho...
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+19 58. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Driver With Road Rage Gets His Ass Kicked

Yea... take a swing with bare hands towards a head that is protected with a helmet... seems like a good way to start off a fight :)
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+18 59. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Made my brain dizzy ...

I laughed, but someone should erase that song, like forever...
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+18 60. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video GTA in Real Life

my thoughts exactly, i would give that guy a beating so bad... I'm still in a awe from watching this, but i dont care what mental illness that dude has, but that shit deserves a proper beating.
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+18 61. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Ingenious rihals (wooden book stands) from Uzbekistan

It doesn't matter where, or who, or what politics or religion there is, great engineering will always be great engineering. This piece made me smile in admiration of the design :)
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+18 62. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Golfing on Ice Fail

Well, he got his hole in one :D
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+17 63. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Guy gets his bike back from thief by tricking him

#(removed comment)
and thats why the operators have priority lists. If there is nothing going on, then yea, a thief stealing something of that kinda value, is a proper usage of police force. I hardly think someone died because they dialed 911 and went further "back in the line" because of this incident. It doesn't matter what the item is worth, or what it is. What matters is what it means to the people who owns them, and how much time,work, money, not to mention what the loss is gonna be worth.
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+17 64. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Is Chewbacca trapped in my cabinet?

Here, take my like along with a wookie cookie :)
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+17 65. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Land Rover diesel vs Dodge 3500 diesel tug-o-war

"Dodge this!" (Matrix reference for the non movie people)
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+17 66. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Ex-Marine demonstrates clever way to survive from drowning

I learned something new. Awesome :)
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+16 67. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Kitten Refuses to Leave Warm Bath

A cracked tile, and the bathroom looks "awful"? I bet your home looks like the frekkin ikea catalog itself, ey...
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+16 68. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Try again

No ma'am, i am not kidding you, it actually happened!
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+16 69. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video What I learned from going blind in space

As i've grown older, the idolizing of others have been less and less, as you start being your own person, and not seeking the same guidance anymore, growing and learning. But Mr Hadfield is my adulthood idol, amazing person, a person you feel you can learn so much from...
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+16 70. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The Milk Industry from a Doctor's point of view

We don't NEED to drink coffee or coca cola etc either...
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+16 71. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Moment of Impact

Guy doesn't seem concerned about his passenger, more about the car...
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+16 72. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 96 year old man puts a younger cocky poker player in his place

You gotta know when to hold em :)
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+16 73. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Something Ate This Great White Shark... But What?


(sorry, i just never get to say any yo mama jokes, so i took the opportunity...)
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+16 74. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Beachgoers save dead pregnant shark's pups and lead them to their first swim

Sad, but also beautiful... Good work on them, live and let live <3
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+16 75. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Windcatcher Airpad

"IMPORTANT: If you cannot blow out all the candles on your birthday cake in one breath, than Windcatcher is NOT right for you."

It actually says that on their homepage :D
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+16 76. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in America

I thought the trunk was supposed to be in the rear :P
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+16 77. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Not easy task....

"who the fuck kicked me in the face! Oh, it was me, hihihi... giggle"
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+16 78. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Women employees line up to kiss their boss in China

I guess they got tired of kissing his ass :P
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+15 79. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Mercedes 2014 S Class

Am i the only one who had this kinda parody feeling to the whole video?
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+15 80. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Mouse does not know what it means to surrender

It's kinda unfair... i too want to be able to jump twice my own height, and carrying a cracker the size of a huge motorcycle, using my jaw only...
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+15 81. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Squirrel vs. Hawk

Thank you captain, you may fly away now
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+15 82. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video My first attempt to discourage Sammy

I'm glad you caught it on tape!
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+15 83. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Circle Illusion

#1 the illusion is probably supposed to be that it looks like the 8 dots form a circle that moves within the big circle, when in fact (as shows) they are only moving in straight lines. If the small balls had a fixed dot at them that didn't move, the illusion would be broken. You could do the same with 10 balls, or 20, result would be the same. If you do it with infinite amount, you will get a complete circle and the lines would form a complete surface. Square holes are drilled with a head that is isosceles triangle shaped with slightly curved outer lines, which was found out using the same methods as this video.
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+15 84. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video This seed drills itself into the ground to insure germination

#(removed comment) Did it strike you that the person who made the title might not be an native english speaking person, and simply spelled ensure wrong? And it has nothing to do with America btw, don't see why you would bring that into the context. And the use of ensure would be totally fitting in this context too btw. And the really sad part is that you focused on spelling when the video in question doesn't even remotely touch the subject, nor does the misspelling have any significant impact on the content. So in danger of calling you a grammar nazi, well, here goes; Grammar nazi!
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+15 85. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Kid twists his neck 180 degrees (exorcist style) and fullbody hugs person behind him!

Practical when driving in reverse as well :)
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+15 86. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Scariest Tow Truck Ever!

Its not a "tow" truck in that sense, more like a garbage collector. That truck had no wheels on the rear, it had probably been there for so long that the owner was forced to agree with a removal of any sort. Or simply, the owner just wanted to get rid of it and hired the truck. Hard to say, but one thing is for sure, that truck is NOT intended to use for cars that are meant to be operational afterwards, its a pure garbage disposal in that sense.
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+15 87. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video A Fireman Fixing a Busted Fire Hydrant

I do believe that black jeep thing has something to do with this :P
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+15 88. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Knappe Sache auf der Autobahn emergency brake motorcycle

"Darn, that was close, i could have died. Oh well, back to 200kmh again!" :D
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+14 89. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Workout on bars

You'll find many people in wheelchairs that are really strong like this. They depend on it, or else they can't move in and out of the wheelchair by themselves. Its an awesome act of how adaptive we are as humans, like we know blind people develop superior hearing, or deaf people sharpens sight and rate of observation. Its awesome, and inspiring!
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+14 90. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Pool Trick Shots

@ 0:36
I made that shot myself back in 1996 at a local pool tournament, the 8 was where you see right corner, and the line was blocked by my opponent. I had seen this trick shot been done on a local show once, and thought "why not". I just did exactly as you see in the video, and it worked.(pure luck it went tho, but i didn't tell anyone that of course). The face of my opponent when i dropped that 8 ball was pure epic pricelessness... I advanced, and ended up on 3rd totally (of 17, so nothing fancy :P). Was a nice day tho :)
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+14 91. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video How big a truck blind spot really is

That's why i never stay alongside a truck when i'm driving my motorbike. The truck will win that battle, doesn't matter if i have the law on my side. All cyclists, and pedestrians should think the same way.
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+14 92. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Jeff Gordon strikes again

lol @ 3:55 'this never works!' :D
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+14 93. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Kiss me im desperate

Looks like someone is gonna be having a certain conversation later on... :O
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+14 94. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ferrari Test Drive

#2 would you say the same about other videos as long as it contained an affordable car? Just saying that your attitude towards the stereotypical "rich person" kinda shines through when you start dragging parenting into the equation when good/bad parenting has really very little to do with a person's driving skills. The guy in the passenger seat is most likely an employee of the shop that is selling the car, which also makes me question why on earth did he ask him to go down a narrow street like that on a test drive. So yea, i don't blame this on anything else than human error, anyone could have fucked that one up, rich, poor, black, white, purple, tall or short.
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+14 95. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Predatoddler

I can't help it, but to me the kid seems a bit scared and unsure what's going on. The whole outfit and all is adorable, along with that cute little face, but i'm not so sure the kid is enjoying it as much as we do?
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+14 96. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Riding the bull

Alright, as i've sworn before, i will always leave a comment if i vote something down, comment or video. Today i downvoted this one. I think this is the kinda videos that should be held within the family and friends of the ones involved. This is nothing special at all, its a kid playing around like any other kid. Cute? Of course it is, its always cute when kids are having fun and smiling. But snotr material? Come on guys...
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+14 97. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Why you should buy an acrylic water pipe

#1 The very end of the video was the point, hence why someone posted in Ownage ;) The whole video is a joke on that guys behalf.
Edit: Lol really? Downvoted for saying that? Wow, you guys are somewhat special :squirrel:
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+14 98. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Model Has Six Ribs Removed In World's Smallest Waist Bid

Just shows what certain people are willing to do for money. And i'm not talking about her, but about the doctors who made her that way, wtf is wrong with them allowing her to do this...
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+14 99. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Einstein's Gravitational Waves Theory

"his biggest blunder he made was thinking he made a blunder, thats how smart he was, badass smart" Love that bit, Einstein is def a badass in science, wish he was still alive to see all this.
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+14 100. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Dog Whisperer: Showdown with Holly

#4 a lot of people look to the owner if a dog misbehaves. But as all living things, even dogs can be born with a hostile personality, call it a disorder if you like. Can be lots of reasons, ranging from tumors to straight out "personality disorders". Some of these might not manifest until in later years. Most cases, dogs are awesome animals, and will be an amazing companion when treated as they should be. Same can be said about humans. But we all know that sometimes there is a deviance, with a wide range of outcomes, goes for all species.
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+14 101. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Half a forest falls on a bus

Nature can sure be a pine in the arse sometimes :P
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+14 102. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video ---(NEW UPDATE IN COMMENTS )--- SNOTR UPDATE

The site is so responsive now! I've never experienced this on snotr, AWESOME JOB!!! <3
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+14 103. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video When it's 5 a.m. at an Irish Wedding - Ho, Ro, the rattlin' Bog

I swear, a Scottish or Irish woman could tell me to burn and go to hell and it would still sound like music to my ears in that dialect...
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+13 104. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank

Hehehe, cool, nice prank.
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+13 105. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Worlds fastest drive-thru service!

In... your... face...
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+13 106. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Water trapped in double glazed window of a (moving) bus

Punctured window, happens sometimes. It is indeed an accident, but champagne was also an accident. I would love windows like that on public transport.
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+13 107. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Making the Fletcher Capstan Table

I've never been demanding in my life, and I've been grateful for all the small things. But damn, i want this table...
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+13 108. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video I figured out why I was sleeping late...

boss: so why are you late today?
owner: you wont believe me anyway...
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+13 109. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Waiter For The Homeless

Products of other humans choices... we all accept this you know, by going along with the rules and norms of our society. We chose this system ourselves, we are all part of it...
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+13 110. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Meteor caught on camera at a Modest Mouse show

#2 well, if we're all gonna die, might as well be in awe when it happens, all the panic in the world wont help much ;)
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+13 111. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Rodney Mullen was dancing on a skateboard 30 years ago

There are so many fantastic things about this video, i can hardly name them all, but clothing, music, the atmosphere, the people, is a few. For us who lived far away from USA at this time, all we had was some VHS tapes we shared, and sometimes, if we were lucky, someone had cable and we could once in a blue moon see something live from the skateworld. Those tapes were watched til they were no longer usable. Then the gaming world started with Tony Hawk in the very late 90's, and there is no denying that the franchise promoted skating on a world wide basis among people who normally wouldn't be interested, and made it even more popular. And Rodney Mullen has been a part of this as well, a huge part. Watching this video takes me back to those days, cool stuff :)
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+13 112. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Shell Gasstation Toilet

"I'm happy that you're happy, but the place where you're supposed to have the toilet paper, you've got this little shelf with three seashells on it.!
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+13 113. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video SHERP

Oh man, i would love one of those for fishing trips! All sorts of terrain, all sorts of conditions, just pop the front open, out with the rod, and kick back and relax with heating, food and all sorts of stuff you can throw in the back.
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+13 114. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Keanu Reeves is a beast

#2 #(removed comment) ::(|)(the lack of proper troll emotes is disturbing...)
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+13 115. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How to send an 'E mail' - Database - 1984 ( Snotr Category Week )

Best password ever :D
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+13 116. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cat saving his human from drowning in a bathtub

That face is priceless... :D <3
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+13 117. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Instant Karma

Might be time to introduce a 24 hour limit to making comments with new accounts? ^
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+13 118. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Riddle of the Sphinx sculpture

In Greek legend, the Sphinx devoured all travelers who could not answer the riddle it posed: "What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?" The hero Oedipus gave the answer, "Man," causing the Sphinx's death.

#1 i forgot to add that the answer to the riddle is within the sculpture, you see all 3 versions of "man" in the shadow :)
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+12 119. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Guy Installs Shower to Stop People Peeing In His Alley

All the other corners already have them installed, this was the last corner in the area.
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+12 120. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Human Powered Helicopter

A very uplifting video
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+12 121. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Drifting Away - Behind the Scenes

I liked how the sound was getting distorted under water, nice touch.
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+12 122. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Furry pile of nope!

You mean the pussysaur?
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+12 123. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Blackstone oil engine startup

Kinda strikes me that all of the people who made the original parts have now passed on. It's nice knowing that they still live on in a way :)
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+12 124. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Man Walking Backwards through Tokyo...Played in Reverse

He walks as if he's got a pincher or a turtle head pokin out
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+12 125. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Loading A Motorcycle Like A Boss

#2 I think it weighs closer to 150 kg. Remember that all bikes are built as light weight as possible. I have a 600cc that is bigger than the one in the video, and it weighs 190kg. My old bike, which was the Daelim Roadwin 125cc (which is a very popular size in asia) had a dry weight on 135kg. Not saying this to make the video less impressive, i think it goes without saying that this dude has balls :P
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+12 126. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video World's Master Carver

Those last cuts made me smile, that was awesome :)
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+12 127. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Marble Tsunami

Marbelous! :D
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+12 128. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Strong guy

It never gets old :D Back in the army we made a freshman collect exhaust from the firetrucks in huge garbage bags, so that we could send it to analyzing for pollution levels. He filled up 5 of them and tied them all up and all :D >:)
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+12 129. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Awesome goal

(i) He earned them a draw, it was not a championship match so there was no added overtime, the match ended there :) (just in case someone wondered how important the goal was).
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+12 130. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Mother monkey with her baby watching snotr in smartphone

now i suddenly understand a lot of the random replies i've seen on videos...
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+12 131. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Magnificent

#1 but held in a human hand :)
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+12 132. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Bubble

Jupp, pretty much sums up life :D
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+12 133. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Teacher Dives out of Window!

Oh man, the laughter of the kids, its what the world need more of... <3
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+12 134. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Two year old miraculously saves twin brother

The parent's were probable filming it from the other room, the dad going "no no, he's fiiiine, let's see where this goes, relax!". I'm just kidding of course, those kids don't have parents.
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+12 135. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Somewhere in Norway

This is my hometown :D Been on the ship a handful of times too. They often have open days when they are anchored at the docks. Love the smell of those old wooden boats...
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+12 136. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video In Russia, Self-Driving Car Ejects You (and Then Parks Perfectly)

Lada; Landing Assist of Driver Absence
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+11 137. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Fake injury FAIL

I don't see the fail here. He laid down, hoped to get run over, and he did. Where is the fail?
Oh, the driver didn't notice him, that's a partial fail, yea... that's gotta be it...
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+11 138. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What a disaster this show was

Was pretty funny until the last one, that one i felt like jumping into the monitor and strangle him while releasing that puppy, that incompetent forever alone moron...
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+11 139. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The centrifuge brain project

my wife and i was googling for tickets, until an hour later, we checked snotr again. we felt kinda stupid when we read the comments above, makes sense that it's fake, we didn't find much info on the website we searched either.
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+11 140. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video molten iron throwing

From now on i will always consider normal fireworks to be the sissy way, this is just pure ... hemingway'ish something...
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+11 141. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Geiger counter going off the charts in an antique shop

Yea, i was editing my post as you were posting yours, i mixed micro and milli, wasn't paying attention to close i guess :P
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+11 142. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Living in a 140 Sq ft house

Anyone asking them "how can you live like this" has a rude awekening to the real world sooner or later...
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+11 143. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia

And those are just cubs, teenagers (the bears) They should be happy mommy bear is not around :P
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+11 144. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The full video of Felix Baumgartner's jump from space

I remember sitting and watching this live, was quite special and i gotta say i was quite nervous on his behalf. All kudos for doing it, not sure I would want to try...
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+11 145. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Attempted hit & run goes from bad to worse

It's funny. If you don't read the title and description, the situation changes. Then it looks like the guy is trying to get away from a crazy taxi driver. His car driving at first doesn't seem aggressive, more like concerned and carefully trying to get away. When the taxi driver then bangs on the car, he thinks "shit, i'm getting out of here, this dude is crazy" and just tries to get away at all costs. From that perspective, it looks like the taxi driver is the crazy one.
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+11 146. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video This man had one chance at the spot light and went balls to the wall

That gesture is not to be misunderstood. This guy got lucky that night.
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+11 147. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video New high-tech car theft device showing up in the US

Can you please point out where i am saying anything about the cars being stolen? No? Oh, that's probably because i didn't. Learn to read, and learn to interpret before you lash out at people. Now, pls, stfu.
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+11 148. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Aurora Borealis ( northern lights ) over Reykjavik,in Iceland

Being blessed with having grown up with northern lights, i still will be standing and watching it til my feet and hands go numb, every single time. And then i go inside and get warm and think about how small we are and how nothing really matters. And i get depressed, so i go outside again to look at it, and it's still awesome!
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+11 149. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Keep children away from windows

I hear two things, the thump of the kid getting dragged in, and then some sort of rage scream that comes from an adult, followed by the kid starting to really cry out loud. I'm guessing the adult inside pretty much lost his/her mind when it hit them what could have happened. The kid probably got banged up a bit from getting dragged in so forcefully as well, and seeing how the adults reacted, it got really scared as well as hurt. I just hope whoever was inside handled the rest after this correctly.
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+11 150. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Life Size replica of neanderthals

the link described at the end didn't work, but i found the correct one. It was very long, so in honor of the neanderthals, i shortened it
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+11 151. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video I've never wanted a trailer more than right now

I don't even have a car, but i share #2's opinion fully! Grown mans toys! :D
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+11 152. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Russians Vs Speed Bumper

Where are all the sparks we see in the movies!!!? :P

#(removed comment) You must be fun at parties...
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+11 153. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video A bridge tearing apart another bridge

Never before have i taken part in a bridge fight. I was cheering for the Yellow bridge to win the entire time, sadly it becomes unclear what the damage is after the video ends. I hope Yellow bridge is alright, Yellow bridge is awesome!
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+11 154. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Yacht "Polar Bear" on fire.

#1 There are stages of a fire where it's deemed fit to try to put it out or not. In this case, it was way beyond any saving, so the best thing is to let it burn out under controlled circumstances. Those 3 trucks wouldn't have enough water to put that fire out anyway. At that heat, the water just vapors and loses almost all of it's cooling properties. These fires are a lot hotter than a normal wood fire, due to all the chemicals that are burning, so normal methods won't work too well, unless you had just put the entire boat into the ocean.
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+11 155. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Wingsuit From Via Ferrata to Waterfall

Don't go chasing waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to. I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all, but I think you're moving too fast.
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+11 156. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Street Fighter Crazy Drunk Russians Edition

Oh man, if that was a lighter instead of a phone, and he lit his cig, i would have dropped dead of pure boss'ness...
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+11 157. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 3 year old with a strong grip

If you don't let your kids fall and hurt themselves, they will turn out to be weirdos who have no concept of what hurts and not. Getting hurt is an important part of learning empathy, so being overprotective and "rescuing" your kid all the time will eventually create a person who is lacking empathy, and have a bad understanding of physical danger.
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+11 158. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Dude throws a rock at Lamborghini Aventador...

Hm, what is really going on here... the dude is talking about "keep racing, just do it", but i understand that he is being sarcastic. I'm thinking, this lambo has been racing these streets, making noise and probably most parents afraid for the children, etc etc, and this guy just had enough. And i think they knew they were guilty, cause they took off instead of stopping and talking to the guy, but that could also be that they got scared of him. I mean, crazy man with a rock in his hand, no money can fix that at the spot, so yea, maybe they were scared. I dunno, those are just my vague assumptions based on a very short clip... but i would love to get the full story on this one tho...
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+11 159. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ants Work in Harmony

#2 Those are the supervisors. Ever been to a McD and seen a manager just hanging around the cashier area and overlooking stuff? Its pretty much the same thing going on there. (im writing satirically btw, with a hint of sarcasm, jfyi)
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+11 160. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Meanwhile in Romania

Those people just walking by towards the end, not even recognising the fact that they are pulling someone out of the pipe. Just another normal day :P
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+11 161. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Ever Seen A Clam Lick (Or Kick) Salt?

#1 im sure he appreciates the compliment ;) (its me btw, thx)
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+11 162. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Demon Prank

1:10 "Take your time man!" Best reaction ever :D
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+11 163. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Room service

Thats just too damn adorable! :D
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+11 164. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Surfing a big wave while on fire...

Running out of ideas i guess?
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+11 165. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video This Chinese Girl Effortlessly Roller Skates Under 18 Cars

I guess rush hour isn't a problem for her :P
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+11 166. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video RC Car Racing

Oh man, i wonder what it would look like from a gopro cam on the car :D
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+11 167. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Static Electricity On Polyethylene Roll

This looks like a good place for polyethylene to unwind a bit
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+11 168. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The AirBar™ sensor - Get touch on your new or existing PC

I want one. Where i'm gonna use it? I have no idea. But i want one!
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+11 169. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Giant RC plane destroyed

I love the fact that they had emergency team for the RC flying :D
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+11 170. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Happy New Year Snotr!!!

Welcome to 2017! :D
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+11 171. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Jogger takes interview question too literally

"What is your first and last name"
"Erica O'Donnell"
"Can you spell your first and last?"
"f-i-r-s-t a-n-d l-a-s-t"

(i had to listen to it several times to get to the joke, being non native aussie speaker :P )
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+11 172. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Revenge of the tree

The tree was rooting for itself :P
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+11 173. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Guess who is in charge

If that was me, those shorts would have a darker color...
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+10 174. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Most depressing cooking show...ever...

This guy is so depressing that the onions cut themselves...
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+10 175. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How to make your boomerang come back

Hehehe, ok, it was silly, very ha ha'ish, but it was funny tho :P
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+10 176. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Bullied kid's dream comes true

I'm almost 34 years old, i come from a sort of rough past, i have tattoo's and i don't look like a pussy. But i started crying watching this one... fucking people, someo of them should be happy i don't know them. And some of you, i wish i knew, refering to all the good guys out there. Kudos!
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+10 177. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Spray Painting

The finishing touch was the nice one, when it all comes together. It's fairly easy tho, it's something anyone can try with their kids, or by themselves.
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+10 178. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How to start up a Boeing 737

This video is nice. Next time a friend claims they can fly a plane, I'll check their knowledge against this video, and bust their balls.
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+10 179. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Classical Drumming

The drums are to much in the front of the audio picture, they should have been half to a whole a decibel lower. And i do get the feeling the drums are just a tad halting, seems he is barely pulling it off, just managing to follow the writes. It could have been better tbh, even tho it was amusing.
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+10 180. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Noodling

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+10 181. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video African aircraft test flight

This has to be a spoof... please tell me this is some sort of sketch, something, anything but real...
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+10 182. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Parking ticket prank

You know, it's fully possible for you to go out and give some money to homeless people as well. Next time you get offended because the people being cheered up isn't the ones in need of it (according to your view), think about why you are judging them, and not at least, think about if you are in the position to judge them. We don't know if the guy on the last frame is dying from cancer, we don't know if the women in green is being abused by her boyfriend. We don't know if the guy with t-shirt just lost his parents. Helping one of them might trigger them to help someone else, and there you have your circle. It's all good man, don't let it ruin you.
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+10 183. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Shark Attack

Sharks are always misunderstood, this shark just wants to play. Play with his food.
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+10 184. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Incredible Save by Houston FD

Man, i'm glad this guy is strong, a lot of people might have not been strong enough to hold onto that edge and flip into the next one. Proper hero move right there.

the ladder can't move too quick either, you might risk slinging off the people. The perspective is hard to see too, so they might actually be further away from the falling wall than it looks like. But i do agree, those seconds waiting for the ladder to reach, seemed like the world was standing still for me...
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+10 185. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Un-pickable lock with an amazing design

#1 but you still have your bike ;)
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+10 186. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rescuing a Pit Bull who just wanted to be loved

#1 isn't that very much alike life for us humans as well? Meaning relationships. I think most of us has been with someone that "put out food and snuck a leash around our neck", but it doesn't stop us from trying again later with someone else. It's a game of chance, sometimes you just have to be trusting the unknown :)
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+10 187. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Guy In Family Nissan Maxima Beats Turbo-Charged Porsche

If someone sat in a car like that outside a bank, i would be suspicious...
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+10 188. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Batman Vs Darth Vader

i'll quote a comment from YT, "Everyone else is bitching about who would win and why, i'm just sitting here and admiring the fact we live in a day and age where we can watch Batman and Darth vader duke it out like they would in a movie.?"
Thats why i wanted to post this, cause its amazing what we get to experience today with modern technology :) Hope some of you enjoyed it! All credits to Aaron Schoenke
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+10 189. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video TOP 10 DEMOLITION GONE WRONG

Couldn't have done a normal 1 to 10 without all the narrating and "fancy" borders on the clips :P
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+10 190. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The hay burns quickly

Should be easy to find the needle now, should be glowing hot :P
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+10 191. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Mammy, mammy, mammy!

"So Grandma, how was the trip?"
"Oh it was wonderful dear, i was crowd surfing on a bunch of drunk, young, handsome men"
"oh how nice... wait.. .what?"
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+10 192. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Watch this though this is pretty slick

Ass-tronomic failure :P
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+10 193. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia......

Hm... i can't put my finger on it, but my gut is telling me the driver did that on purpose...
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+10 194. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Crafting ice artist

now THAT was pretty cool :P
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+10 195. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Half-Life 2: Crossbow Endurance

As a hardcore casual gamer, this wasn't even close to a challenge :P i even enjoyed the video, good times, good times :D
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+10 196. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Close call

Seems they started the transition to right side driving, but someone didn't get the memo :P
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+10 197. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video FoldiMate Early Prototype in Action

Not to be "that guy", but this is the speed i fold my clothes manually...
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+9 198. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Darpa's latest pant shittingly awesome robot

I'd like to see you train a donkey to report back what it sees, crawl into collapsed buildings and send back images of the damage/injury. Also equip it with night vision, thermal, and whatnot. Not to mention the actual person that would need to guide it.

This robot is an early stage prototype, which is not intended to be used for anything else than the research purpose. The goal in the future is to have smaller, stronger, longer lasting, and more "educated" units to perform various tasks at any given environment.
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+9 199. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Weird "Talent"

why on earth do you think she "needs" to do it? To me, this is her way of taking something extra ordinary from something that was really tough and hard, and using it to make people question their eyes, and smile, get amazed, get curious, something.. different! It's like magic, do you feel sad about magicians too?
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+9 200. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What usually inaudible creatures sound like

That snail eating lettuce, priceless...

i've heard a pin drop on the floor, no problem.
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+9 201. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Zach Braff helps a guy propose to his girlfriend

That was really nice, hope i one day will be doing the same, in my own way :)
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+9 202. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Bold Hungry Raccoon

Damn that ending was priceless! :D
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+9 203. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video WORLDS LARGEST SHIP

Somewhere, deep inside one of all those containers, is my package from dealextreme...
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+9 204. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Skilled dart thrower

A lot of ppl misunderstand the meaning of the word "sports". It doesn't require you to go full retard on all muscle groups, it's about the competition. F1 is a sport as well. So is pool/snooker, and many others. Partially why there is a difference in the words, training and exercise, because one gets related to physicals, while the other to a more total package of meaning.
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+9 205. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Skydiving on a budget

stop looking in the mirror!
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+9 206. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Ups and downs

Things we worry about in daily life becomes pathetic compared to the essence of this video, and we need to be reminded of that. Humans are like that, we forget, too much...
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+9 207. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Whipped Cream Frozen With Liquid Nitrogen

It's ok, they are using low fat cream. But you can maybe try with soya cream if you want it healthier :)
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+9 208. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Audio from a NES transposed and played live on computer

The circle is complete. It started with transferring what was played on the instruments, into computers. And now we are making the computer transfer what is made into the instruments...
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+9 209. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Arnold Schwarzenegger - 6 rules to success speech

Sleep faster, hehe, love it
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+9 210. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia...

i guess he didn't see them coming
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+9 212. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Boxing makes you bigger

Hm, this is giving me the wrong signals. If the guy had given him an asswhopping, and then showed him how to do hard work, either via working, or boxing, then it would a better view. If not, then this is a very good excuse for any hungry person to rob someone else, that is potentially hungry as well. I do not agree with this view...
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+9 213. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video New high-tech car theft device showing up in the US

many cars don't have a cylinder keylock for the ignition, just a chip that reacts when the key is close enough. I guess that part is hackable too. There was another video here on snotr a couple, three months ago about a dude who literally hacked a car to do what he wanted. I was not suprised at all.
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+9 214. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Don't Tell Mummy!

TT and JJ, this video is filmed on a closed court, and the driver is a semi professional rally driver that has 2 bronze medals in the local racing club from just this year alone. He is also an instructor of safety for the junior league.
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+9 215. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Just a Man Ironing a Shirt

I will follow #7's example, and ease the pain a bit more with another one;

It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.
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+9 216. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Fail !!!

I wonder where that fish has gone. You did love it so. You looked after it like a son.
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+9 217. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cat makes a mess, then cleans it up..

I am after #2, is that why the seat is warm?
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+9 218. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video I Let My Friends Drive My Ferrari 360 Modena

I drive an old (but good) Honda CBR600F2, and i totally understand the smiles on their faces when it comes to feeling the power push you along the road. But that's why i mention my bike, cause you don't need a ferrari to enjoy that, anything with a bit of power is fun if handled correctly :)
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+9 219. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video LumiLor Electroluminescent Coating

Sing me up! I want!
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+9 220. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Raw: NASA Captures Solar Flare

So much energy in the universe, and we're struggling to harvest it still... makes me sad :(
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+9 221. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Richard Turner - The Cheat

When i saw the description, and then the video, i had a hard time believing this man is blind. I did some research, and i was proven wrong, he started going blind already at the age of 13. I am utterly and hands down, amazed, this is incredible...
edit: btw, i've tried to make a better audio version of this, gonna submit it and see if they think its better.
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+9 222. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Redneck Couch Moving

Im curious how they got it up there the first time :P
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+9 223. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Limo vs Train

"Ok, you can stop now train... train? Stop? ffs, TRAIN! STAAAAAHP!!!!"
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+9 224. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Butterfly Boy's Skin Falls Off With The Slightest Touch

just nothing but admiration of the spirit of this poor lil fellaw, brave man.
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+9 225. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video BROTHERS BRING THE HOOD TO THE 'BURBS AT CHRISTMAS

They should have dropped the "acting tough and scary" part (especially reaching for the inner pocket on jacket, that was a dickhead move). No need to scare people when the message is about love and peace.
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+9 226. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Drone footage of drone clearing of the Trollstigen Road in Norway

#2 the weight of the snow makes it really compact, they rarely slide out. The only issue is really if it start snowing again, it can fall over a meter during a night. But then they just take another drive ;)
I've driven there many times myself, and i gotta say that most ppl are gonna get disappointed with the view while driving over there, you can't really see much over those edges :P And if it starts snowing, you have to drive in what we call "Kolonne kjøring" which basically means you have to trail the car in front really close while the front of the line has the snow plow guiding the lane. It can actually be quite scary for anyone who hasn't done it before. They close the road on both ends tho if its too bad so ppl can't get in and get stuck. That mountain drive is however a sight if there only half meter snow, the view is fantastic. Its not very far from where they filmed parts of Star Wars 5 btw, fun fact ;)
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+9 227. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Storm in Central NY 09/08/2016

They did try to continue filming, but due to the massive amount of electric disturbance, the camera got knocked out. The thunderstorm practically sent out an "EMP" that destroyed/disabled almost everything in a 10 mile radius. They had to spent 2 days without any power afterwards, and there was a lot of damage from the lightning itself. I am of course totally bullshitting :P
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+9 228. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Amazing Tractor Stunt - Slide Down A Steep Hill

This must be fake. There is no way that little steering house can hold his massive balls!!
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+9 229. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video A wise African Tricks a Baboon!!

I'm glad this was posted again tho, i didn't catch this video before and it was just priceless! :D what a pair :D
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+9 230. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Tug boat pushed under water by cruise ship

I'm from Norway and i can confirm, we do this a lot. We come with our big ships, and we see that lil tug boat and we think "better sink that lil fekker before he grows big and gives us competition". Sorry... its just in our nature to sink small boats...
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+9 231. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Athlete tries to become first dwarf ironman

Its a funny metaphor, in a mature sense. This guy is smaller, so the goal seems a lot bigger to him than a normal grown person, which in all aspects, it is. It will also reflect his achievement if he can do it, as the road is longer for him than taller people. I could do the same race, but never achieve the same, its his prerogative, and his kind only in this context, and its a wonderful thing to see that a disability (if its called that) can exclude the other way around too for once, without it being negative. There is something challenging for every person out there, every day, but we pull through, and do things like this. You go you little man! Win that shit!
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+9 232. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Hungry chickens

Unexpected. I thought the chickens were gonna feast on her body or something :P
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+9 233. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Coldstream Guards make a little lads birthday something really special!

I'm pretty sure liquid nitrogen is warmer than the heart of whoever downvoted this video...
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+9 234. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Motocross Biker Attempts One of The Most Insane Jump Ever

I've stood at the top of a ski jump once, called Holmenkollen in Norway. I looked down, and i said "nope, just nope nope nope nope nope" and went back down...
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+9 235. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Dashcam Shows Student Juggles to Prove Sobriety to Police

His license plates!! :D:D:D
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+9 236. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Smart wheelchair-friendly solution that should be everywhere..

#8 hahaha, his comment made me think of this joke

"I was offered sex today, with a 21 year old girl, in exchange I was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner to my friends. Of course I declined because I am a person of high moral standards with strong will power. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner, now available scented lemon or vanilla."
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+9 237. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video ... until the cops showed up !!!

Graphics on par with an early 90's movie :D Looked like some school project for some 3dfx :P
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+9 238. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Is the Moon a planet or a star?

Come on, everyone knows that the moon is a chunk of cheese!
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+9 239. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Diarrhea in the elevator Prank

#2 i think the shit part already was taken care of :P
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+8 240. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Shooting the Biggest Guns Money Can Buy

And what would be wrong about leaving the guns there at that field, locked in safe? I just don't get why people need to have those kinda guns at home...

Sometimes the view gets better when seen from someone who doesn't have the experience. When i went to school, and we got assignments where we would pick a theme ourselves, i would always pick the theme i would know the least about, so that i would learn something completely new. Thats how i see this guy fits very nice to make a short documentary like this, it gets pure and unbiased in a way...
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+8 241. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video It's amazing how good people can be with wood

Watching people do what they do, when they are good at it, is indeed awesome!
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+8 242. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Helping hands ...

I'm thinking this guy has been, or is, living in a farm area. For most people in the country side this is "normal knowledge". Good thing tho, prob saved both lives.

And yea, a farmer can look "modern" as well, in case anyone was having a stereotypical image in their head already :P
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+8 243. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Smugglers Hide Cigarettes In Logs

I gotta give them credit for trying, but the more i think about this methode, the more stupid it seems. I'm far from a trained customs officer, but if i saw logs with that clearly indicated circle on the bottom, i would raise my eyebrow. Another aspect, is why would anyone import logs? This is a huge gray area tho, as there are many variables. The tree itself might be rare. The region/country might be a dry place with little or now vegetative growth, etc etc. But lets say it was on it's way into a country like canada, usa, most european countries, and such as, i would be suspicious just for the fact that wood would be easy to obtain locally.
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+8 244. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Otter Jumps in Car and Refuses to Leave

you're kinda right, as you see #3 and #4 think the otter is trapped and is scared and trying to escape. It's having just having fun.
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+8 245. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Good man saving wolf

It's kinda hard to keep calm in that awkward situation, i don't know how many times you've encountered a live wolf, I sure as hell have never, and prob would have felt the adrenaline rush quite a bit, just like i imagine this guy is feeling.
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+8 246. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel does it again

"Thanks, you made me look stupid"

No ma'am, you did that all by yourself I'm afraid. BUT i do credit her for being a good sport, kudos ;)
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+8 247. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Robot gymnast catches the bar after a backflip...

Yea, they kinda flipped out...
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+8 248. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Video Room 1000 Complete MIX

He could have just reencoded the file 1000 times without using youtube.
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+8 249. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video A-10 Warthog Gatling Gun Test

And that would be this one?
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+8 250. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Odds: 1 in 2.7 billion.

You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em
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+8 251. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Knife Guyz

I played around with some Adobe After Effects a couple years ago, and yea, it takes A LOT of time to do this stuff. The precision they are editing within here is pretty amazing.
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+8 252. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Crossfit Fails Compilation

2:00 That's exactly how i react when my gf shuts off the tv while i'm fighting a boss in dark souls 2...
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+8 253. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Backflips at the beach

I guess... (here it comes!)... he totally flipped out!
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+8 254. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video $330,000 watch that has all the planets rotating at there exact pace

Hm, I could get this watch... then again, i could also get a NEW APARTMENT!
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+8 255. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Mortal Kombat Goro suit from the 1995 movie

#2 at just a fraction of the budget of jurassic park, bear that in mind. Back in the days when it came out, we loved the movie. We didn't complain about SFX or bad acting. We just loved the fact that we had a Mortal Kombat movie. Comparing it to a spielberg movie at high budget is a bit unfair.
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+8 256. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video If You Need To Make A Lot Of Popcorn In A Hurry

I've seen a lot of gadgets and tools and machinery, and usually i have a good understanding for how it works. On this one, i'm lost, wtf is actually happening...?
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+8 257. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video A different show

They should perform at hospitals or something, cause if that doesn't make you smile, youre DEAD! :D Awesome!
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+8 258. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video The last Teabender

Where i live, the cashier takes my money, and puts a cup under a machine and presses a button :| my place is boring...
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+8 259. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video My first day with my drone.. couldn't have gone any better!

That was actually quite funny :x
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+8 260. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video This Is What It's Like To Get Hit With Flame Retardant From A Plane

At the end i swear i heard Blood Rave start playing...
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+8 261. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Hasan chops :D

It's "that's not a knife, (pulls out his own knife and looks to it) THATS a knife"


(sorry... :P )
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+8 262. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Oil Change Scam: A Hidden Camera Investigation

#1 and not just in the automotive business, its all over the place. Its partially why i don't work in the service area anymore, i didn't feel like pushing stuff onto people if they didn't really ask for it or needed it. Im a very bad salesman, but i'm a damn good customer relations person!
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+8 263. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Otter jumps from water into boat to steal a fish

What if i told you im not like the otters?
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+8 264. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Tipping Pizza Delivery Guys $100 Magic Trick

Some people might say these people make these videos to make themselves look good and gain popularity, and sure, i'll buy that, they probably do. But if the bi-product of this action is that random people get their day made, i can't see any reason why not to like this. A smile and a happy face is worth it, so keep going with this, its a trend i support and hope continues. I hope the entire internet becomes a war of "who is most charitable" tbh, can't see anything negative about the actual effect on the streets.
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+8 265. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Video Shows Terrifying Moment E-Cig Explodes In Man’s Pocket

Is that a vape in your pants or are you just happy to see me? :P Seriously tho, this can happen to ANY device with a battery these days. The battery was most likely faulty, and it happens, we can never secure ourselves 100% in anything in life. Expect this to happen to a certain % all over the world.
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+8 266. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video World's Funniest Engineering Fails

41 and 40 was kinda cool actually
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+8 267. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Carjacking Ends Bad for the Carjackers

Another gun nut posting videos to defend the right to have a gun... totally agree with both 1 and 2, this shit is just stupid.
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+8 268. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video This dude HATES his neighbors.

hahaha, oh my... i can't help but get images of Steamboat Willie in my head :D
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+8 269. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video 3D Printed Digital Sundial

I'm speechless... :O That is just amazing...
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+8 270. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Looks Like An Accident, But This Is How They Unload Timber In Canada (HD)

Ah, lots of new matches for Tinder... :P
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+8 271. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Romanian Polka Band Does Katy Perry

Hm, i might be wrong (prob am) but isn't the guy speaking polish in the start?

oh, and #1, snotr is for everyone, and anyone, it has something for each of us, including this funny polka version of the song. Not every video can be ground breaking, mind blowing stuff, we need trivial and fun stuff too ;)
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+8 272. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Most Powerful Car Crusher?

I love how the steering goes bonkers, as if its trying to escape :D
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+8 273. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Teller performs his mind-boggling "shadows" trick

There is a reason why these two are considered some of the best magicians out there, they never cease to amaze me. I'm gonna throw a guess on this one. The flower is equipped with some sort of chemical glue, or a thin wire that he remotely triggers. The trigger is maybe on the knife itself. The shadow of the blood is premade, as you see his hand is slightly moving while the shadow is "dripping" on the same place, this is his only visible flaw in this trick. I'm guessing the flow of blood is happening on the backside of the sheet. The red blood effect is of course some ampul inside his hand, we just don't see it. Anyone got a better/different idea?
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+8 274. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video This man's words will change your thoughts on homeless people

The problem with most humans, you, me, and pretty much most of us, is that we tend to forget these people after we pass them on the street. There is something collectively and fundamentally wrong with our society, but damn if you ask me when we took that wrong path, i don't know. Don't get me wrong, im just as guilty as many of us, but not as guilty as the very few that started this "illness" in the first place, and im gonna point fingers at the big elephant, money/economy. Its our greed that has gotten to us, nothing less, nothing more, but it started with the power of gold. The question is, how can we end it? The most obvious and "simple" way is to "de-throne" all the richest and most powerful people in the world, whether they earned it or not, and delete artificial debt (money that doesn't really exist).
Will it happen, or are we too far into the shit to get out?
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+8 275. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How to arrive late for work

Full Disclosure, love it :D Once in the army i was late for a morning parade and my sergeant was annoyed and asked me (with his typical army authority voice); So private, do you have an excuse for being late?". I promptly replied "No Sergeant!". He got really baffled and only managed to squeak out a lil "aite then, get in line..." I guess no excuse is sometimes better than a bad one :D
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+8 276. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Awesome dog vs Walrus

Fenton! FENTON!!
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+8 277. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Ice Blocks - How it's made

#2 if you look strictly on the title alone, you might see the irony/sarcasm in my comment ...
edit: I have done that btw. I live in norway and we have all sorts of conditions, i've had the local lake being 2 meters thick at times. One year it was totally crystal and we could see fish swimming around a meter and below. The lens thing is something we did as kids when i spent a year in the boy scouts. So yes, i have experience with ice, both crystal and as white as a sheet of paper ;)
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+8 278. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Ice Blocks - How it's made

Holy Shit! Ice blocks are made of frozen water? I am mindblown... :O O:) :D
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+8 279. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video This should be in every kitchen and garage

#1 you should have watched the entire minute, as they cover that its tested up to 35 000 volt and mentions electrical fire as well :)
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+8 280. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Volvo Trucks Emergency braking at its best!

#2 or a giant ramp, make it proper michael bay style :D
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+8 281. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video A hug is worth a thousand words.

I think and believe that dogs can sense our "aura". Our so called "aura" isn't an invisible forcefield, but its actual pheromones and hormones being produced, and other substances. The dogs can pick up these traces, and they have learned that these "aura's" might change when they interact with the person giving off this "aura". When you're happy, you produce "happiness", and the dogs know that this is good, because you're acting good around the dog while you're in this mood. If you get angry, you start producing "anger", and the dog don't want this, and it will interact, in hopes of you producing the "happiness" instead.
The reason why i'm quoting these words is that i don't know what the substances related to the spesific mood or feeling, so im using an easier term to describe what i mean. But yea, our mood gives off a physical trace in form of those things, hormones, pheromones, seratonin, i have no idea which goes where, but yea, u get the idea i guess...
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+8 282. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Escalator Fail Compilation!

that escalated quickly ...
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+8 283. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Tree is so huge it took 126 photos to show it all

"Hey, Will, how about we just... you know, take the pictures further away?"
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+8 284. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Car vs building

Ok, this 3D printing business is going out of control...
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+8 285. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Mole Dig His Way To Freedom

Man - "Do you like the lawn?"
Mole - "Yea man, i'm digging it!"
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+8 286. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video White moose

Beautiful animal, must have felt quite extraordinary to encounter it. If the moose was an albino, he might have not been able to see the cameraman which let him get so close for this footage. Either way, good catch of the cameraman, was amazing to watch :)
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+8 287. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Ice cream that did not melt in room temperature for 2 hours

#1 who knows tho, if it keeps food from spoiling, maybe your body will last longer too :P
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+8 288. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Bus Driver Saves Woman From Jumping Off Bridge

I honestly got a lump in my throat from watching this... we need to be nice to eachother, everyone... <3
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+8 289. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

Rear naked choke, palm strikes, this officer had proper martial arts training and knew how to apply it, and the result was almost no damage at all and the situation got defused. Not a single shot fired. I hope others take note and try to apply it to their force too.
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+8 290. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Vibing out 1 hour, in isolation!

Pft, thats easy. I would have just waited exactly 1 hour!! :P :(|)
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+8 291. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Dog and Fence

I honestly don't know how to respond to this video, there are so many questions i would like to ask that dog, i cant even...
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+8 292. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video New Age Guru Thinks His “Energy Shield” Will Protect Him, Challenges the Wrong Guy

Makes me think of that woman who claimed she could live from absorbing sunlight. She died.
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+8 293. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video That Is NOT a Catfish on the End of the Line

#1 The floater keeps moving after he releases it. Some elaborate joke that must be, a remote steered aligator?
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+7 294. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Stunt man jumps over speeding Lamborghini

I don't want to try tbh...
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+7 295. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Collision between two cargos in Singapore detroit

I've been behind the helm myself quite a few times, and i know how boats and ships handle in water. Judging from this video, i can only come to a couple conclusions.
Machine failure, or
Human miscommunication between the two ships, or
Other failures, like helm, rudder, propeller, etc.

There is no way in hell that both captains were 100% in this video, to much space around. Both ships could have opposite turns and avoided it, and that might be miscommunication again, maybe they mixed up who was gonna take which turn.

I'm betting engine failure tho, most common cause, cause you lose so much of the steering and makes it hard to maneuver.
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+7 296. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Tight Truck Manuevering Skills

I think that it would have taken the same time to do that as well. He only used 1 min 39 seconds to turn it around. Those hangers are really heavy too tho, and hard to push manually in that kinda road.
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+7 297. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Chilling 911 Call of a young man with amputated leg asking for help

Powerful experience, im a grown man, but i felt like starting to cry several times, thinking about how strong that young man was... If there is a time to use the phrase "Respect", this is it.
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+7 298. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Prank to a flight attendant

Yea, listen to mr mature here!!! Hear hear, be serious, be adult and do not smile and laugh and have fun!

or you know what? screw it, i'd rather go through life smiling and laughing!! :D
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+7 299. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Blanka is a troll

Oh my, i actually laughed out loud on this one :D
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+7 300. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Most advanced car cassette player ever made (1988)

If you watched this video to the end, you were born in the 80's or earlier :P
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+7 301. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Cliff collapses at a beach in France

Well, next time, don't!
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+7 302. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Tornado vs House

If they built the house of the same material that is holding the camera...
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+7 303. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Soldier homecoming surprise

Ok, he did that just to be cool... which he was :D
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+7 304. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Greyp G12 - Future Bike

Brilliant. But knowing my country (Norway) i think there would be some restriction on it, making it practically illegal, going under motorized vehicle or something bs like that. 6000 euros, worth it if it is a good build, meaning i would expect it to last 10 years with regular maintenance, and not cost a soul to replace parts if they break. Concept is brilliant, so i can only hope for it to arrive here too.

Edit (as i write, i see comment above me too about 11kw, and there goes the restriction i was aiming at...)
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+7 305. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Too Much Caffiene for Biker kid

wow, a kid is a bit over excited, and you are all bashing him? I feel sorry for the bunch of ya...
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+7 306. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Hamster drives a truck

The big question lingers tho... did he get the carrot?
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+7 307. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Dodgy electrical wiring, or modern day genius!?

Hm, anti climax, i thought there would be a twist to this...
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+7 308. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Perfectly synchronized gears on high-speed servos

That's why this is so amazing, we expect it to go wrong at that kinda speed :)
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+7 309. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Liftware Launch Video

This also helps lifting the tabu about having such a disorder, as a lot of stigmatizing lies within that people sometimes cannot function at the same level as "normal" people, thus rendering others a bit unsure on the capabilities, and the fear of making things worse by treating them as "normal" people. If you knew someone in a wheelchair, it would be hard to ask them to come f.ex. skiing, or something else that requires full body usage. If those in the wheelchair, had equipment to make them able to do these things, we would be able to interact with them as we do with anyone, and a huge barrier would be lifted. I hope we get there in my lifetime.
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+7 310. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Self defense scam fail

Wow... i am lost for words, just wow...
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+7 311. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Damascus Steel

I can't be the only one who was hoping to see a knife with a twisted blade...
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+7 312. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rubik's Cube Speed Record

I don't know this for sure, whether "it" does this or not tho, but i get a feeling the visuals are already calculated, and movements programmed before they "set it off". In my opinion, solving a rubiks cube should be from an unviewed "messed up" cube, that's at least how we did it as kids, handed them over to your friend, made them twist it so you couldn't see, and hand it back and then starting the time when handing it over.
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+7 313. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Charity boyfriend

not really, its more like normal stockholm syndrome, reversed would be where the kidnapper/holder would start loving their captives for real. (sorry, im very fun at parties too btw...)
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+7 314. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Undercover Prank On Gordon Ramsay

"Here comes Juanny!"

the axe part was funny. #1 oh, he was a bit freaked out, why do you think he was calling for his assistant Jen all the time? Cause he was silently panicking and he didn't want to be there, he was upset, trust me ;)
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+7 315. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video How It's Made - vacuum tubes

Poetry for my mind! Loved it :)
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+7 316. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Inside a self-righting vessel during a capsize trial

#4 The ocean changes along with the weather, there is lots of indications whether a precaution should be taken or not. And judging from the class of this boat, it's meant to be used in emergencies where you should be expected to buckle up just by using it. In other words, if you're already in this boat, fuck the goods and secure your own life :P
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+7 317. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video How viking handles moose attack

What the fuck was she imitating, some sort of miniature battle penguin? Seriously tho, she had no idea what situation she was in. The guy did the right thing. If you encounter wild animals like that, the worst idea is to start running, unless you are 2 meter from a tree you know for sure the animal can't chase you up in. I have no idea if they got close on purpose or got surprised, but good thing the dude had balls, or it could have been a pretty nasty incident.
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+7 318. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video England v Peru: victory by 3 goals and a paper plane

It's not the guy in the video's plane that reaches all way down, but another person to the right further down. At 5 seconds mark you see the first guys plane just hit the crowd, then another plane emerges just at the same time from another person.
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+7 319. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Kansas Supercells

#6 Album is called "Supercell this!" Tracks are Stormriders, The eye of the storm, Another rainy day, Whirlpool of clouds, Magnetic interruption, A view to envy, Time is lapsing and Thunder.
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+7 320. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Christopher Hitchens getting Waterboarded voluntarily

#(removed comment) Yea, i'm pretty sure old torture methods wouldn't work on you, after all, it's not like it's been used for centuries for make people talk, not at all... The large bucket is to collect water from pouring btw, nothing less dramatic.
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+7 321. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video A sea lion and little girl playing

Last few seconds were adorable...
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+7 322. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Otters playing keyboard

Was hoping they were gonna play Foo Fighters, "what if say i'm not like the otters"
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+7 323. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Crow rescue

#2 My exact thoughts too, it was more of gourmet experiment gone wrong :P I guess the bear has been in that place for such a time that it prob hasn't had much of a "fight" from anyone, and gotten used to very little pain. Then once he got a sting, it was like "oh, that wasn't so nice... meh, fuck it then..."
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+7 324. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Hoverbike,The coolest Invention in Drone Technology.

This is a lifting idea, i hope the business takes off.
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+7 325. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Japanese secret box

"What's in the box!?"
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+7 326. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Brian Cox visits the world's biggest vacuum chamber

The ending was the most interesting part for my sake, i havent heard that angle of it before.
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+7 327. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video GaffGun

Im so glad there was a comparison half way through, or else i would never have guessed that the "gun" was faster...
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+7 328. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video NFL 2015

#2 goto youtube and look for Bad Lip Reading, they have plenty of videos ;) But it can be a bit much it large doses, so just watch a couple at the time ;)
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+7 329. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Patience - timelapse movie

I was expecting a quiet video with like Patience of GnR or something. This gave me anything but the feeling of patience :P Frantic cutting, speed up footage, and intense and hectic music. Personally i don't tie any of those to the feeling patience.
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+7 330. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Futuristic highways in the Netherlands glow in the dark

So, its now July in 2015, did it ever happen?
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+7 331. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Unusual Way Fighter Intimidates His Opponents

Almost looks like Dexter in certain angles :P
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+7 332. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The Katana Queen

1:37 She puts Mel Gibson to shame :x (Braveheart reference for anyone who hasn't seen it)
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+7 333. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Bear sits next to guy

And then, at the very end, you realize that was just one of them :O
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+7 334. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Movember Mustache Removal 2015 (not for kids)

#1 he's not actually being serious, just saying...
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+7 335. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Do You Wrap Gifts for Blind People?

#2 Im gonna post this so you don't get the chance to edit your post. In some days, when you're in a good mood again, read your own comment then, and think if thats the person you wanna portrait yourself as. We can all have bad days, but the trick is to not post shit like that when you are in a bad mood, it doesnt help, nor is informative or anything productive at all.
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+7 336. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video This shows you how incredible and complex Beethoven's Symphony 5 is

#6 something like this - - .. - - __ -- Yea baby - - .. __-- yea --__--
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+7 337. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Thousands of chicks gather to listen to guys singing

#1 well played sir :D
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+7 338. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Atlas, The Next Generation

Hey guys, John Connor here, listen,i need to gather some ppl for some stuff that's going down soon...
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+7 339. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Rough sea

as #2 says, thats a bit more than just "rough seas". Rough seas don't come out of the blue, you will always see a graduate change on the ocean as the weather changes. This looks as said more like a tsunami or a wave from a landslide or similar. (unless the title is a metaphorical one, in that case yes, the sea can be rough :P )
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+7 340. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Woven bark fiber

I need to know where this guy lives, in case of an apocalypse. He never fails to impress me :)
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+7 341. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Charlie Chaplin - We think too much and feel too little

just fixing the link so its easier for others to click, your hashtag only redirects back to this video, not the other one.

If you watch Charlie's movies, you will see that he has a lot of messages to society, plain out in the open as well as hidden meanings and deeper philosophical issues.
This also reminds me of a good quote, whether its true or not, its a good quote
Einstein: What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you!

Chaplin: True. But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say.
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+7 342. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video People are awesome - Asia

#3 but you still take your time to open it just to comment. Congrats, you have become cancer :)
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+7 343. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video What it looks like when National News cuts away to Local News Affiliates

Useful video? Nah... Educating? not really... BUT, it was pretty cool to watch anyways, its one of those things one never really wonders or thinks about, but was kinda cool to see nevertheless :D

Edit: Oh, the new look of Snotr needs some getting used to, but i absolutely adore the spinning R in the top left logo! :D
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+7 344. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Flying over the Grand Canyon 1

Mute the video, and put on Ride of the Valkyries in the background :D
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+7 345. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Why Never Celebrate Too Early

to err is human :) I hope most of these people look back and are able to laugh like we do too :D
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+7 346. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The car chase in Ronin is awesome

This movie, and Heat (both with DeNiro) have some really excellent action scenes in them and are both great movies. Tho, i score Heat higher due to the length and a general higher level of atmosphere and editing. Not taking away anything from Ronin, really great movie as well if you're into really down to earth action/thriller/crime genre. If Heat is a 10, then Ronin is a solid 8.

The Taxi movies have some really amazing driving scenes in them as well.
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+7 347. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX

Oh come on you guys, he's doing what most drivers have dreamed of once in a while, but we can't. The law stops most of us. But it doesn't mean one can't watch the video and think that it looks like an awesome thing to do if you have the skills. And don't come and say this driver doesn't have skills, cause he does, prob a better driver
than most people me and you know. Now, of course, this is illegal for reasons, and good reasons, most people would die trying this. And yes, we're not supposed to "like it". But you know what? Screw that little norm, truth is, most drivers would prob try this out if they were given permission and a good car and they felt good about trying it, so its not the driving alone that is dangerous in this video, its the message that some people might pick up from it. We watch rallycross and other street racing on our tv's all the time, so it's not the actual driving people are "upset about", its just the fact that this is highly illegal and we're morally obligated to deem this kinda behaviour unfit for society in general. But god damn, a car driver should admit that it would be fucking awesome to try this kinda thing under the right circumstances, if that is truly the wish. Let's not be so prude that we cannot enjoy a dream or a wish...
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+7 348. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Federer gets lobbed by a kid

A day of your life... this is that kids day, awesome :)
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+7 349. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Possessed Ladder Walks On Out Its Own!

The stairs be like "mmmm, yea... thats the spot, keeping going down, mmm, yea.... oh yea..." :D
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+7 350. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How not to board a ship

Well, those pipes were supposed to be underewater pipes anyways :P
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+7 351. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Turbo Flush Activated

"Thats IT, youre going DOWN you little piece of shit!!" :D
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+7 352. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video ORACLE TEAM USA - Fun on Foils

Pretty majestic to see the entire hydrofoil get its lift. Being able to sail purely of wind power is something we've appreciated since the age of ships, and with modern technology, we see the amazing results of brilliant engineering :)
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+7 354. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Movie Phone Super Call

I had this urge to watch this clip... it was... calling to me :P
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+7 355. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Wedding bouquet throwing tip

#1 Different traditions around the world. Around here we throw the bride's bouquet as well.
#2 Maybe, i dunno, can't really tell tbh :P
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+7 356. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Nature hits back

I guess some of these people only can count to tree... :P
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+7 357. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Snake in restaurant

Where was this? Just so i know where NOT to travel, lol... that would prob make me faint :D
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+7 358. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How drugs affect our perception of time

So, if you're in a hurry, you take some coke. And if you have too much time, you smoke a joint. Seems legit :)
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+7 359. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video This man's words will change your thoughts on homeless people

#4 artificial debt is when someone owes money without the real money actually existing in the first place. I'll try to give an example. If you don't pay your bills, lets sayt 20 euro. Eventually a company will buy those 20 euro in debt, and then charge you the triple. Suddenly now, the 20 euro costs 60 euro of your existing money. But the company that bills you, they don't spend 40 euro to collect, they spend 15 minutes on a form and some paper. Somewhere along the lines, there is money created. Those money doesn't really exist. Maybe that wasn't the best example, but lets say a bank loans you a million for a house. You now have 1 million. But, here is the twist, so does the bank. On paper, they still own the money you are lending. Because they are the bank, all they need to do is guarantee your money is there. If everyone in the world was to withdraw everything in every bank, the system would collapse and there would not be enough money for everyone. And all of this is "artificially" created value, and to me quite absurd in the first place. But we have grown up with this, so its somehow acceptable and normal to most of us. I hope i made sense of my answer, i don't usually have these kinda conversation in english so i'm lacking a bit of proper word usage i guess...
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+7 360. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cyclist tries to descend like Froome but all goes badly wrong

"I'm two tired for this shit" - Bike
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+7 361. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The ruptured landscape of the New zealand after earthquake

Call me weird, but when our earth does these things, one cannot do anything but to be humble and amazed, maybe even awestruck. I find it beautiful... i hope nobody was hurt tho...
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+7 362. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Drone Photography Opens New View on Vertical Adventure

#3 from 1 min 40 sec there was like 20 seconds of actual drone filming, which is prob why ppl downvote. Im downvoting as well, as this is just another "look at us preparing for something cool" and then it doesn't really come. Its like those other movies that pops up, a bunch of teens climbing a cliff and jumping into the sea, adding some wub wub music in the background. You get to see 3-4 ppl jump, and the rest of the 5 minutes is just random images with music.
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+7 363. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video BMW hits MINI over issue of cutting traffic

There are two totally different sides here. The first one, which is in the beginning, she should have just let the driver in. Simple, efficient, and safe. Anyone with the concept of traffic flow knows to "sacrifice" yourself in this scenario. Now, we're moving onto the WTF part. That BMW driver must be insane. He could have fucking killed her and he/she should get both license and car revoked for lifetime, maybe even some months in jail to really feel it. Fucking hell...
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+7 364. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video World's fastest talking man sings Michael Jackson's BAD in 20 seconds

That was definitely Bad!
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+7 365. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video lightest metal ever

I was hoping for some music video, with really, really soft metal... i am disappoint... :'( on a serious note, yes #1, its as if they are making a michael bay movie isn't it, sort of ridiculous :D The science itself is a cool thought. Its been in the making for quite some years now, i've seen other similar projects the past couple years. Thumbs up for science and future :)
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+7 366. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How to Catch Moles Alive.

Hey, you can play golf, and maybe get a mole in one!
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+7 367. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Fastest Turtle In The World!

The human must have reminded him of a certain sleeping rabbit :P
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+7 368. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Surveillance video shows woman trying to stop car theft, Milwaukee

I honestly think it was brave, but stupid. If she fell off and got ran over, she could have been killed or severely injured. No car is worth a human life...
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+7 369. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Clock in the Amsterdam Airport

That is so freaking cool and well thought of, hands down! :)
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+7 370. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Reckless Mini Cooper Gets Served

According to local authorities, the mini cooper was passed by the truck and the driver felt for some reason he was entitled to pass the truck again and brake check him. The rental car driver was issued a huge fine and license suspended for 11 months.

However, i wanna point out i feel the truck was NOT in control of the situation. Imagine if the rental car did that brake because of a child running out in the road. There is no way the truck would have managed to stop in time, and when i took my license (sure, its years ago, but still) we learned that you should always drive in a way that you can stop for emergencies. Imo, the rental flashed his breaks many times before impact, giving warning for the truck to stop. No saying the dude was in his right to do that, by all means, it was stupid and dangerous, but i still feel the truck should have been able to stop without hitting him.
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+7 371. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Redneck Wedding


Tho, she DID say "Let it go, Dave!" :D
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+7 372. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Crazy road rage in North Vancouver 2017-09-19

That attitude the woman is showing there is the false confidence of someone who thinks his/her companion is able to protect them under any circumstance... its really fucking stupid and reckless and dangerous... i think the guy realizes and tries to tell her to get back in the car, but to no avail.
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+7 373. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Flame Throwing Drone Helps Remove Net on UHV Power Line

Ok, that was freaking cool :D
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+6 374. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Red Hot Nickel Ball In Water

That sound is the sound of pure awesomeness! Nature giving us a show worth every penny, or should i say, every dime and nickle...
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+6 375. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Luckiest people

The last one, oh my sweet goddess... I'd pee my pants at least 3 times before reaching the edge...
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+6 376. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Mind blowing new creative animation style

I gotta agree with #6 and #9. Hardly mindblowing. It was good, and it is very nicely done, but when i click a video having the word "mindblowing" in it, i do expect a bit more. Like it or not, which you'r not, and this comment will soon be hidden anyways :-P
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+6 377. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video A young Steve Irwin gets bitten by a snake on television

And classy "Sorry bout that" at the end... gotta love him... <3
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+6 378. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Voice-controlled Home Automation with Android

You're assuming that all people can walk and use their body normally. If you think outside the box, i think you will see several uses where this will be very helpful.
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+6 379. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Instant Slushies

So it actually took 3 hours, 15 minutes and 3 seconds :P Nevertheless, im WILL try it!
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+6 380. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Duck's first waddle after getting a 3D printed foot

Wonderful, i always enjoy seeing people who love their animals. Curious on how this will progress over time, hope Buttercup will be happy :)
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+6 381. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Throwable panoramic camera

I don't care about the usage, i just want one!
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+6 382. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Baked In A Buttery Flakey Crust

You, user, i dare you... say the line!

I messed up first time too :P
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+6 383. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Las Vegas Ghillie Suit Scare Prank

I find this clip very easy going and amuzing. The peoples reaction are so goog, but nothing like over dramatic. Innocent and clean prank, i like that :)

That short show, Just For Laughs also follows the same "code of honor", making pranks that are not emberrasing , but just showing how we are all just humans, with the same kinda of fears.
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+6 384. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video From the cockpit of a plane fighting the rim fire in Yosemite

i clicked c to change view... :'(
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+6 386. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How Does a Quantum Computer Work?

So, what he is saying is for us to be able to use quantum computers, we have to completely rewrite the algorithms, or rather, make totally new ones? Im "kinda" getting the grasp of this, but i think i lack some education to understand it all.
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+6 387. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Insane Motorcycle Emergency Brake

I haven't been in Germany in years, but i think i remember those unlimited speedways to have at least 3 lanes? I might be wrong, but would be nice to know where this is and what the legal limit is.
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+6 388. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cool visualisation of a Dial Up Modem Handshake

#6 & #7
Nope, Delta Force 1 and 2 actually. Well... and porn of course, but at that time, it was still called porn :p And mp3's... WinMX, Napster, and all those others which im starting to forget the names of... sigh, those times...
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+6 389. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Never trust a Tiger!

Yea, lets judge an entire race based on what you read in the papers and watch on the tely ;) I'm sorry, but you're in great danger of making yourself seem like an ignorant fool. What I'm talking about? Get out there, work in the streets, where things actually happen, and you will have a rude awakening about which people are doing what. Most of the people trying to save the planet from ourselves, are too busy doing just that, than to keep you updated on your facebook/twitter, so naturally, you don't see them, so they dont exist to you. Lets try this cancer thing again, shall we?
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+6 390. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video RC car with camera meets a group of lions

3:53 The lioness on the far left, she's seen some rough times and lived to tell about it. Gorgeous.
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+6 391. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Fox hunting under snow in an incredible way

The last thing those rodents hear, is what the fox actually says...
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+6 392. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video New high-tech car theft device showing up in the US

So, if someone asks about something, even tho it's not relevant to YOU, one should reply in a way that you divert them from the original thought towards the discussion you want yourself?
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+6 393. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Parkour, Cops, and Donuts

Well, at least he got saved from saving a bitch!
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+6 394. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rion Holcombe gets a special letter in the mail

That's awesome, best of luck Rion!
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+6 395. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Avalanche in italy

If that is a person moving in the red/brown cabin, i'm wondering what the hell they are thinking...
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+6 396. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Emily

nah, we're not meant to understand it all, it's part of becoming an adult :)
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+6 397. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Can You Solve This?

Point is that he already gives them a way to think, without them realizing it. It's how our brain works in most cases. He gives a sequence in increasing order, and because it's how we are taught to arrange numbers ideally, we follow him. If he had said 0,4,1, people would try to figure out why the last one didn't increase, and probably give answers based on the subtraction at the end instead. The whole expression "to think outside the box" is based on this very demonstration, that people rarely do think out of the box, unless they are specifically told so. We are normally programmed to follow rules, not breaking them.
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+6 398. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Teachers Read Tweets About Themselves

Whatever one says on a public website, one should be able to say in real life to peoples faces. I would never say that to someones face tho...
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+6 399. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Two Shot Trap Catch

his balls, as he was showing them off! hehe, nah, it was prob piece of the pigeon they launched second. They are not launched really hard, so they have a short and slow curve when they gain a bit height, you would be able to catch on without any harm if you tried. Unless you're really unlucky...
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+6 400. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Nellie choosing his guitar

I was comparing the black one to the white one, and i think the white one def sounded better, even through a (i assume) cell phone cam microphone. Man, i would go crazy in that place, i wouldn't be able to stop trying all the guitars there :D
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+6 401. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video New speed skiing World Record

I don't wanna brag or anything, but i used to hang out with one of the guys who worked at the same place as the cousin of a neighbour who lives nearby where the guy who sells those small pine trees they mark the path with.
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+6 402. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video How it's really like to work in IT

THE WEBSITE IS DOWN! :D I don't know how many times i've watched them, but i crack up each time :P
ep 2
ep 3
ep 4
and uhm, ep 4.5
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+6 403. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video A big surprise for newly married couple

Very well done, awesome voice even through bad recording, loved it.
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+6 404. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Severe Autism

I didn't know it was so severe at the self injury part. I don't have any children yet, so i can't really imagine how a mother and father are dealing with this in that way, tho my hearts bleeds when i see this, for all three of them... fuck, life is unfair sometimes...
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+6 405. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Homeless Man Gets A Home

4:25 that is the sound of happiness, right there... Good luck to you Eric, staying strong paid off :)
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+6 406. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cat trying to catch the bass

#5 catstep!
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+6 407. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 21 year old builds rally car that goes from 0 to 200 km/h in 7 seconds

He says he was no good in school, but yet achieved this. I don't think he was the problem, but the school failing to adapt to his needs. The school systems are based too much on being alike, when we are all different. I will put this guys lack of education on the system, and not him in that context. Happy he managed that, awesome to build something yourself.
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+6 408. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video $13k BMW motorcycle vs 1 million dollar Bugatti

The fastest mainstream and affordable Bikes tend to max out around 280-300 kmh, but cars like these can push it a bit further. If the track was a lot longer, i would bet the car would reach higher top speed than the bike, but we're talking pushing it really to the marginal if so. In pure power/speed ratio i say the car isn't worth it at all. But then again, i would rather have an accident with the car than the bike... lots of pro's and con's really... I'll just zoidberg this one!
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+6 409. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Milking the WORLD'S MOST VENOMOUS FISH

The toxicologist is also interviewed in another video about Steve Irwin, he was on one of the boats that was following him when he died. It was quite a nice interview,
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+6 410. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 11 Foods You Didn't Know Grew Like That

#3 I'm having a stupid day... what's the joke?
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+6 411. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Finland - Russia Ice-hockey final was a total referee-fiasco

#1 After you start watching MMA, no other sports are the same again... And i gotta say this, and I'm not exaggerating, i've seen more sportsmanship in MMA than i've seen in any other sport my entire life :S
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+6 412. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video French lighthouse shift change

I would have to change more than just the shift after that...
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+6 413. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video An Artisan Discovered

#9 carefull now, the downvote mafia is running around :P
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+6 414. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Thief steals the wrong biker's motorcycle

#2 If thugs and criminals start thinking that citizens will react this way, they will most likely think twice compared to just knowing nothing will happen to them unless they see the police. This isn't vigilantism imo. If he waited for the police i think that bike would have been long gone. The police isn't there to prevent a crime from happening, they are there to handle the aftermath and make sure the criminals get caught. We do have responsibilities regarding how we want our society, and if we stand back and let all bad happen without intervening, we're gonna lose that battle badly in the long run.
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+6 415. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Epic fail - 10 out of 10

#5 hehe yea, maybe, not the worst one i've seen tho, you also have the diving dude who dives into a pool from 15 meters or something, he gets out without any injuries. I just didnt see a "fail", that was my point. Funny and ungraceful, sure, i think i was expecting something totally different i guess :P
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+6 416. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video What Happens When a Bird Hits a Private Plane

The faces of the passengers, no words were uttered, none needed either, just silent awkwardness :D
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+6 417. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video How to build a bridge with grass in 3 days

#1 dont worry, i got it ;) Ni!
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+6 418. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Is this crossfit or just a really confused dude?

I think it looks fun :D
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+6 419. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Man Carves Pumpkin With Guns

#4 Why should i respect your country? I can and will respect you as a person and individual, but if i disagree with a country's politics and actions, i have all the right in the world to not respect the country. A lot of americans seem (as said, seems) to be very touchy and think it's meant personally towards the citizens of the country, while most of the critics is mostly aimed at the government and the leaders of the country. When you live in a country that makes a lot of noise, you need to adjust your sensitivity accordingly, or else you'll end up feeling butthurt every time someone criticizes your nation.
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+6 420. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Most Creative BMX Rider?

that little wakeboard over the puddy part was pretty cool :D
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+6 421. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Talking about a sharp knife...

Not taking anything away from that knife (i dont know it), but you can do this with a knife from Ikea as well. The quality of a knife mostly consists of two things, how long they stay sharp, and the size/weight ratio regarding balancing. A tomato is also a bad example to show off, as its very easy to cut, and im not sure what the sponge demonstrated :P
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+6 422. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Cleaning Up Seattle 'Gum Wall'

#4 he's not being 100% serious ;)
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+6 423. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Airtrax

#1 not very effective warning cones if the driver doesn't see them :D
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+6 424. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Robber beaten by victim in ATM room

at 0:37 you can see him hold out his hand, collecting the power hidden in his fist, and releasing the fury! Scary shit tho, glad he was able to put up the needed defence. And even more hopefully, the guy is in jail now.
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+6 425. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video What went wrong ?

Ah, cool! Nice :)
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+6 426. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How to sink a boat

Reminds me of the musicians on the Titanic. They must have thought the passengers never had seen a live band before, as they were all in hysteria and shouting out "A BAND ON THE SHIP!"
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+6 427. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Luciano Rosso craziest playback ever !

hehehe, same as said, dunno why, but i watched the whole thing. What a face, and what a character :D
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+6 428. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Four men save mom & child from sinking car

#5 if thats the thought you had, you might wanna revisit the books about Darwin's theories. I cannot see any context of those, and this video. The reports say that the car started to move with the child after the mother parked and got out, and the mother tried to get the child out but ended up getting dragged in with the car. If the child had died, it would have been the mother's fault. The child might be the next Einstein for all we know. Still wanna stick to Darwin?
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+6 429. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Why this weapon not shoot?

This however, would be a great time to introduce people to Darwin's theories, we have a live example right here!And i'm not even joking...
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+6 430. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

#2 i was also a bit downed by watching this, i thought it would be a funny setting, but this is just sad and its modern day humiliation in all senses... wish i could downvote several times, in fact, i'd go as far as asking the admins to remove the video to show that we don't approve of this.
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+6 431. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Oddly Satisfying (Marble racing in sand)

I picked green... :| Started out as 4th, and ended up needing a push over the finish line... :'(
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+6 432. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video suspect beat HIMSELF up in police car - then claim officers did it

isn't there like an expression or saying "dont beat yourself up over it"? :P
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+6 433. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Removing Rust With Laser

I just wanna try one, not sure i need to own one. Its just something oddly satisfying with this tool...
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+6 434. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Ostrich & Emu Meet Weasel Ball

I've never really thought about it until now, but an emu is pretty much just an ostrich without wings :P
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+6 435. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Jump from 25,000ft (almost 8km) in a net... Without parachute!

i'm just thinking... "what if he missed..."
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+6 436. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Compilation of Great Snooker Shots

#3 only way to achieve this is to send a HD camera back to the 80's and 90's ;)
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+6 437. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Longest Whip ever Cracked 238 feet 3 inches

Indie is drooling...
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+6 438. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Every Reality TV Show Ever

This isn't even a parody, its a pure copy of the real thing :D
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+6 439. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The Funniest Table Tennis Match in HISTORY

This was fun. It does make me think tho, about how serious we actually are about sports. It should be more fun like this :)
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+6 440. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hurricane Matthew warning

lol, wtf... is this for real? :x
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+6 441. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hang Massive - Once Again - 2011 ( hang drum duo )

A video with a guy is tuning this thing
I thought the different notes came from compartments inside, but its purely just the dent in the top that does the tone tuning. Cool stuff :)
#1 is that why you came? ;)
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+6 442. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Ski bike

#1 when it comes, please don't ride that thing in the video, we want you back in one piece :D <3
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+6 443. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Molten Glass 3D-Printed From a Kiln at 1900 Degrees

Looks like honey coming out, now im hungry :P
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+6 444. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video CLIMBING THE EIFFEL TOWER!

I guess some people just have that extra ::(|) gene in them... i still think its stupidity over anything else though. I get it, the need for the adrenaline, i get it. But its not much different from people who are drug addicts, willing to risk it all for a fix. Boil it down and there isn't much difference at all.
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+6 445. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The cutest future biker you’ll ever meet

What a lovely and genuine moment, loved it :)
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+6 446. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Elderly Chilean man injures himself stopping shoplifter

I've been in a couple of situations in my life where time has stopped, and you don't really think or act on what you normally do, but on instinct. I once caught my niece from stumbling head down the stairs, i managed to jump and catch her leg before she flew down. I had a cup of tea and a plate of sandwiches in my hands, but in that moment, they stopped existing. Another time i was working high up at a building, mounting a 3 meter long automatic window shutter. We were 1 guy short so it was just me and the other guy, and while mounting the shutter he slipped and fell off the scaffolding. I had no choice but to stand there and hold the 3 meter shutter with my arms stretched as far as they could, and wait til he got back up. You need 2 guys to lift those things, and i have no idea how i was able to lift and hold on to that thing, but i knew if i dropped it, it would prob hit my colleague on the way down, and god knows who or what on the way further down the remaining 8 floors. When he came to it and got back up we secured the shutter, and then i just lost all my power, i literally collapsed and was out for the rest of the day. I also stopped a guy from beating up another one, without really thinking about it. It was late night after a pub crawl and i saw a guy beating up a seemingly weaker dude down a street, and i just screamed at him "hey, stop and stand still or i will put you to the ground and call the police", resulting in the guy running away. I'm not a fighter, he prob could have beaten me too. But it worked i guess, i helped the other dude up he got to his feet and managed to call some friends that came to pick him up couple moments after.
But yea, rambling on here i guess, i do have experienced more stuff like that, but yea, the point is that when you think you need to act quick, you tend to not think about all the consequences, like this old hero in the video, all respect to him, he just couldn't help reacting the way he did.
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+6 447. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Grappler Police Bumper Promo

#2 that wouldn't make sense tho, why would anyone that is trying to escape suddenly hit the brakes, risking to end the entire chase right there? I see your point, and sure, lots of variables. But the struggle for perfection is daunting, as it will stop us from trying things that MIGHT fail. What if it works? What if the practicalities adds up and makes it a totally viable way of stopping them? This is how we know what works and what doesn't work, we try, we fail, we learn. You might be right, maybe the circumstantial will make it useless. But we don't know yet :)
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+6 448. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Feminist tries to be a man, but ends up learning that being a man is not easy

I downvoted this video. To me, this just became a silly "stunt". The generalization and stereotypical views she explains just doesn't add up to the male world i live in and know. Most of my male friends have maybe been to a strip club a handful of times at most, some just once, and some never. Myself? I've never been to one, and i don't see myself going to a club like that for any particular reason. As Natan points out, this was made in 2006, and the generalization and stereotypical views presented belong to an even older age. Lots of things here that i feel are misrepresented, tho some of it is of course representable, but far from a typical "male thing".
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+6 449. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Doom on the MacBook Pro Touch Bar

#3 The touchpad is a small lcd that can show signs and functions normally, and someone wired it all to play video games on it, which isn't the traditional usage, more like a geek hack ;P In the technical aspect its quite amusing, but for someone who doesn't know what to look at, it makes no sense at all.
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+6 450. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Awesome dog vs Walrus

#4 lol i hadn't seen that remastered one, priceless :D
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+6 451. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Black friday

#4 lol, next stop is the rope store, and then the truck store. They keep doing the same circle over and over :D
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+6 452. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Killing a wheelbarrow

If you look closely, at one point, the wheelbarrow looked like a bird when flying up :D
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+6 453. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video When Girls Says No!!!

The first girl definitely fell for his proposal! :P

and 1:40 she actually fainted, that body went stiff, hope she didn't hurt herself :O

and so many casualties in this video, a moment of silence for all those fallen brothers... :'(
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+6 454. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Irish street dancers do their thing, and without music!

#7 yes, and he misspelled tap on his twitter
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+6 455. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Weird stuff that women carry in their handbags

You can learn a lot from looking into a womans handbag. Anything from who they are to a slap in the face :P I liked the one with glasses and big earrings, she seemed cool.
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+6 456. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Mélanie presents the weather on TV

This video warmed my heart <3
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+6 457. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Automatic Bullseye, MOVING DARTBOARD

#1 this looks like way more fun tho :P
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+6 458. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Weird goal in female football game Albania vs Kosova

If i'm not mistaken, its totally allowed. If the goalie has only one hand on the ball, you can head it out of the hand like that. You could kick if it was lower down, as you're not allowed to kick higher than your waist or something. But once the goalie has both hands on the ball, you're not allowed to try to remove it. I don't know if those rules goes all over the world, that's just how i was taught when i played as a kid.
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+6 459. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Smart wheelchair-friendly solution that should be everywhere..

I don't find myself particularly grumpy or negative today, but this is a simple design, who anyone could have thought of and it would already be in place, IF it was cost effective and less extensive to install. The device itself might be cheap enough, but you also have to remove existing stairs, as well as adding extra space and machinery for the stairs to retract. At least if this video represents the sales version. I don't see many companies, government agencies etc, spending so much money and time on this to have it installed "all over" the place. I'm pretty sure someone can come up with a better, simpler and more cost effective design. Because, unfortunately, this isn't about the people in the wheelchair, and what they deserve, but about money and how effective these systems can be put in place. And yes, the world is unfair, nobody deserves to be in a wheelchair, or be in similar conditions, but we don't have the resources to have every area supplied with aid for all the different handicaps that people have around the world. Which again leads me to the point where we HAVE to make cost effective, AND practical solutions for ourselves, or it just won't take effect in the world we live in today.
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+6 460. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video 60-Year-Old Life Hacks Put To The Test

Some cool tricks that still works to this time and age. But for the first one, i suggest attaching the magnet to the brush first before lowering the brush into the solution. If you make it snap to the magnet inside the jar, you risk some splashing, or even more spilling, depending on the strength of the magnet/clumsyness. I'd also drop the potato idea, seems more time consuming tbh, i've always been fine using the supplied box or anything really. But cool video :)
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+6 461. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Thanks, Smokey !

Not sure what that guys has been smoking, but if anyone knows...? and could maybe hook me up too?
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+6 462. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Man Shows Easy Way to Get Over the American-Mexican Border

He also had a college once back in training, but he dropped out of the program. We can see a clip of him here
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+6 463. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video The Pemmy Floor Project

#3 technically, he's saving it :P
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+5 464. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Muhammad Ali 1974

Gotta love him :)
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+5 465. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile, in Utah

I'm 33 years old, but hell yea, i would slide there for ages!
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+5 466. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Testing Out The New R/C Copter

Damn that was funny :D
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+5 467. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop at 130,000 fps

Cool as hell, love it.
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+5 468. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video WACO explosion video

I gotta admit that if that was a normal house/storage fire, i would say this distance is very safe.
In a high explosive risk building, then obviously, it's not... a bit of a blast, indeed very unsuspected.
Hope the girl is ok, kids have more sensitive ears than us adults, so they can more easily get damaged...
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+5 469. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Voice-controlled Home Automation with Android

I don't care whether it's unconvenient or not, it's awesomeness!
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+5 470. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video I'm the alpha monkey

He gets taken care of, and the monkey gets taken care of. Nature at it's best.
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+5 471. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Deep Brain Stimulation for a Parkinsonian Tremor

Freedom of religion: the freedom to choose whatever religion you feel like, or none at all.
That means that if we as atheists want to have that as our belief, we have to give other the same respect and let them have theirs.

With that said, i will not thank God (which ever god you believe in) for this, but the people behind the research. Thank you.
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+5 472. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Bullied kid's dream comes true

When we were 10 we were playing stuff like Wolfenstein, Rise of the Triads, not to mention Berra. Most of us came out alright, without being scarred, or becoming a massmurderers, so don't pull that card, we all were watching that kinda stuff, with legal limits or not, adults allowing or not, all generations. Look at who started all the wars through history. Can you mention anyone from the computer gaming generation that has created a war?
Of course, i would not allow my 10 year old to watch or play games like this, but im pretty damn sure he will find a way no matter, it's in the nature of us to do so.
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+5 473. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video With A Piece Of Chalk

I was picked on when i was young, 3 kids that constantly were picking on me, following me from school and beating me and all there is. One day, one of them tore off my backpack, and threw it to the ground. He then started peeing on my backpack. That was how much i could take, and i fought back that day. I pointed at the "leader" of them and said "that's it, you are going down", and i kicked him, just once, but i hit the very solar plexus, and he sank like a sack of potatoes. His buddies picked him up and looked at me quite different now, calling me crazy.
I was never picked on again... Sad? Yes, but also very valuable lesson. Violence DOES solve things, when used right. Nobody is gonna tell me that it could have been fixed with talking, we tried that. School and parents had meetings about it, but what the fuck can they do? Tell them to behave? That doesn't work with kids unless you've already established that you are a force to be reckoned with.

Im not asking people to become violent, i wish quite the opposite. But when confronted, and nobody helps you, then yea, a good punch to the face will sort a lot.
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+5 474. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Croissants

Buttery FLAKEY dammit!!!
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+5 475. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Don't let this guy embarrass you in a street fight

I'm impressed, i don't think i would do much better than those people, even tho i have a couple of seasons of bag training...
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+5 476. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Great Hacky Sack Routine

The relevance between what you consider to be "anti sheep" attitude, and the fact that you were trash talking some dude you've never met or know, doing something he likes, has no relative connection what so ever. If you feel you are such a great person, thinking for yourself, why not start thinking something along the lines "Maybe i shouldn't be an asshole after all"
Oh, and i get you, i do. It's just that people who actually HAVE learned to think for themselves, would know better than to randomly shit talk some video on internet to get attention, and they wouldn't need to express and show everyone that they are "thinking for themselves". So all in all, you don't care what people think, yet you bother to utter your opinions on a public place. Go figure man, you need to...
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+5 477. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Unbelievable Realistic Liquid Render

It looks really good. But there is one part that doesn't look natural to me, and that is how the fluid disperses over the round bottom before it fills up a bit. Can't put my finger on it, but it just doesn't seem as natural as most of the rest.
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+5 478. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video A Water Bomber cools off a traffic accident.

That's pretty impressive. Need a good pilot to do that, all kudos.
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+5 479. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Dog response to engine revs

Most animals would do the same, that's why they have directional ears, to turn them towards the source, or away from it. It's more a nerve impulse than anything else.
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+5 480. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Greyp G12 - Future Bike

moped... hm, is that one of those things with two wheels that only works with gasoline, and requires a licence, and requires insurance, and requires road fee, and requires license plate fee, and oil, twice as wide, 3 times as heavy, etc?
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+5 481. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Largest glacier calving ever filmed

almost as she is looking at us, acknowledging us, then continuing with being mother earth...
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+5 482. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Good man saving wolf

Good job! Hope the wolf is okay...
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+5 483. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Sir Nicholas Winton - BBC Programme "That's Life" aired in 1988

He has probably wondered from time to time how it really went with these people... <3
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+5 484. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video DayDream

Aaaargh, i can't take it, it's too much... Oh, sorry, wrong video, thought i was watching miley cyrus...
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+5 485. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ice slide...

Haha, yea, i was also thinking "wtf, is he crazy?" Thank you for pointing it out, i rest assured now :D
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+5 486. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Epic Don't Drink and Drive Prank

He's not smiling or laughing at the very end tho
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+5 487. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Chicago's Magical Piano

That one is Mozart, called La Marche Turque
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+5 488. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Get Even Trailer (PS4/Xbox One)

Same footage scenario as seen from this, which means Better Reality probably has worked with them. Tho this is purely a static scan, but it should be easy to add volumetrics and such in the engine i assume.
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+5 489. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video CAT Super Skateboarding Adventure!

at the end (around 2;20) you can see he is using a line to pull it with, probably why the camera is fixed so close to the board too.

Funny how the cats checks out the other skaters, first the person, then the board :P
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+5 490. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Would you help a child in need?

I don't think color/ethnic origin alone would make any difference in this test, but put a homeless person who hasn't showered for days, or a drug addict with sores in his face, or something along those kinda lines, and i certainly fear the result... i don't think i want to see that tbh...
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+5 491. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Another smart crow experiment

#2 (i know you're making a joke, no worries, but i want to say this anyways)

It's a matter of thought deduction. We don't know what the crow thinks. That's what he's asking about when he says "how did he do that?" because he (and the rest of us) wants to know how the crow thinks. If you see a blind man picking up his keys from the sidewalk, you would also wonder how he did that. We already know that sound is a factor, so we could figure out that he heard the drop, and localized the keys from the sound. But that would be a human. We don't know what goes on inside an animals head the same way. We don't know if an animal knows the distinctions between a remote control or a cell phone. We can train them to behave in a certain way to those objects, and train them to act in a way that makes us believe we understand what they think. But we don't. We never will, and that's why it's important to take a look at nature and animals, and try to understand.
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+5 492. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The unboxing video to end all unboxing videos

#12 you got #12 wrong, but if you follow advice 1,2,3,5,9 and 11 you'll be ok in no time ;) Np :)
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+5 493. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The story behind "the most viewed image in the world" the Windows XP wallpaper

Shouldn't this be posted under commercials? Nikon, Fuji, Microsoft (and prob more products that i just ignored). The very end is a dead giveaway, the Dutch windows page on facebook.
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+5 494. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Look up

I think people who downvoted this are probably the ones he's talking about in the video. It can be scary when someone points out your dependencies... When I'm with someone, i don't sit and check my phone for facebook or whatever, i keep it in my pocket until it rings or i get a msg. Then i look who it is, and what it's about, before i choose whether to interrupt my current company with it, or not. And if someone is visiting me, and starts messing with the phone, i say "put that shit away, or go home and play".
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+5 495. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Concerned Rescue Swimmer Dog

#4 same here, I'm still wondering why they thought this was fun (that's my reason for downvoting this video, hoping to encourage others to leave a comment next time they downvote a video or comment, let the trend begin)
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+5 496. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Graphene on The One Show

#2 true, but that's how most of the important things start out, i guess we'll just have to wait and see. If we in the future need this video for reference, i will place my bet on that within 5 years (from 5 june, 2014)we will have this in new technology hitting the user marked, such as cell phones, laptops, or whatever the gadget is in 5 years. I bet you an awesome, exclusive, personally made photoshop picture for you if I'm wrong :D (trust me, it takes sometimes a couple hours, so if you calculate it into potential working money, it should be worth 2 hours of design, which could be around 100 euro's. Not too shabby :D
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+5 497. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rescued research beagles feel grass on their paws

#13 Yea, by all means, they seem physically fine, which of course is a good thing. And they seem to have been taken in by people who genuinely care about them. I'm not gonna proclaim myself to be the dog whisperer, but i've met a lot of dogs in my life, i love dogs (animals in general), but most dogs that i've met are open to other humans, happy to see them. The dogs in this video seem unsure, afraid and sceptical. Dog's don't become like that with no reason. I picture it this way, the dogs have had no idea what the humans were gonna do with them up til now, thus they are acting nervous and scared. Like the one hiding in a bush, the one eating while keeping as good distance as possible, the one who was stuck all the way back in his cage. All of those indicates to me that they did not trust humans to begin with. And that trust comes naturally to most dogs when kept as pets and treated as they should.
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+5 498. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Knife production at Wusthof

2:05 Like a ninja!
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+5 499. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Low Speed Chase in Oregon

It's much cheaper to just watch the car grind to a halt than to risk damaging the police cars in a fishtale attempt (or similar). By the looks of the speed and the area, i hardly think anyone was in a emediate danger.
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+5 500. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Should a human touch 200,000 volts?

Ah, the differences in should and could... i say, NO! You should not. You CAN, and you COULD, but should not anyways :P
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+5 501. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 3 year old with a strong grip

Its ok jake, you win, i am willingly throwing in the towel. I won a bit of money of the popcorn sale in here, so i'm happy anyways. (I sold Sizzlik a popcorn machine couple hours ago...)
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+5 502. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Dude throws a rock at Lamborghini Aventador...

i think i hear "keep racing, keep racing, keep doing it"
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+5 503. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video What a save!

I love how the music goes "something something, Quatro!" just as he is sliding around :P
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+5 504. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Close call for "Darwin award"

I feel brainraped... in a good way :D
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+5 505. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Close call for "Darwin award"

Its an expression xylocaine, not a religious statement. Lots of people use God in some context without being religious, like "omg", or "dear god" etc etc.
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+5 506. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Man saves a squirrel trapped on rocks in rapids

He must have been going nuts. For nuts i mean.
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+5 507. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Bang party in Taiwan

#2 a good way of supporting your idea is to figure out what kinda brands you eat n drink daily. Then do some research on how much pollution those factories and industries produce during a year. If you then stop buying those products, the sale will drop, and they will be forced to make fewer items. Thats how you really support anti pollution, not by banning something like this. This firecracker thing probably gave off 0.000001% emission compared to just 1 second of BMW production.
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+5 508. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Most insane ski line ever

#4 i think its just tracks of snow falling and rolling off the mountain, its very steep. Not gonna say for sure, might had a practice run first, a lot of ppl do that in preparing.
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+5 509. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video High speed bike crash

It was a well done flip tho, im pretty sure some gymnasts have been watching thinking "hm, thats actually not a half bad flip!"
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+5 510. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

#15 to be fair tho, snotr has always been about that little something special that makes videos different than the "norms". This video however, i can't see why should be here on snotr, it wasn't even a special malfunction or anything, just a straight forward "jupp, it doesn't work as it should" video, not even any funny jokes or anything. So yea, i agree on the opinion that this video could have been skipped, tho i don't feel the need to wrap it up into a joke or insults, just stating my opinion ;)
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+5 511. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Happy birthday

0:42 Silence of the lambs... :D
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+5 512. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video German cranes showing off

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+5 513. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Huge Explosion in Tianjin, China

the guy at 1:23, wonder if he survived or if the phone was streaming the video to a cloud at the same time...
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+5 514. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Man Shaves Face With An Axe

"Ouch..." thats all i can think of... :S
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+5 515. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Romanian inventor tests new prototype of record-setting hoverboard

#4 they just missed slightly on the timeline, but almost there :)
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+5 516. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Hobbit man

waiting for Natan_el_Tigre to come and give a diagnose on this dude :)
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+5 517. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video The Ocarina Of Time Medley

#1 well, being one of the most notable and memorable game series, it comes kinda naturally that fans will gather and do things around it. Just like any other major game series :)
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+5 518. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Skier Miraculously Survives 1,600 Foot Fall

#3 hehe yea, then while he tumbles, you started realizing "Oh, its actually the dude", and then it all turned into a Chaplin scene in my head, i couldn't help but smile and giggle :x
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+5 519. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video What went wrong ?

#23 alright, i must admit i love the actual stats more than the way it is now. I think you've mention before that you've considered showing both numbers? Im all for it if so. And yea, i feel a lot of people here are very sensitive and serious at times, so once in a while i have to misbehave and do some pranks or silly comments :P
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+5 520. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Icheon Ceramics

#1 the search for perfection should be avoided at all costs. I was lucky to engage a dialogue with Chris Hadfield where he learned me that even in space, there is never a goal to be perfect, or even try to become perfect. Its human to do what we refer to often as "mistakes" or imperfections, and that is how we learn new ideas and skills. The very small differences from a human hand shows us that another human used their skills and time to produce it. When looking at a mass produced milk glass from Ikea, you don't get that feeling.
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+5 521. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video What's Your Biggest Regret ?

Interesting to see so many "not". Its mostly about what people didn't do, not what they did do. Is that how we end our lives, thinking about the stuff we never did, or all the stuff we actually did do? I'm also curious what the black guy in red wrote...
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+5 522. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Nasa Releases Video of Apollo 10 Astronauts Freaking out About Music Coming From the Far Side of the

Oh dear, i really wish they would stop doing the "Michael Bay" approach when they make these documentaries, spooky music, the "movie voiceover", the cutting and adding drama etc etc. Its science, we dont need it to be fancy, it already is fancy!
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+5 523. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Drunk guy using an ATM

Its like taken straight out of a cartoon :P
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+5 524. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Billboard advertising falls on top of two cars during strong winds

New Lord of the Rings commercial, Billboard Baggins, it will hit the cinemas and mobile viewers. This fall!

(i know, i should feel bad now...)
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+5 525. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Children on Easter egg hunt form human arrow to direct British police to suspects.

No matter what people think and say about this whole incident, what they did in the time and place was a clever way of signaling, all creds to the lil ones, good job
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+5 526. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Sniper kills an entire Squad feat. Jet Desertfox

So THATS what they mean with camping ingame... :P Sitting ducks to be fair, but nice shooting nevertheless ;)
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+5 527. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The Problem With Facebook

#2 actually no, it doesn't. Even if you chose to not visit facebook, the problem is still there. What you were trying to say was that you can easily avoid the problem by not going to facebook. Two different meanings and things there ;)
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+5 528. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Player Two

My self defence mechanism kicked in, i'm trying to trivialize this video... doesn't work... :'(
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+5 529. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How to make a plastic foam cutter

Here in Norway we say "Isopor", but it's actually the name of a company that produces polystyrene insulation/material. But they were the leading brand in the start i guess, and now the name is become a term of the polystyrene itself among people in general. As #4 says, polystyrene the actual name of the material if we're talking pure basic science terms.
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+5 530. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Bubble Tent

I'm gonna get one, put it up at the entrance of some office building, while wearing a hazmat suit myself, and then proceed to tell everyone to enter for decontamination >:) would be fun just to see their initial reaction :D
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+5 531. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Passersby save family from fire

#4 looks like it yea, some amazing stuff, i bet the ppl on the ground were going into super human strength mode at the time. Good job to all of them!
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+5 532. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Can Paper Cut Wood?

#3 hehe, i've actually tried it with a normal A4 paper, and i think it was 7th fold that got impossible due to the thickness when i tried. But didn't mythbusters do this test once on a really large scale? I can't remember the outcome tho...
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+5 533. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Trump's Sons Kill a Triceratops on Hunting Safari and people are upset !

I wonder what their reaction would be if you told them that certain restaurants put sodium chloride in the food...
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+5 534. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Giant RC plane destroyed

Hehe, yea, i know they need personnel to take care of any potential incidents, it was just the trivial/comical thing about it when they rushed to the crashsite, AS if the pilot needed help or something :P
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+5 535. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Live Encounter with the Quick Landslide

I don't think they got caught, it looks like they all were expecting the landslide, which is why they all were stopped up. I think the forward part were safe as well.
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+5 536. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia

I was sitting and thinking "they don't have a guy in the trunk, they can't have... im mean, no way they actually put a guy in the trunk... WTF IN THE TRUNK TOO!!" :D
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+5 537. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hurricane Matthew uproot the tree

#3 isn't it obvious? They are rooting for the tree... :(|)
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+5 538. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How to Talk Minnesotan: The Power of the Negative

edit: i literally said the same thing as the first comment, i didn't even realize :P
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+5 539. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Bad lip reading

That feeling when they do a better job at being mocked than anything else :P
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+5 540. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World on hammered dulcimer

I had no idea one could play so clean and precise with this instrument, i'm impressed! Really well played!
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+5 541. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video 6 Minutes of FAST WORKERS - Amazing Skilled workers - Kevin Hunte

The ones that impressed me, lady in the beginning, the bagel twister, the guy carrying bricks, the lunch van guy at 3:05, and the tea guy at the end. Those were particularly cool to me, amazing to watch skilled people in action like that.
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+5 542. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Meanwhile in Bosnia

At least he shows us his better half O:)
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+5 543. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Make friends with your eyelash mites

Guys and girls, come on, do we have to have these conversations all the time? You know i don't have anything against any of you, but i'm getting a bit tired of this "drama". Lets focus on the content of the videos instead of our personalities. My opinion.
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+5 544. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Adobe voco

This is amazing. And freaking scary! What to believe from now on... :O
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+5 545. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Car engulfed by flames in alarming gas station footage

And still gas station workers get close to minimum wage...

#2 hard to know, so many possibilities, but the exhaust pipe can get pretty hot so im just gonna throw my guess in that area
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+5 546. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Narrow passage

To be fair, if we are having all these reposts, we are gonna need all the wood they are transporting ;)
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+5 547. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Merry Christmas Snotr!

Merry xmas you all, hope you're having and gonna have a good one! <3
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+5 548. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Chess Grandmaster Defeats Bill Gates in 12 seconds

Magnus Carlsen, norwegian chess player (in case someone wondered)
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+5 549. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Titan Touchdown

Imagine you're sitting on a merry go round, and you have a basketball you have to throw and hit a certain target that isn't moving around like you are. That's pretty much what these people have to calculate when launching stuff into space, its pretty impressive. Many people tend for forget that everything in our solar system goes in orbit, and/or moving at high speeds. The origin of the vessel, and the destination as well, all in constant motion. And they still manage to land stuff ...

#1 There is a "we". The friends and family of these people, the places where they live, their workplace, the guy that empties the garbage, and so on. We are all a part of it. You might not feel you ever contributed to any of the things in this video, but i'm pretty sure you've contributed to something else in the world, and its all connected. I don't think these people would be able to land a probe on another planet if they had to hunt their own food, sew their own clothing, or build their own shelter. We all make it possible. Not saying these people are not extraordinary, far from it. But i don't want anyone to feel they are worthless in comparison, we are all important in one way or another.
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+5 550. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video British entrepreneur invents, builds and files patent for Iron Man-like flight suit

Several companies are interested in the suit per today, NASA just being one of them. BMW and (strangely enough) Nestle is also on the list of the current bidders of the kickstarter foundation.
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+5 551. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Neighbour Tries to Shoot Down Drone

i think #4 was being ironic/sarcastic :P
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+5 552. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Airport Worker Destroys Jet After Getting Fired

You guys/girls should stop looking at who is submitting and look at the content instead. There is a lot of bickering and fighting here lately, not gonna mention names, but you know who you are. If you dont like someone, just ignore them, don't engage in trivial small arguments that ruins the mood of the site. The comment sections are becoming rather toxic, which i personally don't appreciate, and keeps me from wanting to engage in the community.
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+5 553. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Escaping From Cops Using Magic - How To Drink In Public

Pretty sure that was a security guard and not a cop :P Nevertheless, that guy will go home and keep wondering "how the hell did he do that... i swear i saw that bottle... damn..." :D
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+5 554. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Wolves running on the highway

The wolf was like "Dude, you're supposed to overtake on the left side, not right! Follow the damn rules!"
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+5 555. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Strongest Bricklayer In The World

#1 Its a totally different video, this one has music!! :D :(|)
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+5 556. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The moment a man is knocked over by a Bus

The bus did kinda get him to the pub slightly faster than walking tho :P
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+5 557. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video White moose

#2 I'm automatically assuming it goes for all animals that has the same eye based vision as we do, as the lack/or change of the pigmentation in our eyes will impact the vision as well, but i'm pretty sure mother nature has some albino animals that can see just as the rest of the same species? I dunno, but im pretty sure mamals with albinism have reduced eye sight.
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+5 558. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Snappers Advanced Facial Rig for Maya and Unreal Engine

#1 you would be surprised how little hardware you need to run Unreal tech demos these days. If you have a decent cpu, (i.ex. Ryzen or i5/i7) and a medium gfx card, gtx1060 or above, you can run and enjoy the Unreal Engine 4. There is a lot of videos on youtube, and many of them are running on hardware like mentioned, and the results are astonishing.

youtube watch?v=WyAg0h7uxv8 this is 2 years old, but same stuff, and you see the hardware they are using in the info box below the video (just copy paste the link, as links are disabled on snotr atm)
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+5 559. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Why Photos of the Eiffel Tower at Night are Illegal

If you are a private person taking private pictures for private and non commercial use, you can ignore everything in this video.
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+5 560. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video How cool is this guy!!!

How about you just appreciate that there are people who makes our days a bit different, like this guy? He put a laugh and a smile on peoples faces, what else is there to "analyze".
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+4 561. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Fake injury FAIL

Nah, if it was something serious, like a stroke or a heart attack, he would not been able to react the way he did. He even got up. A man with a heart attack or stroke would not be able to react at all to those things. If it was one of those, the car seemed to have fixed it somehow...
Drunk? He seems to lay down very neatly to me, not uncontrolled at all. And even if he just laid down to be stupid, slightly intoxicated, i still believe its to try an insurance scam. And a suicidal person would probaly chose a different method than to just lay quitly down, and then get suprised the car hits him.
Nope, i don't buy it at all, he is trying a scam imo...

But i've never said it's ok to drive over him tho, just to have that said. THAT part i believe was an accident for sure.
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+4 562. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Astronaut falling down on the Moon

Where is MJ when you need him... :'(
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+4 563. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Emergency braking

Ok, that was impressive... hands down.
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+4 564. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Balance

Simple plhysics? SIMPLE? Ok, i challange you. Why don't you design and calculate this trick yourself. Making out every detail of the weight, shape, placement, material. Lets see you try the potato run too.
This is an incredible act, to say anything about this is simple, is too ... simple...
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+4 565. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Minigun Slingshot

If the "hammerhead" was moved slightly to the left, the accuracy would be more centered due to the delay the elastics are giving. But i love these things, normal people making cool stuff out of "nothing". Kudos!
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+4 566. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Stop Eating Food: The Soylent Experiment

If you watch it again, i swear he says "i still enjoy eating food" somewhere in there...
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+4 567. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Chris Hadfield can brighten anyone's day...

I don't care about anything anymore... i just wanna be weightless... :'(
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+4 568. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How a face changes depending on the lighting

I love how the light change makes it look like she's breathing rapidly. Cool video.
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+4 569. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video 720 turn on a skateboard without holding the board

Missing that 1 point will make him practice more, and come back stronger.
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+4 570. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Never forget ...

Why does the employee grab that extinguisher?
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+4 571. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Mercury flips out to sound

Really cool. Mercury is fascinating. I've seen some other videos before, among these ones,
some more in the suggestion on the side, i can't get enough of it 8-)
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+4 572. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Space Oddity

I voted you down, thus making you not only a really pathetic troll, but also a liar. It was easy =)
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+4 573. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Paraplegic Mum Goes Duct-Taped Surfing

Just when he lets go of the handle, i got goosebumps, and i smiled... some people... sigh...
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+4 574. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video A lightning strike at 11000 frames per second.

I saw this other video a while ago, which got me pretty much stunned. So since i've had that experience, this video was still awesome, but i knew what to expect. If you haven't seen the femto-picture in action, this video will blow you away for sure.

And then they have developed it further

there is a third video that i can't find, if anyone comes across it, its more about combining this technology, with augmented reality kinda, pls post if you find it.
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+4 575. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Three week old husky puppy decides to test out his vocal chords

0:21 "How cute, the humans are imitating me, but they're not quite nailing it, better show them once more"
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+4 576. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Guy Hula Hoops 100 pound Tractor Tire

Too much, i would get... tired...
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+4 577. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Sea Otter messing with an Australian Cattle Dog

Awww, at the end you can see the dog thinks "screw this, im going home"
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+4 578. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Ultra-realistic CGI skin

I don't think i would say that it looks more real. If you look at your own skin, you'll notice that it's not really that shiny. It looks great tho considering it's CGI, that's for sure.
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+4 579. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Can someone explain this ?

Thank you for... the anti climax :| (but thx tho, i mean it)
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+4 580. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Scared ?

Oh my, that was hilarious. I could almost hear the Jaws theme slowly building up towards the end.
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+4 581. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Dad Tricks Daughter into Eating Veggies

Well, chocolate is darn good tho...
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+4 582. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Patrick Kane shows the definition of stickhandling

Dribling with the stick, level awesome... Not actually hitting the pucks with the skates while doing so, level grand master. Finishing off with hitting the camera, level "You all suck"
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+4 583. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Freeline Skates

I would like to try them once before going to hospital
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+4 584. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Cake Skills

It's simpler than one might think, i tried this back in culinary school and got it right after a couple of tries. But you do depend on a solid turn table, using a manual "pizza turner" will be kinda awkward. We used melted chocolate, using one spatula for the chocolate, then a chilled one to make the chocolate harden quick enough, it required two people tho. We made a cylinder with flat top, and hollowed out the middle and replaced it with cheesecake fillings. We nicknamed it 90 degrees chocolate cheesecake :P
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+4 585. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The biggest storm in 11 years hit Denmark

Hope nobody got injured, must suck to live there during those storms.
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+4 586. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Some nice chemistry: Gold, Sulfur, Vanadium and Cerium

I love science. It has no motives, no hidden agendas, no feelings or thoughts. It just is.
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+4 587. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Making the Fletcher Capstan Table

When retracted, it can fit 5 to 6 people (thats 4 in american size), and when fully opened, it can hold up to 10 people (pretty much 4 americans there too)

ok, i made a joke about americans, deal with it :P
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+4 588. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Stalingrad VFX HD reel

Im curious how many years away we are from playing games in this kinda graphics. I hope i live to see photo-realistic and realtime graphics.
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+4 589. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Killer Mike: Life Advice

Since all the factories are in Taiwan and Korea...

And this is why you should pay a bit more attention in school. Education isn't about teaching people how to live their lives. It's about information. How we use that information, is up to our selves. If someone thinks that education creates robots to only work in factory, then by all means, go ahead and think so. Think so til the end of your day at the factory, which you actually will be working in since you don't have any education to learn how to think for yourself.

Get a house so you can quit your job and chill? That kinda attitude right there is what is sucking tax payers money out of the drain. People who just wanna chill, and get welfare checks.

Sure, some of the advice is good, but some of it is just plain and simple wrong, and people should learn how to NOT take advice from someone like this.
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+4 590. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Wild Turkey vs. UPS Driver (winter edition)

What, you didn't know this is how FedEx usually gets rid of competition? We always use the turkey, works every time :|
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+4 591. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Mammoth Icebreaker

i see what you mean, but you can compare it to an earthworm on a football field. That one single worm won't make any difference what so ever, but sure, a million of them might.
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+4 592. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Dressing Up Like A Homeless Man

Absolutely wonderful, we need more people like this, all over the world. I see their current slogan is "Meet the people renewing America at NationSwell", but i think they should change the wording into something more global, to gather more attention from all over the world. I hope there are more people in other areas that will engage in similar activities, we need them.
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+4 593. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Are you are a good liar?

Ah, thank you #3 i was doing it wrong, i poured T on my forehead...
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+4 594. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Forget floppy drives...

hehe yea, when the first line appeared, it also hit me like a lightbulb, it's very interesting indeed!
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+4 595. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Extreme Pizza Delivery

So that's where TMNT lives now...
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+4 596. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video NYC Freedom Tower B.A.S.E. Jump

just small accident could lead to massive amount of money spent. If one got stuck in a wire, or tree, and needed f.ex. firetrucks to get them down, i already see this as a problem. I don't judge people who jump out of an airplane, parachuting, or base jumping from cliffs and mountains. But doing it public like this, is just a massive ego masturbation for the very person it involves. This kinda extreme sport is selfish and brings no pleasure apart from themselves can show off the video on the net afterwards and get "wow" comments. People who do it without bragging about it, i have more respect for, cause they don't do it for others to like them, at least they are individuals that are standing by themselves.
Remember the video a while ago where the two planes crashes and everybody has to bail? Yea, nobody got hurt, but that shit is the same as this, potentially a massive cost to society. That is also why it is illegal. It's like street racing. Even tho there can be very skilled people driving, the risk and potential damage to innocent people, not only physical, but economical, is there.
If someone want's to endanger themselves, go ahead, but that moment you put others at risk, it should stop.
to bad? I would say good, so we don't get more morons up there trying to copy it. Thats the catch 22 part tho, that people will see it as a challenge to do it, just cause it's illegal, and this video along with the arrest will probably do more harm than good.
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+4 597. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ian Darke Calls a Date

lots of tall women out there, maybe not many over 6,3" but even if they are close, a taller man will make them feel like small girls, which is truly all they want.
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+4 598. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Amelymeloptical illusion

AUDI! lol, I couldn't help it, but suddenly in the middle of the video he made the logo :P

But that was awesome, pretty damn cool, thumbs up from me :) I'd give more than one if i could actually.

wait a minute... why is the background shifting like clipping? Is the whole clip just faked?
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+4 599. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 3 dog 1 couch

Bliss... sunny day, no city noise, just birds chirping and the dogs just chillin on a beautiful day... i would pay to experience that sometimes...
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+4 600. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Corgi only listens to owner when he talks like The Beatles

lol, he sounds like a small arnold at times :P
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+4 601. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Remote German village sets up own fast internet

1:29 Smartest person in the street so far. Those panels alone will save them all the money they need for internet.
About the topic itself, this isn't a single incident. Even in the most developed countries there are people that can't get internet due to living in isolated areas. And not just that, but the marked has been split uneven in most cases, as first generation internet was supplied over telephone lines already owned by huge companies. Internet connections should be supplied by ideally the state/government, which then again should use sub companies to do the work. The way it is now, most of the lines are privately owned by companies, making it possible for them to manipulate the marked and create monopolies, and also (this is the most important part) the option to ignore whoever they feel like ignoring (like the town in the video). The way this is now, the web is a private marked, which i don't think it should to this degree.
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+4 602. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Amazing Bird Swarm

I had a 12 minute long video of the same phenomena, it was from Barcelona in 2011. Sadly, it was in the folder along with all other vacations pics and vids that got lost. But it's still in my memory, it was an awesome sight, you truly feel you're watching something greater than yourself in a way, like if nature is orchestrating a visual symphony, live right there in front of you.
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+4 603. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Pussy vs. Balls

I laughed as hell at the first joke, the rest was kinda "ok, i see what you did there"
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+4 604. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Street Performer Kills It On Homemade Drum

#3 to be fair, Blue Man group didn't invent much on their own. They made a great show, but most (if not all) the ideas have been taken/inspired by others doing the same. BMG tied a lot of it together and made a great show and concept of it, and they are doing it well.
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+4 605. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 3 year old with a strong grip

#6 So i'm a moron for making a generalizing comment about not freaking out over every little thing a child does? It should be there black on white (or whatever color scheme your windows has), that i'm making very loosely comment about a general idea, and I'm not saying that whatever is happening in the video is by any means safe. That was the whole point, that its not safe but to realize that you cannot control everything. And no, i don't think she would break her neck, she is a human like the rest of us who is capable of twisting and turning just as our instincts have taught us over the thousands of years. So next time (as you are a frequent user) you see someone comment something that makes you want to use words like "moron", maybe ask twice before answering, one time to OP, and then ask yourself one more time after if you wanna use your wording like you do. This way we don't have to call each other names and have discussions that goes out of hand.
#5 "Our findings lend support to the theoretical model of empathy that explains involvement in other people's emotions by the fact that our representation is based on the representation of our own emotional experience in similar conditions." - (just one of many paragraphs, and it should be logical to understand the context between your own experience in pain, and relating to other peoples pain, aka physical empathy, so in this case, one actually has something to do with the other)
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+4 606. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Vertical rockfall barrier catching 20 tons

#1 They are using lots of rings, pretty much like a chainmail where the rings themselves are made of lots of thin rings bundled. When the pressure comes, they stretch almost like fibers, and snap accordingly. The whole rig is designed to give in for the pressure, instead of totally withstand it (if that translates well). But as you see in the video, where the "net" is attached to the holding wire, they all slide together when the object makes the impact, and the wire holding it is helping to slow down the force. Hope that made sense.
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+4 607. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Making a carbon fiber bike frame by hand

#1 a quick google, Fiber vs. fibre
There is no difference in meaning between fiber and fibre. Fiber is the preferred spelling in American English, and fibre is preferred in all the other main varieties of English.
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+4 608. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Air attack

Imagine being an unaware diver just a couple meters under the surface when this happens :P
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+4 609. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Bumpkey for the "Forever Lock"

#7 thx for the reply, i thought this was gonna ruin the lock, but you're probably right, and the dampers info was nice to know :)
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+4 610. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cockatoos learn to make and use a tool

#3 ive seen those experiments too, it gives me the chills, makes me think about if we are all living the right way... which im pretty sure now we arn't...
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+4 611. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Adaptive Gripper

Ah, thank god it can carry a couple of puffer fish, been needing something for that! On a serious note, damn creepy thing, but i do love it and want one :D
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+4 612. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video The Terrafugia TF-X

#1 #2 yea, but at the same time, to drive a car you need to take a license, so I would assume having one of these would require a pilots license :)
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+4 613. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video World's Largest Organ

This is highly inaccurate and false. The largest organ in the world is my penis! (come on guys, have a sense of humor)
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+4 614. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video World championship knife cutting

Makes me wanna build a sword version of this track, i would def get in line if so, this looks like fun :D
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+4 615. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Talking about a sharp knife...

#6 You got a point, i guess i was more about the consistency after you breach the skin, once you get that initial slice, its usually very little resistance. But as you point out, the shell is very "waxy", and makes it easy for the knife to slip. I take back parts of my first statement ;)
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+4 616. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video What went wrong ?

7 people that i annoyed, nicely done, mission accomplished >:)
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+4 617. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video 5 Shocking moments caught live on Twitch

#1 its a big thing in gaming, twitch is the largest (with pretty much no competition yet) live game streaming service. Anyone can watch, anyone can stream, so its open to everyone. I've met some good gaming friends on the chats on twitch as well, as you tend to watch the same game due to similar interests, the chances are high you find people with same interests. There is a lot of shit on twitch as well tho, just as any part of the internet, but if you're into gaming, twitch is the place to go for gameplay and community. Please follow and donate to my channel there!! (ok, that last part was a joke, i don't stream :P )
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+4 618. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video SHERP

#6 i think the bottom is heavy, the chassis on top is prob very lightweight. If you pause and look at how much the wheels are "high up on the vehicle", you will notice the axis of gravity for the wheels is actually a bit lower than at first impression. But yea, it struck my mind too.
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+4 619. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Knife Skills Compilation

#1 hehe, i dunno man, i found the music to be very annoying :P maybe it got so annying that ppl decided to downvote. But another reason why they might downvote is that the video doesn't blow you away in any sort. I see a lot of speed and good knife handling, but i dont see much finesse or art (some, but not much). I was left with a "ok" impression, deciding not to vote at all, as there is no "thumbs right/left" button :P
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+4 620. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Batman Vs Darth Vader

#5 you mean the people complaining, or the people that made the video?
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+4 621. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Video Shows Terrifying Moment E-Cig Explodes In Man’s Pocket

#3 ah, that explains why the laptop i had 5 years ago had a defect battery. I was smoking while using it, that must have been why...
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+4 622. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Taking Fake Book Covers on the Subway

Expecting a video from #1 shortly :D
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+4 623. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Dam Slide

Now i'll be dam'd, the fun is building up inside me when i see this!
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+4 624. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Attempt to crush book with hydraulic press goes awry

"The Pen is mightier than..."
"Oh stfu, the hydraulic press is mightier than any pen or weapon!"
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+4 625. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How to make a plastic foam cutter

#6 don't forget a razor for the overly man men ;)
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+4 626. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Haka for Mr. Dawson Tamatea's Funeral Service

I always get chills from watching the Haka, its something really beautiful about it and powerful. I would like to go out like that as well...
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+4 627. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video America's Got Talent 2016 Amelie and Tommy The Clairvoyants Full Clip S11E01

Usually i have a faint idea on how ppl do magic tricks, i always look for the trick itself rather than the act. But this time, i really, really have no idea how she did that... The only thing im thinking is that the cradle she was sitting in might had some sort of morse code mechanism so she could feel it in her hand. But still, the expiration date at the end there, wtf... I'm lost.
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+4 628. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video 22-Year-Old Stewardesses vs 35-Year-Old Housewife: Ivory Dishwashing Liquid Commercial ~ 1970

Oh wow... im just... wow... that was fantastic :D
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+4 629. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Polish TV host gets hand stabbed by nail as magic trick goes horribly wrong

When he realizes he fucked up... "kurwa..." :D i had a polish gf for couple years, and i also play csgo, so i know that word lol
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+4 630. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video BB King Replaces String While Still Performing

#2 i know right, its like the world is going under, downhill slope, to the worse, in a rut, a spiral of shit, a chain reaction of shitfuck, the apofuckingcalypse!!
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+4 631. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video BB King Replaces String While Still Performing

#5 I'm a secret one direction fan... hehe nah, i just felt like exaggerating my sarcastic response, i mean, "oh no, one direction, oh no" :P
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+4 632. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Employees buy Tesla for CEO who raised minimum wage to $70,000

Sometimes before i go to sleep, i try to fill me head of good thoughts. One of them would be to be this guy. I wish i was a CEO of a company as well, and show the world that the CEO doesn't need all that money, sharing it with the people that are doing the good work. Just the idea gives me a good feeling, i can only imagine what it would feel like in reality.
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+4 633. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video What happens inside a bird house?

This video should be on Twitter :P
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+4 634. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Near miss or epic evade ?

That jogger tho... "tralalala jogging jogging... whats that? Fuck that, i'm going home again!!" :D

#5 depends on your perspective, he misses the car, but completely hits the door ;P
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+4 635. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Did he accidentally buy a horse?

#3 adorable, she is a cutie indeed :)
maybe its time for snotr to introduce a new category, something like User Contribution? I dunno, just thinking loud :P
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+4 636. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Running the Seasons

I usually get calm inside when i watch time lapse videos, but this one made me feel stressed :S
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+4 637. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Tetris: The Grandmaster Record Speedrun

Thats insane... :O Imagine the effectiveness this guy could have at a transport company x)
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+4 638. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Magnificent

O <--- there is your pill Jake, take it :D
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+4 639. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Kids being brutally honest

Oh my, the dad with the sweater, what an evil person :D
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+4 640. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hang Massive - Once Again - 2011 ( hang drum duo )

#3 yes, thats how it works. You take one thing, and invent another. If you look at it the way you do, even a harpe is just a "modified piano".
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+4 641. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video SAMURAI NOODLES "THE ORIGINATOR"

The drawing style is awesome, love that kinda animation work :)
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+4 642. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Skydiver loses shoe during dive

I'm just trying to figure out a scenario where you can casually shoot in "and then i caught a shoe falling in mid air, how about that!"
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+4 643. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video A wise African Tricks a Baboon!!

awww... you ruined the illusion Burimi... :'(
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+4 645. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Risky passage through bridge!!!

I would prob draw some sort of insurance before attempting that one :P
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+4 646. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Idiot crashing his freshly restored oldtimer

So i must have missed the memo or something, but whats this about? Is there some hidden internal joke amongst snotrs's that i don't know about?
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+4 647. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video New way of fishing

Imagine the irony if the car was packed with the fish before ending in the river :P
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+4 648. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Driver leaves boat behind on Suburban Street

Delivery fees include ship in (well, at least boat...)
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+4 649. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Firecracker in toilet.

Somebody was shitting bricks :P
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+4 650. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video BMW hits MINI over issue of cutting traffic

#7 The correct and most acceptable maneuver would be to let him in, there was space and time to let him without any issue at all. It's irrelevant if the other one was cue jumping or not, in that scenario with that much traffic, you let them in so the traffic flows. No room for ego's on the road where safety and efficiency is key.
And nobody is defending the BMW, at all. Keep the two parts separate, as they are not relatable. No one is saying she is to blame for the BMW's reaction in the last part, we are all pointing out that the best solution was to let the other one in, and not try to make a point.
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+4 651. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Fat Bike caught on an Electric Fence!

oh man, that was hilarious :D
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+4 652. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Humvee Climbing Vertical Wall

#2 you prob meant the video before this one ;)
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+4 653. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Humvee Climbing Vertical Wall

#6 AAAhhhhhhh....... :D nicely done sir, smooth ;)
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+4 654. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video People Who Hate Cats Meet Kittens

Kinda funny how this video provoked all the dog lovers in snotr :D
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+4 655. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Meanwhile in Bosnia

#4 I totally see your view and support your attitude. But in my head, i wasn't thinking "what a loser", i was amazed that he didn't fall over, and amazed by how the human body can react and adapt to such a severe condition. If anything, i would applaud the guy and say "well done sir, but get home and sleep that shit off". It comes down to how the individual looks at it. If anyone judges the people in a negative way, its the judgers problem. I think we should allow ourselves to laugh of ourselves as humans in a collective sense.

and #2 For some odd reason, i'm gonna assume your gender and say that you're a male... Oh, i am too, but i don't carry around a grudge to women tho...
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+4 656. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Irish street dancers do their thing, and without music!

#5 its when someone is listening in on the steps without the steppers knowing
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+4 657. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Inside the Cupola module of the ISS space station

#3 Thank you for the correction, the complaint has been forwarded to the administration, whom again has assured me that future redundancies will be avoided if possible.
Yours sincerely,
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+4 658. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Motocross Biker Attempts One of The Most Insane Jump Ever

#7 i took the stairs back down again, same way i got up :D
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+4 659. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Truck driver rescues motorcyclist after scary crash in Jiangxi Province in China

#1 From my experience, if they are treating someone on the spot, it most likely means that he has no life threatening injuries. They were working calmly on him, so i will assume he had burns and maybe some bruising and maybe broken bones.
Its kinda "thumb rule" on accident spots; If everyone is calm and walking slowly, it means that everyone is either gonna be ok, or already dead. In either scenario, there is no need to hurry. If you see ppl hurry and work fast, it means someone is in danger and possible life threatening scenarios. In this video, the aftermath was calm, and the person who was injured was taken care of, so i think its safe to assume the best :)
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+4 660. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video You can't even text and walk

0:16 the dude didn't even stop texting lol :D
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+4 661. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The moment a man is knocked over by a Bus

#7 hahaha, i already knew what it had to be before i clicked, and right i was :D
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+4 662. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Baby and the Cat

Believe it or not my dear Judge Jake, but that is EXACTLY how our immune system gets developed ;)
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+4 663. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Free Pizza - Thousand Pizza Pepperoni

They should have just brought a flamethrower and let the party begin! I'm hungry while typing this btw...
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+4 664. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Giant Crab

I'm also nope nope nope... but then i see the size of those claws at the end, and i imagine some lemon juice drops on that freshly cooked meat... oh my... brb, gotta go make some food!
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+4 665. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Backwards running contest Reversed

Looks like they are running away from a very tiny scary monster :D
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+4 666. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Japanese man vs 450 horsepower fan!

Pick your battles, you can't wind them all :)
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+4 667. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Floating Card Trick performed by the best in the world

#5 He can loop it around his neck once, then do it the other way next time, making it seem like he loops several times, but never more than one revolution. The reason i believe its this way is because we had toys that were similar when i was little, where you had a thin line and a lil furry thing on the end, and it was pretty common to use your mouth to handle it, making it seem like it crawled around.
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+4 668. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video PRESENTING>>>> " The Junior Justice League" !

I genuinely wonder why someone would downvote something like this...
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+4 669. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Daring gang caught stealing from mail trucks traveling at 50 mph

I dont think he should have complimented them, calling it spectacular. I would have talked about them as low life scum and portrayed this incident as one of the most stupid ideas of theft. That will make them pissed off, and pissed off people tend to make mistakes. One could argue that complimenting them will create a false boost of ego, but it will also inspire others to become even better than these guys, and there you have the ball rolling.

But damn, those guys either had some big balls, or small brains...
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+4 670. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video FAMOUS SONGS THAT ARE COVERS

I have a friend, he can't tell jokes. Even if the joke is funny as hell, he can't make it funny. Another friend can tell the same joke, and make it better and funnier. It goes with music as well. Even the person who wrote the song might not be the best one to portray it. Sometimes other people execute your ideas better than yourself. Its all about who does it, and how they do it, not who had the idea in the first place. If an artist made something, and never got attention because they didn't execute their art in an appealing way, i see nothing wrong with another artist trying to make a better version.
Now, how do we divide the fame and money though? Who is the one who did the "job"? <-- #1
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+4 671. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Shanghai Police Releases Surveillance Footage of Dumbest Burglars Ever

I've heard you can brick your phone... but this... :D
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+4 672. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food

"you're being disorderly" while he's watching injustice happen right in front of his eyes. I'd pick a disorderly person over any shitty person standing by watching this happen. Disgusting... And that officer? Wow, talking about being a shitty person hiding behind a badge and a uniform. Disgusting...
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+4 673. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food

#5 i'd like to see some sources if you dont mind. And this "clean cut" part doesn't indicate anything btw, neither does being an officer, those two alone are not a reason to way your thoughts in any direction. And why didn't they say anything about this? There was only repeated words and the tone was hostile from the officer. Is it so hard to tell people the truth in a orderly fashion? And was this guy who bought the food supposed to know all this? Even if the backstory is true, there are so many things wrong here.
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+3 674. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video World's Shortest Train

Oh, fully possible to build, no problem. The segway is a good example. But as #4 pointed out, the video is edited, and fake, so in this video, there is no question. But technology is there, so it is possible.
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+3 675. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Emergency braking

uhm, all i wrote was "Ok, that was impressive... hands down."
Why would that get negative comments? #4
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+3 676. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Afraid to fly ? ride a jet !

@Guss #9
Nope, your chance has been spent already, sorry... :(|) :P

Looks like some minor bugs to work out with this one, but damn, if they get it working a bit more stable,
it will really be cool.
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+3 677. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video people walking into glass doors.

0:38 and a bit further... is that creep filming that girls ass? :O
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+3 678. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Spinning seal

Admit it, you all would do the same if you were a seal! ... i would at least...
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+3 679. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Movies vs. Life

I dont speak french, but i understood everything :P
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+3 680. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How to cross a river with two excavators. Ask Russians!

Hehe, dunno why, but this was kinda nice to watch :)
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+3 681. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The cat funny talks with birds

"Stage 1, i must make the birds my friends... muahahaha"
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+3 682. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Car attempts to overtake in the rain

The fact that this seems so normal, i mean, the other driver isn't even raising his voice, more like mumbling (my own interpretation tho) "hm, that was unfortunate, lets see if they are ok" and slowly just stopping as it was a normal day in the park. Of course, freaking out won't help, they just seem so calm about it...
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+3 683. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Underground in Downtown during the Tornadoes

Remember mythbusters and the F1 car lifting the cover? They didn't manage to reproduce it with the speed of a F1 car, so imagine what kinda powers are in play here :S
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+3 684. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Tree Landing

Couldn't help but laugh along with the guy at the end, of relief :D
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+3 685. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Keep Your Hands Down

Cool to see how the cat actually thinks, and changes tactics.
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+3 686. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Even if you're not a baseball fan, this is awesome

Ok, i admit, i'm not a fan either, but it was indeed awesome. All kudos!
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+3 687. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Boxer vs. Cows

Yea, someone is actively voting down comments here for some reason (i)
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+3 688. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Where The Trail Ends

Total Recall Edition!
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+3 689. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Mirror's Edge parkour

It's supposed to be a tribute to Mirrors Edge, which it clearly resemblances in most of the video, so mission accomplished and thumbs up :)
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+3 690. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Mirror's Edge parkour

It's not because you're not an idiot, you simply don't have the guts ;)
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+3 691. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Cockpit footage captures light plane loses power

Keep calm, and pee!

thats what i would have done...
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+3 692. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Boat stabilizes with the help of internal waves

I thought this was something relatively new (like last decade). Turns out i know very little about bigger ships and the ballast systems. But hey, we never get to old to learn, do we? :)
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+3 693. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Princess Cruisers

Hahaha, you have NO IDEA how close this is to my flying experiences (yea, i hate flying...)
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+3 694. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Brave Neighbor Saves Man From 5th Floor Fire in NYC

Do you mean money when you say paper? If so, i don't think it is relevant, as that would be putting a price on a human life. The action is the key, not what kinda reward there is. What the real reward is here, should go without saying.
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+3 695. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Playing Counterstrike...

This should def be under awesome. Kudos to the guy for not giving up, important lesson to all of us!
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+3 696. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Morphing Magic Table Surface

Nevertheless you're referencing a movie, it is in fact a useful idea in that area, and i am of course talking about the bed part. Imagine a disabled person, only able to move his hands. He could shape the bed into a chair, and help himself maneuver around. If course, we don't want anyone to accidentally throw themselves on the floor or anything, so a preview screen would be necessary, along with a slow morphing state that can be cancelled, or frozen at any time. Now imagine a nurse having such a control panel to help move her patients around while nursing them. Or a surgeon at an operation table. Even in "less important" areas as well, bigger scale with hydraulics, used by f.ex. car mechanics to maneuver heavy machines while repairing. I could even foresee this coming to homes, as furniture. The idea is old, we have all played with the needle pin art thingie, but i don't think i've actually seen it implemented in real life like this with CI.
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+3 697. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 64-year-old says it's never too late to get fit

wow, just wow...
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+3 698. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Unlucky soccer player

And people sometimes ask me why i don't like to watch football...
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+3 699. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video This engine sounds so sexy

if you close your eyes, it sounds like white noise on a telly...

oh, there is a cool sound in this, just that semi second before ignition, there is this vacuum kinda sound coming, that was kinda cool
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+3 700. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video POV of the recent skydivers mid-air crash

If anyone wonder why i said i see idiots, it is because these people are too concerned about their own high, that they don't think about what could happen to innocent bystanders. If they wanna kill themselves, fine, but do it where it doesn't impact other people. That plane debris could have easily killed people, and so could an unconscious/dead falling skydivers body do to. So yea, i see idiots, concerned about getting high and getting in on tape so they can show the world how awesome it is. Most people within extreme sports are selfish. There i said it.
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+3 701. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video English motorcyclist almost runs over a pedestrian

I wish we could settle this once and for all. Who shall deviate!? I vote pedestrians. That way we can drive without having to worry about them. Oh, let me also mention people who stand chatting at walkovers/crosswalks, gotta love that. Oh, did i mention indicators? Yea... Oh, and that thing, when people stop in the right lane, waiting for someone in the left lane to let them in, and they don't move forward at all, making queue behind them... no wonder we got things as "road rage"... I think all licenses for vehicles should be stricter. Anyone can get behind a wheel these days, and that scares me...
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+3 702. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Truck drifting into garage

It was made as a part of a presentation video for the company, XL Bygg. (just in case someone actually genuinely wondered what the story was...)
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+3 703. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Doctors Take A Long Shot And Inject HIV Into Dying Girl

You make it sound like it was a bad thing to attract attention to certain matters. In this case, it is all but negative. You blame the media. But who is buying it? We are, the consumers. If we keep telling the media that this is the headlines we want for you to get our attention, who are we really to blame? You should be curious, and instigating when you read headlines like these, not assume and make opinions based on the headline. And in this particular case, how is it NOT a HIV virus? Yes, it is modified, but it is still HIV. A Mondeo and a Thunderbird are both Ford cars. I don't see why you would be upset over the media in this particular incident, there are far worse examples that could have been addressed and made a point out of, this was the wrong one. Be happy, be astounded that someone thought of doing something like this, how crazy the headline might seem here, it is accurate, and its amazing.
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+3 704. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ultimate Workers Fail Compilation 2013

1:46 I wouldn't really call it a fail, looks fun to me :)
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+3 705. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video ATV rolls 5 times

His smile kinda fades away, and turns into an introverts way of screaming "FFFFFUUUUU"
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+3 706. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Guy tries to set up a World Record in jumping through 10 panes of glass

The title kinda gave away that he would fail, but damn, just 1 glass... ok, lets move on folks, nothing more to see here, carry on...
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+3 707. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video What would you do with $25,000

sad but true... the government who is supposed to help the people, are taking all the money for themselves. How can we help when it works like that...
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+3 708. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Scooter kid does a flair on flat ground

That's pretty good, i gotta admit i got impressed, making my usual "not bad, not bad at all" face
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+3 709. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Face paint

Thought this would be another "seen it before", but it wasn't. Awesome.
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+3 710. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ketchup

My thoughts exactly...
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+3 711. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Shanghai Tower

Im just in share awe of the size of that building :O
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+3 712. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Base jump into the Fog

from extreme sports to extreme weather sports
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+3 713. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Fastest wire bending in the world

Hi, I'm John Connor. Listen up, i need to form a group of people...
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+3 714. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rubik's Cube Speed Record

Yea, forgive me for raisin a question, i thought it would be possible to ask questions and try to have discussions, but since i see i get downvoted for doing so, i shall stop doing it :)

Thank you for reading #6's answer for me, you must be clever :)

as for you #6, if you think guiness is a source that is considered "common sense" ,you should see how many crazy fucked up rules they make just to twist a new record in their books. And that is why i asked, no need to start insinuating that im not using common sense because im raising a technical question. However, thank you for informing me about a few aspects, thats why i started asking in the first place.
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+3 715. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 61-car pileup in Minnesota

3:38 is that guy lighting a cigarette? If so, i hope someone learns him a lesson about open fires around accident areas...

Yea, i live in norway, and i know what you mean. But this is in Minnesota, which is quite far up north, so i would assume they have experience with this weather type as well? I dunno... but yea, when i was on the Autobahn, the drivers were very good at using the emergency lights when something occurred.

Sometimes it just doesn't matter, the surface just makes it impossible to do much unless you're driving with spikes (which are illegal in some places now at this time a year).
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+3 716. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video TACO BELL

nope, it's not just you. I am actually hungry right now, but this advert didn't make me hungrier.

But i gotta give them kudos for rubbing it in the face of McD, smart move
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+3 717. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 600 metre water tornado

"coming in wet and wild, but taking your car and house when they leave"
my lawyer used that in my divorce, true story... (not really)
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+3 718. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Valley of Dolls

#3, as #4 says, this isn't sociopathic behaviour. Watch the show Sherlock, with that cumberdude, he's a pretty decent sociopath (even a great scene where he describes himself as one)

As for this video, it's a bit sad, and creepy, but also somehow touching and i can't help but respect her and what she does to make her days pass. It's not really anything else than a different kind of tombstone if one analyzes it a bit, but the affection she is showing might be a tad unusual. I see no harm other than maybe she is getting too much reminded of who used to be around, moving on is always the better way imo.
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+3 719. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rescued research beagles feel grass on their paws

I had a girl in my class back in school. She looked fine. Her skin was intact, and she wasn't bleeding from her face, nor had any bruises or such. Nothing wrong with her sight or ears either. But she was shy and didn't speak much. Truth was that she was sexually abused when she was a kid. But how can that be, i mean she looked alright on the outside, so she must have been in "working order"?
If you're thinking "oh come on, thats not the same", i ask you back, isn't it? To me, it's the exact same.
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+3 720. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video How viking handles moose attack

#12 I think an adult would react the same way unless there were calves nearby that they were protecting. Moose and elks, reindeer and similar animal families are very shy by nature and will most likely back off if a large individual poses as a threat, same as mentioned before with bears. Even tho the animal is larger is size, they most likely don't have the same perception of size vs threat like we humans do. You sometimes see large dogs being scared of cats or smaller dogs of the very same reason. I'm not saying it's not dangerous, even that baby calf could have stamped them all to death with its size advantage. But one doesn't really have much choice, if you start running you're more likely to be screwed.
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+3 721. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video BGirl Terra Vs. BBoy

Character Name: BGirl. DEF:17 SPD:76 ATT:999 (ATT for attitude)
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+3 722. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Amateur MMA fighter taps out for his opponent

#4 Lots of badasses back in that era, i kinda miss it. UFC was great up until... i dunno, 100th event? And then my thoughts drift towards all the Pride events, sigh... <3 Good times!
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+3 723. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Creepy Computer Lady at SXSW

Quite cool effect from very simple solution. As long as she stands in the exact same position, it will look very cool. Now, lets go 50 years into the future, where the screen itself is composed by nanobots that move to different locations depending on how the model moves, making the screen follow the movements...
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+3 724. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Brasil vs Germany semifinal game

lol, wtf was up with the music choice... made me :'( instead of :D
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+3 725. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Car vs. cyclist

I think we all started off wrong when we decided to mix cycles with cars in the first place. And its not about who is right or wrong, but rather the reality of a potential incident and the damage that can occur. No matter what laws and lanes we make, the impact of a cyclist with a car always favors the car and the driver. Maybe a totally separate line and road for cyclist would be ideal, tho hard to just whip up over a night of course, but in the long run might be the best solution for everyones safety. Its also viable to divide an entire lane into two smaller lanes, one for cycles and one for motorcycles. Something at least, anything other than the way its now, i see too many accidents, and not at least potential accidents.
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+3 726. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Passing Out on Live TV Supercut

Last one "will somebody help him please?" as if he wasn't right there himself :P
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+3 727. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video WORLD RECORD 1000 yard shot with a 9mm Hand Gun

#2 the recoil is just viable for a second shot and re-aiming. The recoil doesn't affect the bullet trajectory once it's left the barrel. You're right about difficulty tho, not arguing there, handguns are hard to fire at long distance targets for sure, and at this distance, i think most people would miss indeed.
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+3 728. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video If You Need To Make A Lot Of Popcorn In A Hurry

#4 ah, i didn't notice the hyperlink, thx. Found a video after a few clicks that showed it a bit clearer. I thought the machine was getting the corn/rice fed through a system, but i see now that the entire container is filled up and pressurised. This is the one i saw which i felt made it a bit clearer to me,
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+3 729. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video An Artisan Discovered

#11 that's why i was joking with it, hard to take it serious :P ;)
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+3 730. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video $800,000 watch tells perfect time

I guess... time is money... YEEAAAAAAH! (csi music fades out)
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+3 731. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Volcano Eruption

Can't help but to imagine what this would look like to a far away traveler a thousand years ago, if he/she never had seen or heard about a volcano before... I would probably think twice about continuing in that direction... well, that kinda goes for me today as well i guess :S
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+3 732. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video XXL Pendulum Wave Demonstration

After chaos, comes order...
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+3 733. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video New cupholder design

I think people should focus on other things than drinking while driving, but thats just me. And as #4 points out, these devices have been all over for decades, so there is nothing new here at all tbh.
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+3 734. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video New barrier to stop vehicles trying to ram into buildings

#9 i wasn't gonna comment on this video first, but yea, this device is an anti terror device. Sad, and scary, and no, its not something i would call normal, as the only scenario i can think of with this device, is to stop suicide bombers, and thats it. Shitty stuff...
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+3 735. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Small electronics massively overloaded

#1 yea... but then again, maybe they also forgot their medication. Did you remember yours?
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+3 736. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Loose Skin

There is treatments for this, but i guess it costs a lot of money unless you are covered by state welfare. "Excess skin removal" or other terms are widely used, tummy tuck etc. I hope his video will somehow help him to get something that would help him reach that goal. He says he is happy with himself, but i think he just has to say that, cause the alternative is so sad and maybe hard to deal with. If he truly was happy, he wouldn't feel the need to cover himself up, so i personally hope for that he can get a surgery to look normal again. I would also add that i personally would never judge him, but we all know how hatefull and judgemental the world can be in the public, so yea, for his sake, to feel good, i hope he can get a surgery.
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+3 737. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Why people hate cats...

#3 a lot of people actually record these things to improve on their posture and position, just as some people record themselves when giving a speech, to observe things they can't otherwize. I know what you mean of course, can't say yes or no to that, but sometimes it isn't about showing off ;P
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+3 738. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video How dams are built

Well i'll be dam'd... i know, my jokes are bad and i should feel bad... but i don't, its weird...
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+3 739. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video 333 Year Old Hammer

Its that time again...
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+3 740. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Thrill-seeker balances over pool of hungry alligators as they watch his every move

#1 Just be aware that snotr has the largest base of keyboard warriors in the world, and you will get downvotes from some and they won't even have the spine to put a comment on why. I think there should be a username list on downvotes, so that we can see who they are and ask them to explain why they bother voting on stuff, but never saying why.
For my sake, i understand your humor so you got at least 1 less downvote ;)
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+3 741. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Formula 1 racecar passing by on the highway

Im imagining this scenario. I have a F1 car in my garage. Its nice weather, not too hot, but dry and nice on the road. The traffic seems to be passing at regular speed. Yes, this all looks really good to me! :D
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+3 742. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Sleepy hamster eating a carrot

#1 yes, i believe so, with a smoothing technique to the slow motion part.
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+3 743. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Somewhere in Michigan

Snowhere in michigan :P But yea, insane speeds for those conditions, looks like some mythbusters experiment gone wrong...
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+3 744. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Snowboarding with the NYPD during the Blizzard of 2016

#1 im also norwegian, born and raised here, but we also have problems with snow, we're not THAT special :P
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+3 745. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video "Hoverboard" Fails and People Vs. Technology

8:7 "I didn't video tape it". I like that kid. :x
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+3 746. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Car Parking at Abu Dhabi new Airport Terminal

we are all an older version of ourselves at all times ;)
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+3 747. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

#11 To me its a bit about sending a message, making a moral stand if i may put it like that. And i feel sorry for the girl in question, no matter if she is a crazy stalker or not, i doubt she gave anyone permission to post it anywhere. It does not go against any rules you have set, but sometimes there is room for a more personal approach. But leaving it up is also a solution, as the people watching might take a look at the comments here and who knows, maybe just 1 person stops from doing something similar. Relationship stuff like this doesn't belong in public imo. I mean, should we all be afraid of being in love with someone, in case you do something that might come off wrong, and when you do, it gets posted all over youtube and facebook and whatnot? Its a bigger picture im talking about in the last part, a long run consequence. Why so serious? Well, i didn't get a good feeling from this, nor a smile or happy face, so yea, its anything but fun or trivial to me, and if serious is the word, then yes, i am. I'm not serious all the time, you can just browse my comments on other videos, and you'll se a wide specter of opinions, happy, sad, angry, you name it, so this is not a grumpy rant, but an objective and real attempt to actually maybe make a difference... can't blame me for that can you?
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+3 748. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Award Show Crashers

4:24 i almost peed a bit, that was hilarious :x
but daymn, what a cringeworthy video, i was almost covering my eyes, but it was like a car crash, just couldn't look away :P
almost forgot to add, damn Madonna was hot back in those days! :D
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+3 749. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How to open a lock with a nut wrench

Gonna throw myself on the train here and say "what are those padlocks made of, plastic?" :P Doubt this will work on anything more expensive that those in the video
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+3 750. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Wedding Fails Compilation

1:10 A rare video of a ginger sucking a soul out of his bride... :D
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+3 751. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Jetski vs DJI Inspire 1 drone

These are not the drones you are looking for...
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+3 752. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Carjacking Ends Bad for the Carjackers

#9 we don't have that problem where i live, go figure :) your fear isn't gonna change anything btw, the only thing you can change is to move to another country where crime isn't a huge problem.
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+3 753. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Runaway Fails

That weightlifter tho, she is so freaking cute!
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+3 754. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Building a Primitive Hut

And after 273 turns, for some reason, Gandhi is pissed off...
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+3 755. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Gallium Induced Structural Failure of a Coke Can

#2 You can dissolve Freddy with gallium? Is that how they got rid of his body? I learn something new every day!
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+3 756. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video A T-Rex on American Ninja Warrior

He just jurassic parked the entire competition
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+3 757. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Liddiard wheels

Gotta think larger scale. Imagine an industrial version for cranes or trucks that already moves slowly, it would be revolutionizing if it became a standard within certain applications.
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+3 758. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video World's Largest Ship Elevator Opens at Three Gorges Dam in Central China

Now i'll be dam'd...
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+3 759. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Mike Rayburn sings "Cat's In The Cradle" to his dying Dad

The circle of life... when he was a kid, his dad probably sang to him...
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+3 760. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video That Moment You Learn The Difference Between What You Wanted and Reality

I hope the captain has seen this too, he prob didn't expect that reaction either :D
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+3 761. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Vote Trump. Please ?

Is this where i can use the phrase, "the lesser of two evils"? :P
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+3 762. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Rare footage of extinct animals

2800 - Humans (just my wild guess)

That some species have become extinct is a natural process of evolution. But the ones that humans alone are responsible for is heartbreaking... :(
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+3 763. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video A wise African Tricks a Baboon!!

well... you can't now >:)
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+3 764. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video You're on a roll!

Honestly, i wasn't even aware there was an issue. But i can say as much as this, i will not regulate my comments or rating depending on who is posting the video. That might seem harsh at first, but when you think about it, thats how we need to be if we want a genuine rating system. We are rating the videos, not the uploader as a person.
As for comments, i've grown to accepting JJ, but we've sure had some arguments, and that he has problems with certain people commenting on him is not a surprise. Now, im talking about normal discussions, but namecalling and such is of course NOT acceptable, no matter what. He does have some radical comments, some extreme, and some a bit out of taste, but hey, we're all humans, we are different, i say tomato, you say potato, and so goes the world around. But if we speak with an open mind, we better be prepared for what other people think and not at least, prepared to answer when criticism comes. If one is unable to take the criticism, one must think twice about speaking ones mind.
And sorry JJ if you're being referred to in 3rd person, i was more replying to the general comment section in this case, but i will stick with what i wrote even to you in person. I'm sure you can take that in a good manner and just accept that we might not see eye to eye on a lot of things. I believe i've never been rude or straight out mean in any of our discussions, and if i have, i apologize for that.
This might seem a bit harsh and insensitive, but i do believe in telling things as they are instead of decorating it or wrapping it in, i hope you can respect that.

I will add, i would be surprised if you stopped posting things or commenting things JJ, i see you as one of the regulars and you offer a different perspective on things sometimes, which is a good contrast for the regular "cool video" comments.
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+3 765. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

Seems quite a few people here are mixing up gender with sex. Fair mistake tho, but if you wanna discuss it, at least do a little bit of research first.
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+3 766. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Everyday Objects In Macro

I guessed the toothbrush and the wrench, but most of them i was clueless. Cool video :)
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+3 767. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cat saving his human from drowning in a bathtub

#7 hm, maybe the video is in reverse...?
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+3 768. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Girl Makes Last Minute Basketball Shot

I did the same when i was young and playing myself, we didn't win, but i tied us up with my throw. It was a really good feeling :)
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+3 769. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Giant radiation shield built to cap Chernobyl's damaged nuclear reactor

As we clearly see, we need to protect us from ourselves the most...
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+3 770. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video MAG-LEV Audio

Instead of that cheesy speech from the overlay voice, they should have had something like "Look. A man approaches a turntable. The turntable is levitating. Its awesome. Things are awesome. You're cool."
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+3 771. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cute Dalmatian

#7 so for some reason you thought i wanted it because... its xmas? You have no idea how many years i've wanted a dog buddy, but i can't. Many reasons.
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+3 772. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Ice Blocks - How it's made

The coolest things about ice (pun intended) is when the water sinks below the ice, and the ice starts making this thunder cracking sound, almost like a mix of laser beams from star wars and some magic spell being used. I don't have any personal videos, but this one is perfect to illustrate it,
i used to sit and listen to it when i was a kid, good times :)
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+3 773. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Snake catches baby rabbit, Momma comes to save the day.

#2 Because we usually like cute animals more than the ones we find scary. Most ppl tend to rut for the ones they like the most. If i was to chose a pet, and i had to chose between a bunny or a snake, i'd take the bunny. Also, snakes are stigmatized, they are often used as symbol of evil or danger, even tho there are plenty of harmless snakes in the world. Its just how our minds work :)
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+3 774. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video All new and rare! Tree Fails and Idiots with Chainsaws 2017

4:40 the guy diving in and getting him up, the real mvp!
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+3 775. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video All new and rare! Tree Fails and Idiots with Chainsaws 2017

#11 i've read some news about it, i'm assuming you're talking about the demonstrations going on regarding the new law that is being passed. I can only offer my morale support and say that i hope the people wins and that justice will be uphold. It's scary that they want to allow corruption the way they suggest it, its just... wow...
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+3 776. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Near death experiences captured by GoPros

The last one, what a relief it must be to see those hands and shovels... :O
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+3 777. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Jogger takes interview question too literally

#7 well aren't you a special snowflake... want a medal?
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+3 778. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Bath Time

I don't think its having a bad time at all. Those ties are not to keep its legs together, they are far apart and lose enough for it to move its legs, its a common thing to have on pet birds of larger sizes that has claws. Its not even trying to move, which to me indicates it feels its rather ok to be there.
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+3 779. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Spaghetti-Harvest in Ticino

What... this was a hoax? I saw the video like ages ago, and i settled my mind that spaghetti grew on trees... the disappointment i'm having finding out they are actually grown in the ground is huge...
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+3 780. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How to Tell if a Guy Likes You vs How to Tell if a Girl Likes You

#3 indeed, being a male sure can make it hard sometimes :P
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+3 781. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video What happens when you leave a tetherball in the forest

#1 i thought the same thing, he even takes a little nibble on something on the ground while playing. The others are like just watching from a distance "Oh boy, uncle Johnny is drunk again" :D
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+3 782. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Man Feeds His Kitties In Cat Mask

This is why cats have trust issues with humans :P
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+3 783. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Smart wheelchair-friendly solution that should be everywhere..

#2 of course, i just didn't see this invention as any steps closer to anything we didn't already know, and in my eyes, a waste of time and resources possibly? I have seen delivery companies have those trolleys with 3 wheels on, that can "crawl" up the stairs with a certain function. This principal is applied to the appliance instead of the stairs. There are more stairs than trolleys around so it seems logical. Thats how i see wheelchairs too. There are more stairs and hinders than wheelchairs. Maybe we should look at reinventing the chairs instead?
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+3 784. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video April 2017 Solar Flares

If you're curious on the physics behind the phenomena, check out this video too :)
And if you thought this was beautiful, check this out too
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+3 785. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Attacked by shark

Thx for feedback Geekster, much appreciated :) The cards sounds good man, hopefully a trophy to keep and not a memory to look back at, so do your best with keeping the site up, wish i could help in any way <3
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+3 786. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video When tires attack

I'M TIRED OF YOUR SHIT! :D (last one was a dummy btw)
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+3 787. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Seeing the Invisible: Schlieren Imaging in SLOW MOTION

Am i the only one who's like "wtf, razor blade...? cutting... the light? WHAT WHICH CRAFT IS THIS!!"
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+3 788. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How Facebook is Stealing Billions of Views

#6 I totally understand, I just have a bit of a different view/attitude towards online content, as i feel an artist should become an artist for the art itself, and not the potential fame/money you can get from it. The video is about stealing content, but i'm thinking past that and kinda towards the whole concept of art and entertainment of that sort. But sure, i understand the concept that they feel they lose views from this happening, i'm just questioning the ideal thought behind an online society in the context.

And yea, i don't think there will be any way of protecting content from being copied as long as its on the users client in the end process, not at this point at least (screen captures etc, gonna be hard to make copy protection for that)
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+3 789. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The secrets behind trick shot videos.

I think he edited some of the scenes...
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+3 790. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Suppressor Meltdown! 700 round burst through an M249

#11 not a very constructive comment there buddy, but ironically its very fitting in its own way as it just emphasizes #10's comment more ;)
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+3 791. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster

Come on, lets just say it like it is, Elon Musk is just a big fan of fireworks and loves to watch shit blow up :D
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+3 792. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Glacier bridge collapses in Perito Moreno

#1 Why so gloomy? What would you rather have them do, cry? Be silent? The ice couldn't care less about either, so why not applaud and cheer, its as good as any gesture if you ask me.
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+3 793. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cheese

#2 you mean the figure/sketch? Its "Borat", a fictional person claiming to come from Kazakhstan in his "hidden camera" sketches, playing on the awkwardness of two clashing worlds, portrayed by Sacha Baron Cohen. Pretty much a "you been pranked" in another format. Just goto YT and put in Borat and knock yourself out :)
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+3 794. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video he Devil's Wheel at Oktoberfest is INSANE and AWESOME!

That looks like fun, i'd def try it :D
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+3 795. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Floating Card Trick performed by the best in the world

#1 Some sort of string that he holds in place with his mouth, you can see his head doing movement that fits with the "flying".
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+3 796. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video UNCONVENTIONAL Domino Tricks! - Hevesh5 & Kaplamino

Loved it. Level of engineering and planning is over 9000 on this one, hands down.
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+3 797. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Man Films Lightning That Strikes 5 Meters Away And Destroys His Backyard

I guess thats the spot where the house grounding was :P
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+3 798. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video All 6 lanes of major highway I-85 in Atlanta just went up in flames and collapsed

how do you burn a highway exactly... i thought those things were concrete and metal :P
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+3 799. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Does everyone know what alchemy is?

Its an anime joke/reference, not funny at all if you haven't watched Fullmetal Alchemist... :S
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+3 800. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Dave Grohl reunites with the doctor who save his leg

The title has bad grammar! Its "SAVED" with a D! Whoever submitted this should learn to english! Oh, hang on... awkward...
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+3 801. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Massive Hornet Nest Removal

#1 That would leave a enormous amount of dead wasps inside the walls and ceiling, attracting other animals and bugs to come and eat. You would have to open the walls and clean them out thoroughly. Poisonous removal should always be the last resort. Best thing would be to dose them with some sedative smoke and catch the majority along with the queen and relocate them somewhere far away. Whatever wasps are left behind after the queen has left will either die or move to other locations.
I do however agree that if it was just a nest hanging visible, the best approach would be to clip the nest off inside an airtight bag and leave them to die there, or spray as well, and then dispose of it properly. But as you see the size of this nest isn't small enough to just put in a bag, so extreme measures has to be taken. Also, if one does it calmly, the wasps should in theory not be as aggressive as if you kill or swat one of them, as they release a chemical when they die to alert the rest.
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+3 802. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video lightning strike

"Did you see that?" I'm pretty sure he saw it too :D
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+3 803. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Happy New Year dear Snotr Fans!

Its 3am in Norway, Happy New Year ya'll <3
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+3 804. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video How to Ride Bikes in Winter

#2 and one day some rich dude is standing on one of these very carpets, watching these videos and laughing of these people and their ways of living, not even realizing...
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+3 805. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Funny Fred Sanford clip

Come on guys! Keep going, we must decide a winner of this discussion!! :D
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+3 806. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Former banker in San Francisco confronts new reality

#6 just my own reflective thoughts, but maybe he was taught that capitalism is the same as progress. We see it everyday all over the world. "They" (meaning the capitalistic fronts) want us to spend more money, and consume more things, and reproduce so we make new potentially future "customers". But that mentality only leads us in one direction, and that is eventually to consume everything there is on this planet. I've been to many meetings in different companies, and all those "motivational" speakers they hire all say the same thing, "Sell more, get more customers, expand, grow, get more customer" ,and so on. Of course they just wrap it up in fancy stories with an emotional twist, and/or hide it between the lines of some mass produced lie. And on the paper, its working, its a mentality that has grown very, very strong in the "modern" world, we are addicted to money. It will eventually be the downfall of the world we know today, given enough time. My concern is whether or not we are able to turn around in time, not because of technical challenges, but due to our nature to fail at resisting the gold. My ideal world doesn't involve no rich or poor people, but a world that at least is in a stable growth rate, self sustaining, and clean. And having a stable society shows stagnation in growth in most cases, poor countries with unstable governments, and/or war shows that birth rate is higher than the contrary, stable countries. To make people at ease and get a slower growth rate, we need to lessen the gap between the rich and poor, and have stable governments to prevent political unrest, as well as a more fair system on how we calculate wealth and how we distribute it. How? I dunno... i'm just thinking loud...
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+3 807. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Skydiving in a Car

#5 they did it over a known area called Area 51, with the permit from the government. Nobody was on the ground.
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+2 808. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Fake injury FAIL

The label is "Accident", most videos here are people getting hurt under that category. I can't see many people here saying that this video is hilarious. Most i can see here, from the 17 comments, is that people think he is a moron, and that he probably did a stupid move. Which i agree on. I've watched this video over and over now, and i see no reason for the driver to be blamed even the slightest. UNLESS the driver did it on purpose, but i really don't think so. Whether he deserved to be run over like that? I dunno, did he? If that was his intention to get run over, then... i mean... isn't it deserved then?

And the guy also gets up on his knees, and even out from the car all by himself. Nobdy in serious conditions would manage that, as i pointed out earlier. The very symptoms of f.ex. brain seizure is that you lose motoric skills and cannot move and act as normal. Which he clearly does at the end.

So yea, i stand by my opinion, that the guy managed to do exactly what he was trying to do, and the poor driver
might have been the victim here. (UNLESS, as said earlier, it was actually on purpose, which would make it just pure and simply stupid and bad)
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+2 809. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What it feels like being drunk

Aaaah, hahahaha, brilliant one! Put a huge smile on my face, especially since its first day of new year today :D
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+2 810. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Fish geyser

Hm, there is something fishy about this video...
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+2 811. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video High school robotics team help a kitten walk again...adorable...

I assume that is only used because it is already the right shape, it doesn't itch or tear skin, and it holds the back part up without having to strap it on with more solid straps. I doubt its because of poo or pee.
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+2 812. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video SOMETHING

Is the foam reversed on the other side of it? Or is the writing mirrored on the backside?
If it's mirrored, i guess no wonder not many people get it...
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+2 813. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video "hyperlapse" made with Google Street View

This is awesome! I love the internet...
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+2 814. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Darpa's latest pant shittingly awesome robot

Terminator theme...
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+2 815. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The Lucky ones

And THAT people, is how it looks like in real life, not like in the movies.

(well, apart from the intro of course...)
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+2 816. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Flatground bike skills

Come on, admit it, you all wanted him to knock his head on one of those trailer wagons :P
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+2 817. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Animatronics of "The Thing"

Awesome movie (the 1982 one). It's also funny for us norwegians (and prob germans) cause the actor who is speaking "norwegian" in the beginning, is actually a german actor who just learned those phrases for the movie :P
He speaks correctly, gramatically, but as a norwegian you can easily hear he's not native. But funny tho :)

See that one btw, the 82 realease, it's the best one in my opinion.
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+2 818. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Overhead view of atomic explosion

Regrets doesn't help much practically, but this is one of those things i really, really wish we could un-invent...
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+2 819. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Psychological harassment at work

Oh man, hahaha, im so cruel to be laughing of this, i really feel with the guy, but it's funny O:)
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+2 820. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Man Stabbed With A Sword

I can imagine people back at that time being already in awe for the television. Then one day, they air this stuff. The rest is what we see daily on the internet...
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+2 821. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Geiger counter going off the charts in an antique shop

Taken from

Earliest onset of radiation sickness
75,000 milliRem (mRem)
750 milliSievert (mSv)

Is it just me, or does this thing go above that limit?
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+2 822. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Fireworks Contest in Japan

I think... all of them? Do we need a winner? Why not just agree that fireworks is awesome, end of story :D
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+2 823. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Don't let this guy embarrass you in a street fight

not really, when sparring you quickly adjust to the objective of the training. Of course it differs from person to
person, but i think most people would adjust that way. You're way to busy defending yourself anyway :P
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+2 824. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Distortions

Lightspeed? I like darkspeed better. No matter how fast the light is, darkness is already there.
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+2 825. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What It's Like To Drop 150,000 Feet Straight Down

Because once you have halve a billion people gotten used to it, it will take generations before they get accustomed to a new system. On their end, they are saying the same as we, why don't we change. And we stick to the metric system because it's the best. So do they think, just opposite, but for different reasons.
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+2 826. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Extreme downhill trail

I forgot i was eating while watching this... totally insane track!
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+2 827. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Manliest rugby player I've ever seen

That ladies and gentlemen, is Sparta!
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+2 828. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Lucasfilm shows off the future of filmmaking

Pacific Rim was really bad on the special effects. When you see the scenes with Edris Alba (why did he go that path, i dont know, feel sorry for him) but you can clearly see the lighting on him doesn't match the lighting in the "Observation room" he is standing in.
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+2 829. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Brave Neighbor Saves Man From 5th Floor Fire in NYC

Oh man, that was intense. That is a true hero indeed! He did what he had to do, risking his own life, all respect in the world.
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+2 830. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How Computers Add Numbers In One Lesson

When you open the page, the computer tells the screen to show all the pixels in the given binary code, containing colors mostly, and placement. So if you load a totally white screen, at a resolution of 1920x1080, the computer generates 2 million codes instantly. Now you can imagine a moving picture with different colors.
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+2 831. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Very cheap and creative campsite intruder alarm

listen to the guys voice, i think he intended it very much to be this way ;)
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+2 832. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cool visualisation of a Dial Up Modem Handshake

Then you shall enjoy this little trip down the memory lane
Jupp, time to bring that DosBox back on your old shitty laptop!!! :)
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+2 833. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 12-year-old kid teaches himself Blue Devil's snare book

As a musician, i would say it's the same as remembering how to write. You are using 27 letters to create all sorts of combinations. The beat is the drummers language, and the more you speak it, the more you learn.
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+2 834. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Istanbul: Security cam records flood

If anything, those people deserve a raise. Imagine a flood, and you're thinking about the office instead of getting the hell out of dodge. Respect!
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+2 835. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Disney Snow Simulation

It looks great, but it still is cgi, and it is very visible. I live in a plce where we have snowy winters, and i've played around in snow since i was a kid, and i can spot this as a good try, but not quite there. And i don't understand why they are showing in slow motion, it's real motion that is interesting.
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+2 836. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Net Gun

Mary Jane prob had some issues with this in the bedroom...
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+2 837. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Thresher Sharks

I'm building a space ship, i hear the music
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+2 838. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Alligator VS cat

The face expression on the alligator when it gets hit, priceless.
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+2 839. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Justin Timberlake halts concert to let fan propose to girlfriend

Pressure? You mean forced marriage? That's like a totally different thing. Oooooh ,you mean the typical judgement from the common people, nvm then...
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+2 840. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Robber chooses the wrong nerd on an iPhone

hahaha, epic pov in my head from that one :D
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+2 841. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video iPad Art - Morgan Freeman Finger Painting

As #7 points out, this is very debatable. I personally can't make up my mind, due to two different angles. One is the demonstration on youtube on how to fake it, was pretty damn down to detail and very similar to the acclaimed fake.
The other side, is the fact that when people draw or paint by hand, they use a reference picture, or model. If the guy is really as good as this claims, he could have done it using that picture as the reference.
Then again, this is really, really easy to fake. I can do it as well with my very limited photoshop skills, but i would use a lot of time i think tho.
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+2 842. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Cannonball in mercury

thats why the video is so short, they all died
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+2 843. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Drywall Ladder Climb

From now on, thats the only way i will climb stuff.
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+2 844. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Mammoth Icebreaker

you are totally right, i wasn't listening to it at all, i was listening to music. But ok, you reacted to the part where i used the word "untouched". Bear in mind that not all users have english as the native languge. Hence words can mean different things when translated. In this case, i should have used the words "visually untouched", that would be more accurate and maybe it would make more sense.
That said, even tho you would be right, (which you are about the facts) would that change my feelings about having nuclear vehicles roaming around?
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+2 845. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Snowboarding appears to have turned insane

Skid Row <3
Some neat flips n tricks there too
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+2 846. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Asteroid Discovery From 1980 - 2010

I have no idea what #2 and #4 has been smoking, but it wasn't good enough. If you focus on the yellow dot, the entire video, and THEN close the video, you'll see some REAL magic.
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+2 847. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video my faith in flight attendants is drowning

Release the Kraken!
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+2 848. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The Blah Blah Dog

Blah blah blah, talk to the paw cause I ain't listening!
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+2 849. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Magic for dogs

Nakke... that was a priceless face "What? Come one, what did he do it, i know you were watching!"
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+2 850. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The story behind "the most viewed image in the world" the Windows XP wallpaper

Could you point out where anyone here in this video has mentioned that this is an advert in a negative way? The discussion is whether or not this should be in another category, not whether we like adverts or not, nor what attitude we have towards it. You make it seem like next time anyone mentions that there is an advert, they are automatically assumed to be "anti redbull" or whatever that issue is that you have a problem with. You seem to assume that people are voting the video up in the beginning, and then downvoting it once they see it's and advert. What effect an ad has on people is irrelevant in context of simply placing a video in a category. Your personal opinion on the OS itself is also totally irrelevant, as well as your personal opinion about people who have certain views about certain brands and ads. So yea, next time someone questions whether a video is in the right category or not, try to look at the very subject they are pointing at, and not your own feelings about people liking or disliking a video out of their own personal preferences.
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+2 851. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Adventure Awaits

lol, i thought it was gonna be all about the oven brand... Dat name tho, Lurpak, sounds like some species in star trek or something. I have to try it once :P
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+2 852. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Jealous Donkey

#5 try not to take things too literally, it's supposed to be funny, not analyzed to death...
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+2 853. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Greetings from Russia

Treethings from russia...
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+2 854. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video $13k BMW motorcycle vs 1 million dollar Bugatti

#6 As i said, pros and cons for both, depending on what the criteria you set. As in your case, you are in need to talk to a passenger while speeding. In my case, i can manage fine all by myself and shut up while speeding, so in that context you clearly see how different it can be.
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+2 855. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video How To Make Pancakes Like A Druggie

It's actually a good video. Imagine if people started associating consummation of sugar being as dirty as using drugs like heroin. I don't see that hurting our lifestyle at all...
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+2 856. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Fire Tornado

For the glory of satan of course
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+2 857. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Harley-Davidson Project LiveWire

They nailed parts of the design, the curves and shapes do resemble old classic bikes. But then they ruin it with those led strip blinkers and lots of small details that doesn't really fit with that style imo. But i've never been a harley fan, mostly cause of the design styles.
As for what #3 says, no need to downvote him, cause he is after all pointing out something with roots in reality. Newer HD bikes has problems with some of the designs, something with the parts in the engine that has a really bad failure rate at very random milage. HD used to be iconic back in the days, but today they are merely a mass producing factory like any other brand. And just look at the used market, there are as many HD bikes for sale as Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda bikes, which are considered mainstream.
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+2 858. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Historic Bike Flip in FMX competition

The tone and voice to the commentators made me believe they see this every day. I would have gone like "ok, here he goes... wait, wtf? Is that even legal in some countries? I'm sure he broke some laws there, at least physics ones..."
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+2 859. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video White Arctic Wolf Howling

#5 I think you mean ended :)
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+2 860. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Laser pointer vs chickens

This is why the chicken crossed the road...
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+2 861. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Mysteries Of The Honey Bee

I just wanted -1
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+2 862. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Our newest spaceship unveiled

13:13 the gamer in my came just a little bit at that point... i need to build this
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+2 863. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Bioluminescent water

Did this when i was a kid, was out rowing a boat, and the oars would create "glitter" traces of green'ish color in the water. Was pretty damn awesome...
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+2 864. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Norwegian helicopter Induces a Rock Fall beside a Fjord

#10 If you stood next to it, you would die because you are a living organism with soft tissue and many, many weak spots. Your organs are sensitive to pressure and the shockwave alone would rupture your spleen and veins, and so on. A rock doesn't have these problems. Nothing wrong with coming with suggestions and ideas, but be prepared for others having better suggestions and explanations to why certain methods would be preferred. In this case i hardly think the chopper method was a result of 10 minutes of thinking, but rather a long process of trying lots of different methods, including the suggestion of using explosives.
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+2 865. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 3 year old with a strong grip

#8 So that is what the word "comments" mean, thank you for clearing that up, lord snotr. I must not be one of (in your definition) the right people then. I love how you make it into that i want to go around boiling kids and break their necks to make them learn, i see clearly now that my first comment said exactly that. The logic is strong here, so i will let it continue to flow with you, young padawan ::(|) Next time, if you actually want a discussion, don't start indicating that you think the other person is a moron, or not "right", or sadistic or cruel. In other words, keeping a mature discussion.
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+2 866. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Dude throws a rock at Lamborghini Aventador...

#12 say that to a lawyer ;) But what do you mean by "hurt somebody nearby"? Who got hurt? And to be real, the car DID stop after he threw the first rock, so it worked :P
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+2 867. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Never steal from this guy

I looked like "Side eyeing Chloe" the entire time...
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+2 868. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Routine check of a jet fighter before taking off from a carrier

#1 These high tech days? We're still burning fossil fuel, and you expect us to have invented metal that can think and feel like a human? I think you've seen too many movies, you can't replace a human just yet ;)

On topic again. What i think is amazing is the level of trust you got to have in strangers when flying such a plane, no way i would fly such a thing just cause some dude with a helmet was waving a thumbs up :P
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+2 869. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The Irish don't fuck around with their adverts...

Instead of just downvoting my comment, why can't someone actually reply properly? I am actually asking why they are using the "shame on you" part cause i really don't get it.
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+2 870. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Men Passing Out On The Slingshot Ride

The look at the buddy on the second clip when he sees the other one passed out. "holy shit, is he ok? hey buddy, you there? what do i do now then...?"
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+2 871. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Best News Bloopers 2014

2:13 in 2 seconds he turned from a old grumpy man into a small kid smiling, loved it :D
Loved the end segment too, all in all a good compilation :)
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+2 872. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video The best TV-show exit

It started out quite nice "I don't care about how tough you are, life is tougher" part, but then... it just... yea...
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+2 873. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Cops vs A Hill

in my grandma's funeral the power in the church went out, and most of us chuckled a bit as the priest had to drop the mic and speak out loud, which he did very well. It was a humorous moment on a sad day, so your words are very true, one should be able to smile and have fun of things, even in hard times. +1 from me, well said.
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+2 874. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video C'mon just a peck!

They can be nasty if they attack tho, they have (like ostriches) a nasty claw on the middle toe, and they can scratch you up pretty badly. Cool video tho :)
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+2 875. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Kid Breaks Friends Camera With Airsoft Gun

I just feel sorry for the kid... :'(
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+2 876. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Cheerleading Fails

#1 i think some of them were pretty bad, like the one on 3:48 she isn't gonna be writing in a while, that was ouch level 50+
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+2 877. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Airtrax

#3 im thinking this design offers a great challenge regarding high speeds and stability, it has to be used with rather slow moving vehicles the way it looks to me. But the usage can be very variable, i can imagine a billion things right of the bat, just to mention a couple; have it used on a highway, but on the lane walls. They could move around and adjust traffic more efficient remotely. Or you could implement them to a wheelchair solution for people who need wheelchairs. The thing is that these can be used also invertedly. Have a platform slide over while the wheels are mounted stationary on the ground, kinda like a conveyor belt in principal. I could go on and on i think...
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+2 878. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hydrogel in the frying pan

#6 cause it wasn't funny :P
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+2 879. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Do You Wrap Gifts for Blind People?

#15 + #19 so you feel that posting negative comments are helping us in what way? xmas holidays are not fun for all, most people are aware of the fact that a lot of people are having a rough time then. Does that make it valid to be negative around other peoples joy? No, it doesnt.
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+2 880. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Do You Speak English?

#2 thank you for the name! downloading some episodes now, seems like its right up my alley, but i never would have found the name without your comment, thx :)
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+2 881. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Crane collapses in Lower Manhattan

#2 from this video, it looks like it slides between the buildings, but it does in fact scrape along the side of the "right" side of the same street. If you google some images from the incident, you'll get a lot of different angles of the impact. Unfortunately, one person died in this accident as well as the material damage, and a lot of people were panicking afraid it was a bomb that had gone off.
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+2 882. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Knife Skills Compilation

#5 Yea, that song is annoying as fuck to me, just irritates me to listen to it :) dont think about it tho, people are different, different tastes and preferences ;)
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+2 883. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video 5 Things You Should Never Do In A Manual Transmission Vehicle

Automatic has come far today tho, there is very few scenarios where you need manual. But its fun to "feel" the car of course, i think manual vs auto comes with age and the need for speed. Young people love manual, but i think when you get mid-age'ish, you'll start to appreciate the auto :)
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+2 884. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video 5 Things You Should Never Do In A Manual Transmission Vehicle

#6 You are always taught to put it in neutral, and put on the handbrake. This goes for pretty much every single serious driving school. I understand you think that its safety reasons behind it, but there is safety reasons behind why you shouldn't. What if you are the one with a problem, lets say you get some sort of fit, and your foot slides off the clutch? The car will start moving and you risk a lot more danger than standing still. Also, if a car is speeding and driving like a maniac, the driver will still try to avoid hitting obstacles that are stationary. If you then suddenly decide to slam it in gear and floor it, you might end up causing a crash instead of avoiding it. This is not just me, this is a general attitude that you will notice from pretty much any serious driving school, all over the world.
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+2 885. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video How to open a lock with a nut wrench

I was kinda being sarcastic about the plastic :) O:)
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+2 886. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Scariest Tow Truck Ever!

#5 yes, but its not meant to be gentle in any way. At that point, the cars are either illegally imported, or used in criminal activities (or anything that makes them illegal) and are to be scrapped. There is no where in the world where this vehicle would be seen as a towing vehicle. The term "tow" is basically to have something dragged behind you. In this case, the car goes straight into the garbage bin, never intended to be functional again.
some places they can't use the cars for the reason i posted above. If a car is illegal, the government cannot use it either. The cars might also have a defect that we cannot see, like a rusted cage or severe fractions somewhere, making it unfit to repair due to costs.
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+2 887. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Scariest Tow Truck Ever!

#8 i know what you mean, and i would totally support it. But the thing is that it costs to have these things done. Labour is never free. There is no system for exchanging information about these parts that can be taken. But i do believe that if you visit a scrapyard, you can either get for free, or for a small pay, get to pick stuff. But the people who have the mission of "cleaning up the spot" with a car in, they don't have the resources to do anything about it. And even tho its hard to imagine, sometimes the parts are not worth it due to a lot of things (for the people in question that is). It would maybe be a huge benefit in an underdeveloped country, but how to get it there? As you see, i keep coming back to money, cause thats what its all about. If it was profitable to strip the cars, they would have.
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+2 888. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

1 Technology, 2 Inspirational, 3 all the funny stuff O:)
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+2 889. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Win Compilation - January 2016

Some of those wins were THIS close to fails, but hey, i guess thats the line sometimes in life ;) I loved the wooden bicycle, that was pretty cool.
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+2 890. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Incredible Near miss - Carlisle river Victoria

Excuse me, but a near miss is the same as a hit. Think about it. It almost misses? :P Like saying "almost not an accident", but its still an accident :P
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+2 891. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Attempt to crush book with hydraulic press goes awry

#9 hm, how about i get to use the hydraulic press? :D
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+2 892. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Drone footage of drone clearing of the Trollstigen Road in Norway

#5 We are the masters of trolls, i'ts been so for centuries. You can watch the move "The Troll Hunter", and get a good idea what the average norwegian life is like. Norway only has a population of about 5 million, and the reason is kinda obvious when you see the movie. Its a natural balance, we don't overpopulate, and we still have lots of land to nourish on. Its a win win, we just try to not get caught by a troll ;)
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+2 893. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Putting roses in potatoes

Lets be honest, the link that #3 provided summed up the entire 5:45 seconds, the video in itself is pretty bad :P I had no idea what i was suppose to look at and when the video ended (after gently skipping forward 10 times) i felt like i just watched some internal joke that i didn't get :P The link in #3 gave me the answer tho, but it was not the video that did it ;)
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+2 894. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Charlie Chaplin - We think too much and feel too little

#4 sorry, i forgot who i was dealing with, i shall never do it again ;)
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+2 896. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Fred Rogers: Look for the Helpers

#2 i just played all the 4 videos submitted by him and they all play on both speakers for me. Maybe you need to update something? flash player or soundcard drivers or something?
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+2 897. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video DiGiorno Commercial

#5 why would this be so upsetting? I see nothing wrong at all, no hidden messages or anything "anti" anything.
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+2 898. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Young elephant vs Lions

Never, ever give up!!
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+2 899. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Did he accidentally buy a horse?

That's gold, right there! :D :D :D

#1 hah, that would be awesome! go for it!
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+2 900. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video ASMR Rewind Kinetic Sand . Layered Sounds . Oddly Satisfying .

What's the "layered sounds" about?
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+2 901. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Zoom

What an amazing "camera" :P
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+2 902. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX at it again

I would have edited it a bit differently, i would have f.ex. added a longer pause at the reaction of the audience. As if they were NOT expecting it to fail, and making it look like it took them 2-3 seconds to realize, and then suddenly burst into cheering. The editing was made so it looks like they WERE expecting things to blow up. I would also have used different kinds of footage regarding the audience, but hey, maybe i should give it a try myself and see if im onto something or not :)
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+2 903. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video World's Largest Ship Elevator Opens at Three Gorges Dam in Central China

#11 the comment #5 made says volume. Displacement of volume is not in direct correlation as the weight. He was prob thinking right, but the wrong terms. You can have 1 kg of steel can that takes less space than 1kg of water. You also have to take in consideration the force of the existing water in the lift, the water also weighs something, and is trying to push the boat "out of the water". Thats where the archimedes principle comes in, the force the object is being pushed "out of the water" with is equal to the floating part (sorry for explaining myself a bit poorly)
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+2 904. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Meteor caught on camera at a Modest Mouse show

2 years later, and this video is classic of the day. I started reading comments, and came to #3 and i thought "well said". Then i looked at the nick of the writer, and i facepalmed :D
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+2 905. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Steam Roller vs Golf Balls

Anyone here a tailor? I have some golf pants, but i got hole in one... anyways, i'm off, its tee time :)
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+2 906. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Shark attacks another shark

That was brutal... :O poor shark... and i didn't know they ate eachother either...I'll save this video for one time when someone uses "nature is so peaceful and symbiotic" and i'll slap this video in their face "Yea, so nice and calm right!"
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+2 907. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hit By A Bus* - The Supercut

Sometimes i guess its better to miss the bus, than catching it
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+2 908. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Movie Phone Super Call

For such good coverage, this video is getting a bad reception...
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+2 909. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video A wise African Tricks a Baboon!!

lol geekster... :D you ... you... and #7 I CAN'T NOW :D
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+2 910. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Gravity

This is what happens when you try to kidnap Dwayne Johnson
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+2 911. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Elderly Chilean man injures himself stopping shoplifter

#5 yea, he was hanging onto the safety harness, dangling under the scaffolding we were standing on. Usually someone is helping you up, but since it was only the 2 of us and i was busy holding the shutter, he had to kinda swing a bit to get a grip. I guess it was only matter of half a minute, but it felt like 10 for me at the time. He didn't mind calling it a day either :P
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+2 912. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How to arrive late for work

#3 lol, dunno how many times i've watched that movie... :D "A TIGER? IN AFRICA?"
and no, sorry, my sergeant was just loud and firm, more like a Obama kinda speaker x)
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+2 913. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cute Dalmatian

#2 :D that sure made me giggle :D
and then i realised im single, and lonely, and i want that puppy... :'(
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+2 914. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Crossing A River in Somaliland

#2 watching the end of the video makes me think that they all were waiting for the crossing to become more stable ;) And thus, they had time to film it so we could be entertained as well :D
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+2 915. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Crossing A River in Somaliland

The thunder snows with lightning from the sky, while Judging Jake sits down close by.
The two masters stand side by side, while the vacuum of your own self, drifts away to die.
Who in the right mind would dare to treat, a user of snotr, who's mind you meet,
with anything but poetry, and words of the meek...
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+2 916. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Angry wasps appear after explosion

The wasps have a secret society where they are researching different kinds of explosives. This explosion was an accident on the wasps behalf, and when they realised they were being filmed, they had to try to destroy the evidence of their activities.
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+2 917. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Moving heavy rocks with simple tools

Merry xmas ya'll ;)
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+2 918. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Brave Chipmonks!

Reaction to be expected, just like with certain paparazzis :P
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+2 919. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia......

#7 thats what i was thinking too...
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+2 920. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Golfing on Ice Fail

#2 was my 1000th comment, yay, celebration and salutations! Cakes and cookies are on me! Bring your own milk!
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+2 921. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Charlie Chaplin - Factory Work

Its a really great movie, saw it last year for the first time, and i enjoyed it a lot!
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+2 922. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Jogger takes interview question too literally

you are not #7 thunder, you are #4 #6 #8 and #10 :D But you can have a medal too ;)
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+2 923. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Jogger takes interview question too literally

#13 Medals in general have very little wort, they are mostly printed in mass production of lesser metals. The symbolism of the medal is the real worth, which you cannot buy for money ;) But i guess thats why it sucks to be you :P
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+2 924. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Jogger takes interview question too literally

#18 oh, i wasn't about to give you the nobel prize... no worries ;) But i'm flattered that you are under the impression that i represent Norway :)
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+2 925. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video When Girls Says No!!!

Don't wanna ruin the illusion, but some of them are fake/staged for PR purposes ;P just so you know. And now, after knowing, you can watch again to try to spot them :) Body language is a big revealer.
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+2 926. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Poop Splash Elimination - Smarter Every Day

Ok, it was for science... but i have to admit, i was slightly giggling during the whole video :D Slightly disappointed over the paper method, as its the same i've been practicing for years already :P
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+2 927. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Irish street dancers do their thing, and without music!

According to Trump, they are doing a tapp dance
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+2 928. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The World's biggest bonfire! Slinningsbålet 2016

#5 thats what she said O:)
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+2 929. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Arm Wrestle Goes Wrong

#10 i see where you're coming from, and i agree its not "fun" to watch ppl get hurt. We do have an accident category, which this video should have been put in. Sometimes its not about finding these videos funny, but as warnings and sort of educational. I wasn't aware that someone could break their own elbow with their own
force like this, so for my own sake, i learned that im NOT gonna do this myself. You are prob a very caring person, and that makes you concerned and worried about the people that get hurt, which is a good trade to have, don't change that :)
Why people downvoted your comment i don't know, but i put one up again, i have always stood by my philosophy when it comes to downvotes, both comments and videos, that i will always leave a comment on why i downvoted, i wish more ppl would do that.
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+2 930. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video 4 Revolutionary Riddles Resolved!

I got every one right! Im just kidding... the race track issue seemed so clear to me first, even tho i knew there was more to it, it surprised me a bit. The viscosity i sort of had correct, just not the exact content... cool riddles tho, a bit higher level than "the person on the street" will manage to solve, but hey, that's how we learn, aint it? :)
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+2 931. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Bill Nye Reveals Amazing Facts For Earth Day, and has to Deal With a Rude Host

Its a high paced tv show with lots of "energy" (somewhat conceived and unnatural, but thats irrelevant) and this style doesn't suit Bill Nye's personality. He talks slowly and needs time to formulate himself properly, and here he seems to be trying to speed himself up, but starts to fumble a bit, which makes the host freak out (since she obviously has had 10 redbulls before coming on). I don't feel she was rude, nor disrespecting Bill in any way. I think Bill should have said no to appear on this show, as it obviously isn't his cup of tea. He is a calm person, with contained energy, and shows his enthusiasm vocally, and not physically. Wrong show, wrong guy, simple as that imo.
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+2 932. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video A Solar Eruption in 5 Steps

I did post 2 videos in a row that day, was supposed to be next to eachother on the list so it had a bit more context, but it prob slipped the queue.
Was meant to have this one as well
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+2 933. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video April 2017 Solar Flares

#2 Thanks! I've always been fascinated by space, ever since i was a kid, and these kinda videos are always amazing to me.
As i've grown older i've also been appreciating it in more ways than just shear awe of the beauty, because i believe the key to virtually unlimited energy lies within all those mysteries in space, and our planet is in desperate need of a new way of living. Just to illustrate, just one little flick of fire from those fire loops you see, contains more energy than humans have ever spent since existence. Its partially scary, thinking if one of those fire sprays goes out of control, it would burn the earth to crisp. But its also fascinating thinking that we might one day be able to harness that kind of energy, and solve the biggest need the earth has. If you think about it, if we had unlimited energy, we could live in peace. Just imagine all that surplus money would go today if electricity became virtually free. It would be the potential for a utopia.
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+2 934. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Baby Elephant Bathing "Double trouble"

Play it in reverse, and you got me trying to get up in the morning :P
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+2 935. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The Best of Bad Acting

#10 this might explain a bit :D
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+2 936. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Surveillance video shows woman trying to stop car theft, Milwaukee

#8 EU is a LOT of different countries. You will find everything from corrupt police states, to peaceful countries with close to no crime. Those words you have do not fit the profile of the country i come from, where the police will come running even if its as small as a guy sneaking on a train. Your world seems to be the cynical one, and i don't blame you for that, we all get shaped and colored by the places we come from, and the places we live. But i would not speak for an entire part of the world like u did there. And i see what your point is; "Nobody will help you, so help yourself" is pretty much the conveyed message. But do you really want ppl to try protect their value to the extent they risk their life? Over a car that is mass produced?
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+2 937. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Owl 'Swims' for Its Life

Sorry to hear that Geekster... <3
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+2 938. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How It's Made: Bread (American bread)

I was yeast randomly watching videos and this came up... wheat about that!
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+2 939. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How Facebook is Stealing Billions of Views

#3 ah, i see what you mean. I don't see it personally tho, almost every post on my FB feed are embedded videos of YT, or some redirect to a site which has the video embedded into it. I rarely see a pure FB video on my feed.
Its still a bit of a redundant point in the video tho, as the point of making videos SHOULD be to have them shared across the world. If someone bases their income on making such videos from YT revenue, they should maybe think about other ways to earn money?
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+2 940. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How Facebook is Stealing Billions of Views

#8 #9 Those last parts i was talking about the digital age, and the expectations of the artists and distributors, and if they should consider other ways of sharing their material. I never said they shouldn't get paid for it, i'm just thinking they are unrealistic considering the way they are trying to share their content. If you decide to use an online video service like YT, there are the side effects like the easy copying and material getting away, and until they find a way to avoid this happening its gonna continue. The problem isn't that people copy the videos, its the way its distributed and that they expect people to just "respect" their content.

On another note, as you pointed out, "noone would invest time or money into something worth watching", might be exactly what we need. Do you honestly think we lack the choices today? The marked is in my opinion flooded with artists of all sorts, i wouldn't mind having a little "trim" on that area, simply to push forward the really good ones that might deserve it, rather than a lot that might not. I'd rather have quality than quantity any given day. YT has become a "treasure hunters dream" for many, and in that attempt, the content gets "forced" and faked and whatnot, just to get those numbers.

(and my first post i clearly misunderstood the video)
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+2 941. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Hamlet...the bird that can’t stop babbling (but no one knows what he’s saying).

Reminded me of this video i saw recently :P (its a video about neural network that tries to learn speech)
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+2 942. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Riddle of the Sphinx sculpture

Just to clarify, original comment #2 got removed for linking spam, so #3 is not referring to my post :P
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+2 943. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Damien

Just... dont... get it a rottweiler ... or a nanny...
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+2 944. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Night In Split

Looks like a place to go when you have kids or are retired. I agree with #5, it looks a bit low key, boring might actually be the right word. Judging from the video of course, i've never been there myself. But if this is an ad, then it misses me.
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+2 945. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video An American liberal in Denmark

#1 indeed, we get one small sided version of whatever happened, didnt even get to see this "MAGA" cap... and not that i know what MAGA stands for, but if its the hits im getting on google, "Morons are governing America", then i'm like "ok, so what".
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+2 946. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video An American liberal in Denmark

#3 thx for pointing it out, makes a bit more sense now, i never paid attention to details surrounding his presidency, i was to busy cringing...
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+2 947. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Poor timing!

Play it in reverse and you get a pretty effective way to drop off tourists :)
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+2 948. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Guy in New Zealand playing guitar for cows

Aahh... so THAT's how they make heavy cream...
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+2 949. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Line Rider - Mountain King

Hahaha, that was amazing, love it :D
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+2 950. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video What's the Longest Drivable Distance on Earth?

Whats the longest route you can take, but make it as short as possible... wtf...
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+2 951. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Lars Andersen Turning Arrows

#2 according to his own comments on the YT video, he "shows" it at 0:43 but it doesn't really show imo. He seems a bit evasive with his answers, not sure whether he is being so on purpose or just is being awkward or something. But i personally can't really get a good grasp on it, something is lacking for me to understand it. I totally understand that it might be possible, but then there has to be something with the arrow that makes it "lean" towards the side you aim. As in example if you have feathers that are angled like the aileron on an airplane, like you do with paper planes as well.
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+2 952. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Sharks Attack Submarine - Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes

That mist of blood coming out of the gills, its just the shark saying "yea, i'm pretty badass if i want to"
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+2 953. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video 10 Gamer Problems That Have Become EXTINCT

The ball mouse for sure. I used more paperclips to clean it than actually putting papers together.
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+2 954. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Merry Christmas dear Snot Fans!

I hope you all had a good one, i genuinely wish that upon you. Mine came short. Not that anything went wrong, but i've been in a personal struggle in my life the last 5 years, resulting in that the last 3 years i haven't been able to afford any presents for my family. The grown ups understand, they don't judge. But the kids, me nephews and nieces, it breaks my heart when they come giving me a hug saying "thank you for the present uncle", to which if course smile and say "no problem kiddo, hope you enjoy it", knowing in my heart it was my parents who bought it on my behalf. I'm 38 years old, but my heart feels like a 6 year old during those moments... and i tell you, sitting around my own family trying to not cry at the age of 38, its rough man... its really, really rough, and if i can wish anything upon any of you, its to never, ever experience those things... lots of love to ya all <3
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+2 955. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Killin' in the name of the orchestral music !

Well played and well translated. I do however not connect to the choice of song, i just can't see this version being appealing unless its accompanied with visuals, like an exciting scene in a movie, or a music video where you're watching something tense. Purely audiovisual its kinda unappealing imo and a bad choice of song.
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+2 956. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Somewhere in Italy

Elon Musk on vacation in Italy :P
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+2 957. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video The Pinball Doctors: The Last Arcade Technicians in NYC

John swears a lot :D
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+1 958. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Tale of two trains

Look, a train giving birth to another train! So that's how they do it...
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+1 959. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Oscillating Truck

Its a known factor when using hangers like that, take it from one who has driven camping wagons, its one of the most common dangers. One just has to slow down gradually, til it stops swirling, then you got control again.
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+1 960. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Tony Hawk 2013

How about a new TH game... i miss those days... they don't need to do much, just add most of what was in the last 3, but new places, adding copies of places in the real world. Yes, pls...
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+1 961. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The Ultimate Segway Fails Comp

I would assume they have a failsafe switch attached to the wrist or something? no?
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+1 962. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How children react when they feel that they don't have an equal share of food.

Was i the only one who noticed that the kids that got nothing, but got offered half from the other, they took the biggest piece for themselves. Leaving the one with good heart, less value. And that is today's lesson in a cynical world, give someone your little finger, and whops there goes your hand...
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+1 963. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video RC plane sent to edge of space

Around 2:40 you can see that the lens cannot decide, the earth gets "bent", why is that?
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+1 964. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Getting out of quicksand is harder than you think.

why not just get a 24 year old girlfriend each year?
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+1 965. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video British Problems: Proper Tea

Hahaha, loved it... spot on! :D
Yea, i love tea as well...
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+1 966. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video CN Rail Train wash out.

Wow... that was... something else!
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+1 967. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video street trial et dirt backflip vintage ladies bike

This is a perfect video. Short, cool music relative to the video, a very inventive concept, and real human feel to it all. Kudos!
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+1 968. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video ... and then there are smart guys

If telling a story that is relative to the context is considered bragging, then by all means, yay for me, saved a cat once, clap your hands. If you fail to the see why i put that little comparison there, then i'm sorry to inform you that you're not the brightest kid in town either...
If putting chair on the edge of the pool is considered smart, then by all means, you belong in that group if you'd like to. Being a decent human being on the other hand, helping the ducks out, that part is a no brainer, it was the right thing to do. But smart? Come on, how stupid do you have to get to think this shows anything smart at all...
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+1 969. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Concrete pillar is subjected to load until failure

That's the kinda stuff that puts a smile on my face :D
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+1 970. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Strong wind in the Netherlands

very local wind, very, very local it seems...
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+1 971. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you put a banger in a cow pat

He is a fan...
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+1 972. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video SIGGRAPH 2013

Uhm... so, when can we arrange for this person to start working for the major game producers?
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+1 973. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Ferrite - Interactive Ferrofluid Sculptures

There is ink that is magnetic, maybe that would work just as well.
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+1 974. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The Steepest Race in Europe.. this is intense.

Come to my city, we have something here too ;)
long clean uncut video of another
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+1 975. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Russian Biker 1, Traffic Jam 0

I wanna visit him when he's a vegetable and show him this video again, telling him "It's ok, it was worth it!"
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+1 976. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Bullied kid's dream comes true

i think he's just asking cause he wonders, not to start an argument whether its an important amount or not, no need to get defensive already...
sorry, i don't know, but its 800 MS points, dunno how much it's in dollar...
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+1 977. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Irish National Road Racing

Searching for Radioactive cover songs on youtube gets me nowhere... Anyone wanna help me out finding this version?

of course, right after posting, i find it :P
Its by the group called Within Temptation, song is called Radioactive. Great song.
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+1 978. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video 400m Can't-Touch-The-Ground Race

So childish... love it :D
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+1 979. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Funny Rude Magician

I would defenitely like to watch a full 20-30 min show with this guy. I would gladly hand over 20 euro at the entrance.
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+1 980. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Gone baby Gone

Last one was a ninja...
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+1 981. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Boom! Lauderdale power plant razed

Hm, wouldn't it be awkward if you were clapping at the end of the video, to then realize that one of the guys behind you actually built that place for a long time ago...
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+1 982. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video The astounding athletic power of quadcopters

The first thought i had when i saw it balancing was "hey, that would be a nice serving tray for drinks"
then at 4 min 20, he read my mind :D
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+1 983. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video How the Tesla Model S is made

It's kinda amazing how much trust we have in these machines...
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+1 984. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video YoYo skills

My constructive criticism would be what's already pointed out, the constant change of backgrounds. It distracts quite a bit, so i agree there. He's got skills tho, can't deny that.
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+1 985. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Summer fail compilation | TNL

Yea, that one was really stranger, im curious if the car maight have started driving just when the impact was, and that the biker was just holding onto the car. But all that is irrelevant in context of:
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+1 986. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Summer fail compilation | TNL

i was so curious myself so i ended up finding the original one.
The bike is left on the ground, the impact sent him onto the rear of the car, and the car was just about to accelerate, so he got a bit of movement at the impact.
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+1 987. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Man VS Ram

The ram saw him riding with no gloves, and thought "ah, sweet, another lesson to be taught"
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+1 988. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Wasp cuts bee in half

Nuclear potheads, no longer radioactive caused by moving to television...
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+1 989. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What Your Home Office Will Look Like in 2001

Only thing we don't really use much, is the need to communicate with other rooms in the house (curious what kinda house this guy lived in too now, must be big). But all the other aspects are true. You have a computer, a television, a cell phone, and maybe even a second or third computer around. The printer part is replaced by the mobility of our current devices. Oh, and the part where we still go to work, but this is more a social aspect than a technical aspect imo. So i would say a bit more than partially, almost spot on imo.

If you've never used multiple monitors, you should try, it's awesome. Also, the microphone is not far from the ones we use today, we just cover it in different shapes of plastic. The top of the mic in the video looks just like any boom mic.
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+1 990. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Virgin Galactic Rocket Test

I love how he kinda giggles "66" at 1:08, as if it's tickling
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+1 991. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Close Up of Lionel Messi's footwork

have my thumbs up brethren.
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+1 992. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Magician hides a bandana

I admit defeat to a ninja smile...
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+1 993. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video This guy makes a living playing once a month

I don't often misspell words on purpose, but in this case, i have to make an exception and say
Gawd Daym!
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+1 994. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Fake Lettuce

It might be for advertising and exhibition purposes. Ice Cream commercials f.ex., are plastic all the way, and wax and all stuff. In this case, it's prob a longtime exposure.
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+1 995. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Damien Walters vs. The AirTrick Mat

Looks like "oh shit, fuck, oh, nice save, I'm cool"
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+1 996. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Unusual fruit you never knew existed

I was all "yay" until the last one... I think i would have to man up for that one...
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+1 997. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video In the Kitchen Fails Compilation

Some of them arn't really fails, more like faulty equipment/accident'ish. But then again, some of the are proper fails...
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+1 998. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Video Room 1000 Complete MIX

Good point actually, which makes it 1001 in this version
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+1 999. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Scientist David Suzuki makes an analogy about our planet that's pretty terrifying

China has known about this for a long time. The one child policy should be forced into every country. But with a human consideration that for every couple that has no children, there should be allowed for another to have two. Just as long as we don't grow in numbers. It's hard suppress our instincts, but we have managed before, and can manage again.
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+1 1000. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Herd of Rabbits

And this person is chasing them with a snowmobile... how human.
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+1 1001. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Spetsnaz Instructor shows a cool trick

thank you sir, you left an awesome scene playing out in my head! :D
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+1 1002. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Spetsnaz Instructor shows a cool trick

Oh, trust me, he would have killed everyone around him, they would laugh themselves to death!
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+1 1003. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Fight for Freedom

"epic bragging rights"
yea, he actually said that... :(
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+1 1004. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Sports commentator misses red card

There is something wonderful genuine and nice about this video, they don't look shitscared to make a fool of themselves, or get emberrased, they are just being human, and roll with it. :)
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+1 1005. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Magic is Everywhere

It was so stupid, that it made me smile :P
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+1 1006. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video "The Asian Vitruvian Man"

for the impatient, skip to 1:10, thats where he just says "fuck you gravity, you're my bitch!"
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+1 1007. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Lake Ice Coming to Take Me

ice skating
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+1 1008. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Avalanche at Stjernøy

priceless comment at the end "i hope we still have a workplace" :D
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+1 1009. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Great Way

3 years of silence, BROKEN! muahahaha.... (sorry, im bored)
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+1 1010. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Asking people in Newcastle what songs they're listening to

#3 and #10
Everything can be done in a different setting, you could have tried this in a river in the middle of Mongolia for that matter, and you could have pointed out something likely to appear or not appear based on any stereotypical image people might have in general. The first comment you made could be said about pretty much any given video of this experimental level, but it is totally irrelevant to the experiment and result, as we aren't really looking for the average figure of an american (which the title should imply). And that is probably why people are downvoting your comment as well. If next time, the video is about average body fat percentage, i would see you pulling the fat american card out very fitting and rightfully so and would not hesitate to have a conversation about the subject.

oh, btw, back on topic, i'm listening to Chris Brown, covering MJ's Beat it! Badum tchischhhh....
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+1 1011. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Crossfit Fails Compilation

#4 i met her in between nr 1 and 2 :P
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+1 1012. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Harrier Extremely Low Flyby

This is the classic video of today, June 19th 2014 (sorry, i just wanted to make the most useless comment ever...)
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+1 1013. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Car explodes on impact

The cars looks like a missile ready to hit something. The driver can't have been in his full 5 when he did this...
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+1 1014. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video First taste of chocolate in Ivory Coast

This just shows that education is placed in the wrong places. I know that chocolate is made of cacao beans. So do most people where i live, it's just common knowledge. But how come it's common, if not the entire world knows... I would gladly sacrifice my knowledge of cacao beans if these people could have gotten it instead...
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+1 1015. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Galaxy S 5 -- Wall Huggers

Back in the late 90's, we would walk around with our bricks in our pouches, containing at least 1 extra battery at all times. Everyone had the same phone tho, so was never a hassle to charge or borrow batteries from each other. Mostly the Motorola Digiflip, or Microtac. Then close to year 2k, other brands started to become massive, like Nokia, Siemens, and then the good old "share or swap" days were over...
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+1 1016. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The Lich King's Frostmourne (World of Warcraft)

I'm curious if he is allowed to sell them or if the copyright law comes in to play. If i was Blizzard (which i assume own the rights to WoW), i would have allowed people to sell such things, just label them as unofficial merchandize.
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+1 1017. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Hoverbike,The coolest Invention in Drone Technology.

#6 Yea, just as a bike is a squashed together car.
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+1 1018. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Richard Turner - The Cheat

#4 yea, i always look at some of the references at the bottom just to double check. Most times i end up finding that wiki is pretty accurate. Checked your link btw, was good. Tho a bit much to have him blindfolded :D
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+1 1019. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Amazing rocket propelled helicopter

A mozzie! :D
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+1 1020. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Things You Do In Video Games That'd Be Creepy If You Did Them In Real Life

oh man, the lights and "tell me if a wall moves" cracked me up :D but the rest was just ok :|
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+1 1021. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Dynamic Facade

It's a blessing that we don't have to worry about drapes, curtains, or blinds. I remember when i was young, all the horrible time and pain included in drawing the curtains back and forth. When the blinds came, we were relieved that it was made at least a little bit better. Now we don't have to spend any energy on this anymore! Wonderful invention, such a great use of design and power usage!
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+1 1022. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video North Sea Big Wave

"Its a fucker! muahahaha" :D balls of that guy :D
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+1 1023. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Fail Compilation November December 2014 || TNL

30 seconds what the actual fuck... a car tears down a building? Im not gonna believe that one, no fucking way...
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+1 1024. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video World's Largest Organ

#3 Oh, sir, i had no intentions of ever expecting a positive response to a joke here on snotr :D Im actually amazed im on +1 atm, it was 0 the other day, and -1 the day before. Im not even mad, thats amazing! :(|)
Edit: awww... someone didn't like it and its back on 0 :x
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+1 1025. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video 35 year old who lives in 1946

#2 Oh i didn't know we had an educated psychologist here on snotr, nice to know for future reference :)
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+1 1026. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Man Carves Pumpkin With Guns

#6 read my comment again and try to not read it with an angry mind. You will see that i'm not saying what you think i'm saying.
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+1 1027. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Man Carves Pumpkin With Guns

This is the internet, if you take things like that to heart, you're gonna have a bad time. You need thicker skin if you wanna venture on places like this and other places, the internet has no censorship in that sense. And i feel i shouldn't have to say this, but just in case; there are a LOT of people who will write things online, but never have the guts to say to a persons face (aka keyboard warriors). When those comments are made, one cannot take it seriously. We are all here anonymously, and as long as that is, people will speak to the extreme. About the votes, that seems natural as europe is now awake, while most of the states are sleeping, it will probably even out during the next 24 hours. I also had downvotes on my first comment for a good while. But yea, if you seriously get pissed off on a site like this, i think you should re-evaluate where to spend your energy getting angry, and maybe consider not using the internet as you do if you take such offense. And (let me say you) you americans are not any better than any other nation when it comes to this stuff, we all have humans in our countries that does these jokes and stuff. You give, and you take.
(as you see, i also got a negative vote on this comment, nobody is safe ;)
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+1 1028. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video World championship knife cutting

The British The Office is best, but the US version is good too. The US version is of course different from the British one, but that's why it was made, to be different, for a different audience.
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+1 1029. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Hiccup Anthem

#3 he won't ever care, he was in the spotlight that day, and they weren't ;)
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+1 1030. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Do You Wrap Gifts for Blind People?

#23 of course, people have all sorts of problems in their lives. But i strongly believe that there is more relief and understanding when people put their problems out there. Instead of saying "this video sucks", one can write "i can't find the mood to like this today", or even more straight forward "im way to depressed to enjoy this, it sucks, cause i think i would like this normally..." Reaching out is hard, but its even harder for the bystanders to recognize the real issue when it doesn't come out properly. There is no shame in admitting life is hard, or that one has problems. Nobody go through life without a helping hand. But sitting there and just being angry at the world without telling people why you feel that way, will never, ever get anywhere.
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+1 1031. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

#16 yea, but as you see in his comment, its negatively loaded, it usually is in most contexts, i can't remember last time someone was called ignorant in a nice way. The word alone means what it means as you say, but the usage is another thing. And in such a trivial context as whether or not you know what airsoft is, i really don't see the need or place to use that kinda phrase.
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+1 1032. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video FPSRussia's Day Off With Romanian Poker Player Dan Bilzerian

Soooo downvoting this video simply due to the Dan dude. Total douchebag, nuff said.
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+1 1033. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Four men save mom & child from sinking car

#8 we never know, that is part of the point ;) I made that post because the person above didn't know what Darwin's theories were about and drew a line between the video and that to illustrate that there is a time and place to use references, and times to not ;)
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+1 1034. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The Problem With Facebook

Im a little bit amazed that a site made such a negative impact on peoples life that their life quality actually degraded. I mean, if you are having feelings towards the fact you're not using a certain website, and take some sort of pride in it, or joy, where does that come from? im really askin
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+1 1035. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The Problem With Facebook

#11 actually, not to the point where i felt relieved or happy to get away from it, no. (or vica versa, i never felt sad because i felt i "had to" visit) I have used lots of sites through my times, but i never was "Yes, finally, i got away!". I'm just thinking that its not the site thats the problem. Some people praise themselves for not being facebook users, or twitter, or any other "popular" site. As its some sort of... i dunno, lacking word...

edit: might add my usage: I only go to FB to send messages, or post something funny or maybe check something that someone has told me they posted. I dont sit and scroll and scroll to wait for something special or anything. I dunno, what do you other people expect or want from a site like that?
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+1 1036. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video People Ride A VR Rollercoaster For The First Time

#5 but you're not closing your eyes and imagining things when riding a roller coaster are you? It's pretty much the same ride every time, but with this, you can add a layer of experience on top of the existing one. And if you dont want it, you can simply remove the glasses or opt out of wearing them in the first place. Its not like they are on top of the himalayas and are watching tv ;)
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+1 1037. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video NASA’s View of April 17 Solar Flare

#2 i do believe that is real time, i cannot find any information that it's not.
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+1 1038. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag SPB - An Ordinary Man

#4 already on personal attacks because of an opinion? I don't have to comment on what's small and big minded there, do i...
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+1 1039. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag SPB - An Ordinary Man

#6 Yea, you did a personal attack, trying to make fun of the setting and my nickname, implying that your opinion might be to big for me to understand and indicating that my opinion was a waste of time, along with saying i was contradicting myself, which i clearly cannot see i did anyways. So yea, that is a personal attack at me and my comment, which was very low. So i have an opinion that wasn't too popular, why do you think that is? I'll tell you one thing, nobody was good enough to leave a comment to actually discuss it, apart from yourself, but you managed to give it in a tone and attitude that was uncalled for.

But alrighty, let me illustrate this for you. Do you think a bus lane occupied is a larger problem than maybe an old person dying alone in a sickbed? Thats where my thoughts when when i mentioned that it could be better elsewhere. As #3 replies, they could be doing something better, but this is better than nothing. Which basically says that he agrees that they could do something better, yet, nobody is against this comment. And i did not say at all that they should have done nothing, i also said that they could be doing something more important. Those two comments are not very much different, but yet, ppl perceive it to be. Also, i left it open, i used a question, indicating i would actually want to see ppl reply. Who knows what can come out of a healthy discussion? And i still stand by my first opinion, they seem like righteous people that are high on "doing the right thing", while they in fact could do other things getting them much much higher.
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+1 1040. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video America's Got Talent 2016 Amelie and Tommy The Clairvoyants Full Clip S11E01

#5 I'm pretty sure its the lady in the video that is pranking you :P
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+1 1041. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Man intensely struggles with contact cement

Hahaha, he's prob having a good time, i don't care if the can't act or not, he gets the point across anyways :D
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+1 1042. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Employees buy Tesla for CEO who raised minimum wage to $70,000

#2 I won't call you a cynic, its very obvious that its "staged". Once you see the professional camera quality, its a dead giveaway, along with the banner as you point out. But now that you know, its time to look past the curtain, and see what the message is. Of course its staged, there is no way you could pull something like this off without setting it up. But its like saying a surprise birthday party is staged, which of course, it is. The facts remain the same tho, the workers got 70k salary, and that message is powerful. If you go and research a bit about this, you'll find quite a few articles about it, and there is nothing negative in them at all from what i see.

yea, i'll trust Joe Carter, after all, he's an editor...
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+1 1043. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Employees buy Tesla for CEO who raised minimum wage to $70,000

#5 Qualifications for what? You know the title Editor is a free title right? anyone can call themselves an editor. So fair enough, i'm an editor, just like the guy you posted a link to, and my opinion is that he is just rambling bullshit and making extreme examples that aren't really viable in the real world. He is basing his blog on that the company will fail. He doesn't cover if it doesn't, which makes it a one sided view.
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+1 1044. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX

#12 again, why am i dragged into this? I get the feeling people are not understanding my comment...
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+1 1045. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX

#15 all the people thinking this is cool? I see nobody with those comments... we are all on the same page here...
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+1 1046. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Primitive Technology: Barrel Tiled Shed

Wonder what would happen if he participated on Survivor :P
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+1 1047. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video World's Largest Ship Elevator Opens at Three Gorges Dam in Central China

#5 not really, due to steel weighing more than water. The buoyancy changes with the weight of the ship, but its not correlating with the displacement. 10kg of steel doesn't mean it displaces 10 kg of water.
edit: i think what you're thinking about is that you can regulate the wanted weight very easy by using less water, and vica versa, which is very true.
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+1 1048. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Romanian Polka Band Does Katy Perry

thx #6 & #7 :)
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+1 1049. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Crushing granite with a jaw crusher

I guess you can say that metal killed rock...
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+1 1050. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Dead Pool Test Footage

It happened!! :D The movie was ok, decent enough i guess for the genre and the character.
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+1 1051. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Reading RR Plow Train - G Scale

#6 it was removed due to a dupe. The tesla video is still here, but its like 3 videos before this one or something like that, it was already up when the 2nd one came up.
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+1 1052. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Creepy critters living under your front porch

Being halloween, judging from the thumbnail alone i thought this was some sort of prank thing for halloween :D I didn't think there would be real living creatures in the video :D
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+1 1053. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cat get caught stealing from drawer

The video was inside the drawer. The cat stole it, and now we can't watch it anymore...
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+1 1054. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video BMW hits MINI over issue of cutting traffic

#9 blocking off a lane can result in further cars behind being blocked off as well. If the BMW had 100 cars behind it, her action leads to all of them being blocked. It doesn't matter if the BMW should have been there or not, it was there, and the situation was as it was, even if they did a mistake or not. And thats when you make decisions based on the common good and not your own ego and your "rights" as a driver. I mean, if you have a green light, but lava is flowing down the road, do you still drive? Just because its a green light and according to the traffic rules you have the right to drive? Now you're prob gonna think "no, but thats different", but i tell you it isn't. And this is where im making my second point. Lava flowing down the road is just as likely as someone wanting to kill you for not letting them into a lane with a car. And that is why those two cannot be compared and looked at as any sort of relative context. He tried running her off the road because he was insane, not because she didn't let him in. You can't put rational explanations to irrational behaviour like that.
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+1 1055. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Monstrous whirlpool eats everything

4 years and the hole is still there? :O
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+1 1056. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video See what can happen if you park by hydrant


Today in North Hampshire, a dog licked its balls! We sent a reporter to the scene, and this is what they have to report!
"Right here, in the midst of the day, people were shocked to realize the dog, of unknown breed, stopped up and started licking its private parts, right in front of everyone to see. People were rushed to hospital with severe shock injuries, and some say, that some of them might not survive the night. This vicious attack on our society has left us all scarred, and frightened. What happens next, we dont know. John Smith, Fox News"

(it was satire/sarcasm towards news agencies btw)
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+1 1057. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Zipper Merge

he had every right to have her corrected, his personality doesn't have anything to do with the fact she didn't pay attention
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+1 1058. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Feisty Snake Slithers into Internet Cafe

That last frame, looks like he's giving his buddy a knee to his balls :D
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+1 1059. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Sticky Falls

#2 actually, i would have preferred the dickbutt, it would have made me laugh :D
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+1 1060. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Popping a Balloon in an Anechoic Chamber

#2,3,4 How about a firecracker instead?
#5 DID U JUST ASSUME THEIR GENDER!!?? :D (just yolking of course)
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+1 1061. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Man survives 60 hours at bottom of Atlantic

Classic of the day, and i had to watch it again. This video still gives me the goosebumps. I don't know why, but the part where he asks for his name, and he tells his name back to him, something about that part is really emotional to me. And the end comment, (im no expert, but sounds south african?) "YOURE A SURVIVOR!", i love that part, they are so happy to find this guy.
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+1 1062. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

#2 :D:D:D you got me
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+1 1063. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Are you normal?

If you're married, right handed, can roll your tongue, have wisdoms removed, have a child named Sofie, and practice safe sex at the age of 16-17, have a job, and you also have lactose intolerance, as well as being born august-sept, and... oh wait... the bra thing... ANYWAYS! THEN YOUR NORMAL :D
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+1 1064. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The MOST ANNOYING Chick Ever Pepper Sprays GRIZZLY – Grizzly Gets LAST Laugh!

I have to give Austin a yes on certain points, using her voice as a reasoning for a certain "justice" is going to far. She was prob born with that voice, just as most of us are, and we can't "change" our voice apart from actively changing it consciously, so yea, i agree in a lot there. Making fun of her voice is one thing, but to say that she deserves what happened because of the voice is plain and simple stupid. I agree, you should work on your descriptions sux2bu.
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+1 1065. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The Best of Bad Acting

that was by far my favoritte :D
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+1 1066. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Reckless Mini Cooper Gets Served

#10 double yellow means absolutely no crossing and its illegal to overtake across it, you can see a sign where it starts with a red car next to black one if you look closely on the right side.
And the lane the truck comes from is a merging lane, so when he comes from the right to left, the mini was supposed to give him room anyways, as the truck was clearly in the front.

I see your point about the likeliness of a child popping out, that part was merely meant as an example of anything that could happen in short warning. I don't blame him for hitting the mini, i just feel there was enough time and space there to maybe stop before impact. Now i have no idea what load he had, so i see your point in many ways. It just looked to me like an incident where he maybe could have avoided hitting him. The speed limit at the given area is 50 kmh/31mph so its not VERY fast imo.
i dunno, im just looking at it from other sides, the "what if" scenarios where the mini had a legitimate reason to stop, "what then" stuff.
I mean, we all established that the mini was an idiot, so my mind went off that aspect and wondered to other things :P

Oh, after he hits, the truck drivers says something like "fucking idiot", as the expression doesn't let itself translate directly :P (literally translated it would be "the idiot of hell", which doesn't make much sense, so its a generic term, fucking idiot, god damn idiot, etc)
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+1 1067. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video The Museum of Failure

What if the items purpose was to be displayed on a failure museum, would it then be there?
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+1 1068. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video German Food Taste Test

She has her own food tasting channel on YT, ppl send her stuff from all over the world for her to taste it and give a reaction. I've seen some of her earlier videos and she is really delightful and in good spirits, but she's like one of those friends who you feel tired after hanging out with, so a video once a blue moon is enough :P
Her channel if anyone wants to check out more
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+1 1069. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Unfortunate Estonian football team

The other team were like "RUSH B!"
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+1 1070. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Thanks, Smokey !

#7 Well, in my defence, its a bloody good looking sheep!
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+1 1071. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Biggest Snake Ever | Construction Workers Discover 10m Anaconda at Brazilian building site

I dunno, something about this is just a bit off... are we sure it isn't a hoax?
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+1 1072. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Glacier bridge collapses in Perito Moreno

Why is it sad scotsman50? Im genuinely curious where this sadness comes from.
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+1 1073. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cheese

#4 A simple mind will also be judging people poorly, especially if you base it on a persons sense of humor ;)
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+1 1074. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video What to do after crashimg into the wall @ 486 kmh

The wonders of the 2 "forbidden" subjects in a conversation, politics and religion... i have yet to see a fruitful outcome of either debates...
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+1 1075. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#2 They weren't exactly tumbling on a mat tho, this is real life. They don't train martial arts the way MMA fighters do, or other martial arts athletes, they learn the basics and get refreshed once in a while, so they go with what they got, and thats exactly what you saw here. We're not talking about Royce Gracie or Fabricio Verdum here, but a police officer. The whole point is that you can clearly see that he was trying to use what he learned to make the least damaging defense, instead of having to blast the guy to death in some sort. Also, choking someone out can be extremely difficult wearing a full uniform with radio and whatnot, and suspects are fully clothed too, so for someone who is on a basic level, i wouldn't expect a clean choke from this situation. I agree his palm strikes were not as effective as you see in a training video, but you try it yourself while laying on your back with a raving lunatic on top of you.
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+1 1076. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#11 most likely they were part of a film crew for documentary reasons, and they are probably told to not interfere by both their company and the police, its common when they do those documentaries to have the crew not interfere (unless of course it really comes down to life or death, they don't let a baby drown to put it like that)
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+1 1077. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Lars Andersen Turning Arrows

#11 yea, but its bad angles, it lasts for 3 seconds, and doesn't say anything about the arrow itself, so its not a good explanation. Its just a short pic of him angling the arrow in a weird way, and a picture with an arrow towards the feathers, but no comment if they are modified. It just doesnt come off clearly
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+1 1078. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Highest Jump Into a Pool Ever Filmed

#2 Dana Kunze was prob the guy you saw? I found the same clip if so, verified 50+ jump right there.
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+1 1079. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Chelyabinsk Meteor Shockwave Compilation.

This is what happens when you meet the oar...
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+1 1080. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Sister Tries To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store

Hm, my birth certificate looks suspiciously similar to a pet store receipt... :squirrel:
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+1 1081. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Homeless man kicked out of McDonald's after customer buys him food

#10 reaching for...?
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0 1082. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video NASA | Earth at Night

i see this all the time, in the black ops 2 lobby...
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0 1083. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Wife gets caught cheating - revenge

"Stop, you don't understand!"
Aaaaand the oscar for the most convincing female acter goes tooooo...
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0 1084. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Moms' tips for baby sleep

The hairdryer is not a very good idea, imagine a slightly tired parent, a bit unfocused or whatever, but ends up forgetting it there...

The rest was brilliant, advice i will try when i get there one day.
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0 1085. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What a million dollar backyard pond looks like..

I million dollars to imitate a million places in the world...
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0 1086. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Gas station explosion

With so many different pressure tanks around the world today without exploding,
I'll just say errare est humanum...
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0 1087. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Most logical movie fight scene EVER?

Hahaha, pure awesomeness! :D
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0 1088. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Awesome paintballing

If i answered like i did there every single time i watched something here, then yea, you might have been onto something. But i don't, my comments are just as different like the videos in here, some good, some not. That i think this one was a waste of time and money that could have been spent much more fun, that's just how i think on this particular one, and i still think so.

to enhanche my point, #9 mentions some reasons why i think it was "meh"
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0 1089. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Balance

Dear Raksi
I'm sorry for making you believe that i did not understand the physics behind the trick, that was not my intention, so forgive my lack of sensibility that there might be people like yourself around to not be able to understand my message, but i can assure you i have not, nor had, any problems understanding the physics behind this trick. Degrading the act however, brushing it off with saying it's simple physics, is to me, lack of knowledge of what it takes to truly master a physical act like that. That said...

Why don't you too take my challenge and draw this entire trick up, and train to do it yourself. Lets see how "simple" it sounds when the pen leaves the paper and shit hits reality? Oh, and let us know how long it took you...

The idea of a car using an engine, it's simple physics, all of it. But still, you need someone to fix it for you when it breaks down (yea yea, you probable will say "I'll fix it myself" but i'm talking wide specter, the general population, if you are able to follow this far without having it spoon fed)

Or lets take your computer, its so damn easy, i mean, hello, it's all 1's and 0's right? Simple right?

Yea, its all simple when you know it, just like a card trick, it is merely trivial when revealed, yet it takes skill to master the trick. Sure, the sticks balancing, easy in theory. But i'd still like to see you build it like that...
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0 1090. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Chaotic Moon Labs' Board of Awesomeness

what if you forget yourself and wave at someone you know...
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0 1091. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Dancing RC Plane

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0 1092. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Magnetic Putty Magic

/Gets drawn to the middle of the putty... i'm talking about myself now btw...
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0 1093. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Timelapse through Antarctica

Let's ask the other way around... what exactly are they doing there to make it melt? If you can explain to me in a rational and scientific way, how they are contributing to melting the Arctic, I will be all open for a rational discussion.
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0 1094. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Next Generation Transition(R) Unveiled

probably because it is :P
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0 1095. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video When was the last time you tested your eyesight

That is true #17 it comes down to the speakers (and equipment) as well at certain times. Tho in this video, the sound was prob up there, but below 15k i guess, far from above, as i could hear it on my shitty JBL desktop speakers, loud and clear.
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0 1096. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Obstacle course for a squirrel

i was down south once, and i did the same with a rather complicated labyrinth and obstacles. I then put 10 cases of bud light at the end, and i tell you, it was crazy to see how quickly the locals adapted and managed to get through the course. They are not as dumb as we might assume.
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0 1097. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Bullied kid's dream comes true

For those who didnt catch the entire context:
The first guys were not actuall memeber of FaZe, but pretended to be. They lured the kid to spend money, which is in my eyes, fraud. Saying that a 10 year old isn't supposed to play Cod, is like saying a 16 year old is to young to drink. Yes, they are, but didnt you when you were that age? I think you did... do you blame your parents for what happened to you then? I didn't think so...
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0 1098. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Spidey pawns some noobs in basketball

Ben there, done that...
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0 1099. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video nVidia - Project Logan
You can download and try for yourself. Runs smooth on my 650ti.
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0 1100. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video ABE

I was expecting the entire film to be cgi...
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0 1101. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What It's Like To Drop 150,000 Feet Straight Down

Easy. They wern't americans.
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0 1102. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Why glasses are so expensive

Really? They do different designs on the frames? That's crazy!!!
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0 1103. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Hydrophobic Carpets

good way to check if the carpenter did a good job...
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0 1104. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Uromastyx likes his belly rubbed

Isn't that it's erogenous spot?
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0 1105. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Ray's Sunshine

I'm happy that there exists people like Richard Hammond. And no, I'm not implying that he was the force behind making this happen. But i cannot think of any other person, who is such a nice and mild person, to do this ride for Emilia. Must have been a perfect day for her, i hope so.
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0 1106. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Google and NASA's Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab

at google hq; "Ok, kids these days are fuel by redbull and expectations of things going as fast as possible. Let's make an ad for ourselves using as much fast paced nonsense and flashing images we can think of!"
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0 1107. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Nocte Lux

Funny how the music is coming back to the days of amiga demo's and stuff. Just a bit higher quality sound effects.
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0 1108. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video New Motorcycle Helmet With A Twist

Very much so. If you start looking at your dashboard going 100mph +, you'll lose a great deal of focus on the road. I would like that helmet, but with speeds and rev's only. The sidemirrors on the bike offers all the rear view i need imo.
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0 1109. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Car Flips Several Times

im counting 7, incl one last one behind the bush (and how many more we dont know)
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0 1110. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Water Transfer Printing

There are lots of videos out there, check youtube for some some DIY guides on this, i've seen a couple and you dont really need much but space and a few bucks. For the patterns, you have to print or order online, its a bit more advanced than just pouring the colors in a mesh rainbow. The solution you use has to be right for the "paint" to not fall off, appearantly its easy to make that mistake.
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0 1111. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Hospital Jump

"HHHOOOOAAAAUUURRRRRUUHHHHH!" (read it while watching)
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0 1112. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Helix Fries

I can't be the only one who wants this to be named Portal Potato...
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0 1113. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video What would you do?

And still, if we put this scenario the other way around, it would seem worse for pretty much everyone. Which shows me we still struggle with racism, whether its black, white, purple or silver, it's a deeper layer than just the color of your skin, it has history involved. When the day comes where the word racist has died, racism will die with it. In other words, if we don't stop focusing on it, it will never go away.
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0 1114. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Living in Japan: Culture Shock!

"Is this, or is this not your stamp!?"
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0 1115. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Sephiroth's sword from FF7

By Jehova, that is my sword!
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0 1116. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Pipeline Surfing

muted it, and added Christopher Tin - Baba Yetu in the background instead, spot on
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0 1117. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ancient Chinese instrument mimics Super Mario Brothers

The ending was priceless :D
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0 1118. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Suicide Coffin Drop In at Burnside

I think this was one of those "you had to have been there" things. Looked like they had fun tho :)
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0 1119. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Nuclear Fusion in five minutes

#4 i hope so... but what if not? What then? I wouldn't sit back and take comfort just yet.
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0 1120. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The story behind "the most viewed image in the world" the Windows XP wallpaper

Does that post really make it seem to you that i'm freaking out? I think you need chill bud, as it's clearly just a question of mislabeling and explaining why i think so. Chill out and either move it if you want, or don't. Not more complicated than that, no need for painting untruthful pictures of someone you clearly don't know. You should have checked some of my previous comments on other stuff before judging me.
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0 1121. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rescued research beagles feel grass on their paws

#4 and #6 i totally agree...

sorry, but even tho you made a long post that was well written, the amount of hypocrisy and double morals that are sifting through your words, makes me wanna give you a "Wake up" punch in the face. Do you really think these dogs are played with, loved and taken care of as a good "owner" SHOULD do? Fuck me if you think so, that must be some new level of stupidity right there...
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0 1122. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Slomo

one of my biggest fears is to turn into one of those people, and it's slipping in there, i hate it...
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0 1123. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 2 Black Swan feed Koi fish

#5 "Common sense" is used to express things that most people know on a regular daily basis in the society they grow up, not that ducks shake the food in water to rinse it off. That there was a explanation other than the title insinuated should be of course taken in consideration, and it would be reasonable to search for that alternative. But i would not call it common sense to know that ducks shake food in water like that and that the fish around come and eat the waste on a daily basis.
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0 1124. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Bumpkey for the "Forever Lock"

#4 i thought lock picking was the art of opening a lock without leaving a trace and using any keys (or duplicates). I dunno, thats what i read into it, kinda lays in the wording if you ask me. Brute forcing something open isn't what i would define as lock picking. But you're saying that these locks all have almost the exact same key? It just seems a bit strange to me, thats all.
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0 1125. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Which Caliber Can Bust Open a Lock?

Why would ppl downvote #4, he has a totally legit point. He is using padlocks that are especially designed to no break in the traditional way. Im guessing this video was meant as a "mythbuster" for what we see in the movies. But as #4 mentioned, they are not using traditional locks according to most movies. Hence the whole experiment falls a bit short.
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0 1126. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Stop taking pictures of me!!!!

#13 Nah, you putting words in my mouth now, and you're acting just like the "paragraph riders" that usually make such a big deal of something that could have been far less of a commotion. I'm not defending the woman if thats what you think, im more attacking the point of making such a big deal of it. Uploading it to the internet so everyone can see what a bad person she is? To many people are hiding behind cameras these days, just itching for a situation where they can get attention, and this one is one of them. If things can be sorted in manners and quietly, then thats the way it should be handled. She got pissed off cause she got caught red handed, its not unusal that people react like that when they did something wrong. The right thing of her should have been to apoligize and make sure she did her part. None of them did anything to make it less noisy, and THAT is the problem im addressing, peoples need to scream and make a fuzz out of anything that gets them some attention.
And how is this sort of public humiliation any different from what we did in the medieval times, having people strung up in public for everyone to see that "this person did bad!" We don't publish every single criminal in jail on the web do we?
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0 1127. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Have a drink on me

#4 the first seconds seems to be normal, then it goes into slow motion.
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0 1128. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

#14 almost looks like you're saying #2 is being ignorant? The words ignorant and ignorance are usually negatively loaded so i would pick my words a bit better if that's not what you're trying to imply. (jfy, not knowing about airsoft is not being ignorant, if that was the case, we would all be ignorant towards something all the time, rendering the words useless)
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0 1129. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Cooking up a box

It's the same recipe they use for making those small square IKEA tables :P
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0 1130. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video The new bidet works alright

this video sucked so bad that if i waved my penis in front of my screen, i'd be getting a free blowjob... (dunno where that came from, its late night i guess...)
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0 1131. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video This Dude Rides His Harley Like a Rice Rocket! Crazy sharp turns!

And this is the very reason why they make different styles of bikes... You don't dig in your garden wearing a suit, and you don't drive a harley as it was a racing bike. (that kinda harley at least). The guy behind had the proper bike for that kinda driving, i didn't see him wobble or having any issue keeping up. Anyways, bad driving, bad example, the guy made a fool of himself if anything.
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0 1132. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video ---(NEW UPDATE IN COMMENTS )--- SNOTR UPDATE

#6 you should try one of those "This is the secret the bankers NEVER want you find out" and then they start with "But first, let me explain" and the video lasts for 20 minutes before redirecting to a site where you can pay for the rest of the information :D
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0 1133. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video ---(NEW UPDATE IN COMMENTS )--- SNOTR UPDATE

#13 hahaha, i knew it was one of those hoax videos to begin with, but i just wondered how far they could stretch it so i sat there entire video xD i had nothing better to do that day...
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0 1134. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Tokyo's impermanent skinny house made to age well with owners

#3 damn bro, do you even reach down to the ground from up there? :D But i have to agree, if you're of those proportions, you'd need bigger space than someone who is 5'5" . Personally, i would get a bit of claus from the slim/tall style. I'd rather have it flatter, but wider. We have a lot to learn from their mentality tho, the western world tends to build houses that are spacious and roomy.
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0 1135. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video ---(NEW UPDATE IN COMMENTS )--- SNOTR UPDATE

immediately after the move, it felt responsive and fast. But now after a few days of usage, it seems to be a bit more sluggish for me. Kinda like it was before the move.
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0 1136. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Inside the Cupola module of the ISS space station

#7 It is flat, but the lense on the camera is curved, making the illusion that the world is round. Its a common misconception, all videos are in fact just flat videos, even tho the objects might seem round on the screen. O:)
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0 1137. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Pygmy Hippo baby makes a splash

I was waiting for it to jump into the water, making a splash? :| Cute lil thing tho
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0 1138. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video World's first scanner mouse

Classic video of the day,6 years after. I think its safe to assume this product flopped bigtime :D
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0 1139. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Baby and the Cat

Nah, im just good at trivializing matters that others blow out of proportion ;)
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0 1140. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Quick-Thinking Driver Narrowly Escapes Carjacking

#3 thats how they got the mercedes :P
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0 1141. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Throwing rocks in Franklin, PA

The title sums up the entire video with less words than this comment :)
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0 1142. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Cheese

Jak siê masz!!
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0 1143. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Wanna be tough guy gets what’s coming to him

Wanna be tough guy? gets what he deserves? Oh my, the amount of SJW smell is so high right now... This is just a petty incident, not even worth the space on the web...
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0 1144. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Lars Andersen Turning Arrows

#7 You kinda lost me a bit with tagging my comment there, but i agree on what you said tho.

#6 That explains it... He is prob the team leader of Appleby Arrows! :D
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0 1145. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Highest Jump Into a Pool Ever Filmed

#5 yea, i was confirming what he said in his comment, i also found Dana Kunze on YT doing the 50+ jump, assuming he found the same record. But i left a question mark in case there is another person.
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0 1146. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video DUCK BOMB reversed

Did it echo though?
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0 1147. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video A Scientist Spilled 2 Drops Organic Mercury On Her Hand

Maybe Freddy would have lived longer if he picked another substance... :(
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0 1148. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Liqueur Chocolates (1965)

Loved those small touches at the end of each chocolate, a simple drag of the finger and voila, you have a pattern. Looks simple, but this woman has prob done it many times. And i agree with Jake's comment there on purchasing handmade candy, if you really think its the best and you wanna support people who do that labor manually, im sure you can find a store that offers this. Older movies like these have a tendency to make it look like everybody loved working back in the days, and that every day was a joy. Mute the clip, and put on some sad classical music, and you'll notice the change. Things were NOT better back in the days, we just think so of many reasons.
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0 1149. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video New Age Guru Thinks His “Energy Shield” Will Protect Him, Challenges the Wrong Guy

Category=Ownage. Guy gets owned. I can't see why this doesn't fit.
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0 1150. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Cracking London’s Legendary Taxi Test

#2 the app doesn't take you to your destination though, or chat to you about useless and fun trivial matters. Nor does it have a face or eyes that has a story behind them. And it sure won't open the door for you either, when you get home at 4am drunk as a skunk... If this was just about getting from A to B with any public transport as quick as possible, an app would be helpful, but its about the drivers of these taxies and whats required to know to get that job.
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0 1151. MindTrick commented 6 years ago on video Déjà vu all over again. Florida has been there before.

"If you don't have a friend to hold your phone, your lone ass don't get a gun"

Did she steal that line from a 5 year old? Who is this person anyways, she seems like an idiot...
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-1 1152. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Grand Theft Dog

I love how the woman in the end is "I'm a christian woman" etc, "right is right and wrong is wrong". Hm, did she read up on the chapters about forgiveness? Turning the other cheek? I guess not, so lets just call her a huge hypocrite and get it done with...
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-1 1153. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video 500 Magnum vs Watermelons

this is fake, you can clearly see the bullets are still in the gun when he opens it again. . . ::(|)
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-1 1154. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Basejumper's parachute fails

I like how calm everyone acts, considering someone just fell down from the sky. The waitress is cool, she's like "we have sandwiches, the square ones, kinda like this big"

But damn, that is one of the luckiest outcomes of what could have been a dreadful event, i would think one uses a huge chunk of luck quota after that one...
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-1 1155. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Fire-fighting plane water bombing a house on fire.

one time they scooped up a scuba diver, they later found him in a tree in the forest fire area, but due to his oxygen, he survived.
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-1 1156. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Supercell Caught on Film near Booker, Texas

The sensible thing would indeed be to just run. But reality is that i would be like Bambi in the headlights, smiling and thinking "wow, this is awesome"
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-1 1157. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Rain Room

Yea, i know what you mean, but hey, they are artists, they are supposed to use those words ;)
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-1 1158. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Roman Candle Mini-gun

Around 800 AC, an ancient Chinese fireworksmaster used these kinda contraptions to scare away enemies. His name was Tee An Tee Bwang. It's true, look it up :)
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-1 1159. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video amazing water fountain in Dubai

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-1 1160. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Hydrophobic Carpets

If i had clothes of that, i could just pee whenever i felt like it.
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-1 1161. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Greyp G12 - Future Bike

Looks like it fits my description perfectly :D

btw, i owned a Camino back in 1995, just funny to see you trolling ;)
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-1 1162. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video It's hard to not laugh at Segway accidents

Let me just put it like this, there is nothing wrong with the segways...
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-1 1163. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you pour 1200F molten aluminum into an anthill?

More shocking to see that the most reasonable comments are being downvoted...
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-1 1164. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video POV of the recent skydivers mid-air crash

You know what i see? I bunch of idiots...
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-1 1165. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Eskil

He maxed out at 80kmh at certain stretches, it wasn't constant. Should kinda be unnecessary to explain tbh...
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-1 1166. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video 5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women

Lets make a lecture and speak about the focus on female bodies, so that we can have more focus on female bodies...
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-1 1167. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video New high-tech car theft device showing up in the US

You were pretty clearly aiming at the fact you thought i did not interpret or read well myself, which in all fairness was a total miss, as i clearly replied directly to the comment made which was raising a very specific question. Then someone tells me to shut up, which i will reply to just as harsh, i don't care what ratings people are giving each other in that context. Lash out at someone wrongfully, and you will risk to get talked back at the very same way. That said, your own involvement was totally uncalled for, as you brought nothing to the discussion of value, besides venturing into a world of rhetoric's. If you want to have discussions, that are real and genuinly based on something worth talking about, then i suggest you approach the next discussion in a different manner.
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-1 1168. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Mammoth Icebreaker

Wonder how it feels like to stand on that deck, not at least the sound it probably makes as well. Impressive. But i don't like the thought of a nuclear driven vehicle roaming around in the last areas of untouched wilderness...
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-1 1169. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Are you are a good liar?

How do i mirror the p so it looks like a small Q?
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-1 1170. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video MTT-136

I will assume it has a throttle like other vehicles, letting go will make it go idle. If not, then you can have a dead mans switch on it. Not sure about the weight, but it seems to weigh a bit, it does. But not more than maybe 70-80 kg's i would assume at most. A person would be able to take that weight if it rolled over them. Maybe not a small child, or infant, but 10+ years of age and i think it would be at worst, a small fracture and some torn skin.

i absofukkinlutely want one tho!!!
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-1 1171. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX

#10 Yea, they need the streets to be clear to try something like this. But why did you reply that to my comment? I don't see much relevance in answering to my post instead of directly to the entire comment section, i didn't say anything that would require you to give me that opinion.
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-1 1172. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Baby and the Cat

#5 But it was in Immunology class where we did those experiments, it was like year 2 and we had a baby and a cat inside a cage made of Plexiglas. It was almost like is this video, the baby was licking the cat all sorts of places, and the cat did the same. It was only 1 incident where we had a fatality, but that wasn't due to infections or bacteria, it was the cat that finally had it with one of the babies, and brutally murdered the little baby while the teacher was busy correcting some essay's, but it had NOTHING to do with bacteria or such, all the other babies were fine, even today!
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-2 1173. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Awesome paintballing

kinda stupid actually... waste of time and money imo. Sure, was prob fun for the drivers, but i think its one of those "you'd had to be there" things...
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-2 1174. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Dog helps owner during floods

Yea, lets film this while we drive by doing nothing at all to help...
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-2 1175. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Woodworker does a stop motion of his project

I don't know much about carpentry, but is taking advantage of as much surface as possible part of the classes? My instinct kinda told me that there might have been better ways of using more of the wood, leaving less cutoffs. (?)
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-2 1176. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video The 100 Voice Impressions Marathon

Awesome stuff, loved it!
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-2 1177. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Instant Karma

This isn't a "karma" example tho, the old guy isn't doing anything wrong of foul at all, he's just signaling the driver to take it easy and slow down more before coming to an intersection like this, and i totally agree, he was holding a high speed towards the light. And in case you thought he is giving the driver the finger, he isn't, he's making the "horn" kinda symbol. Karma? Nope... Fail? yeeeaaa..... i guess :P
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-2 1178. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video How Facebook is Stealing Billions of Views

Its a bullshit video btw, someone is just salty on YT's behalf, it doesn't actually work like that. If you view a YT video on FB, it counts on YT as well, so if anything, FB is helping YT with views.
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-2 1179. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#8 I do believe my wording is "the least damaging" and was in context of shooting someone. This approach is the lesser harmful way if you want me to put it like that.
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-3 1180. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Airbus A380 approach

I love how the computer is calling the captain for retard... :(|)
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-3 1181. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The FN SCAR

Let me rephrase;
FPS Russia is a company of people who make videos involving weapons and warfare, and are known to use great special effects.
I don't believe i claimed this video was a fake? I just pointed out further that this is not a bullpup, and this is not a 12 gauge, which the title is saying.
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-3 1182. MindTrick commented 7 years ago on video Intense fight between police and a suspect for a gun

#6 Sigh... really? you're going after the way i worded myself? How can you not understand how those words were meant? I tell you what, you didn't understand them because you chose to not understand them, how about that ;) I'm not gonna bother explaining myself when you're obviously after some sort of lecture giving of some sort. Have a nice day man!
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-5 1183. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Cracking A Safe

I didn't find it interesting at all, sorry... monotone and boring... sorry :(
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-5 1184. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Geese tsunami

He called his name a lot of times, but i heard no answer... maybe Nietzsche was right?
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-5 1185. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Rubik's Cube Speed Record

Yea, technically and sofware/hardware side, that's why i got curious, how long would that take compared to the robotics and optics etc etc. Just throwing a random cube at it, if you get my view.
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-5 1186. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Ravioli & Lava

That reminded me of myself the other day when i was trying to pop a pimple...
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-5 1187. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The Irish don't fuck around with their adverts...

Hm, i don't quite get the "shame on you" message?
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-5 1188. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Stop taking pictures of me!!!!

#8 Ain't that black and white. Defamation is a term that might be used in a lawsuit for videos like this. And if she was in fact sitting in the car all the time, anyone could have honked the horn or something to signal that she was occupying a spot that was meant for someone else. Having an empty spot at all times at any given cost is stupid and a waste of space and energy, so if it can be used without harming or hindering the ones in questions, i see no harm in a quick stop at a handicap spot if its only for a few moments and the driver is ready to move if necessary. People being way to stuck up on laws and wanting to make some sort of point, or statement, can sometimes be the real problem, they tend to look to the rulebook before actually using common sense. And no, im not saying she was allowed to park there, by any means, but this video was not needed, and should and could have been resorted in a totally different manner. People should use common sense and stop being so stuck up when it comes to petty things.
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-6 1189. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Truck slip Like a Boss

Hmmm, if this is for real, he's had angel watch. Tho i can't help but to think this could be very easily faked, all you need is to have someone turn the camera while you change lanes normally, just frequent.

But if not, this driver has prob both skills and luck!
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-6 1190. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Nice wedding message

Don't worry, #(removed comment) is just jealous of that he doesn't have either of the things in the video.

My personal opinion? It was nice, but far from touching. Why this video is here on snotr i'm not sure about,
but it's not a video i would show someone and go "hey, check this out, its awesome!".
Cute and nice, but maybe best off on youtube...

then do something about it, don't sit around on the net complaining and expecting anyone to care about your rants...
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-6 1191. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video Bumpkey for the "Forever Lock"

Well, he is pretty much making a key to fit it tho, not what i would call lockpicking. Im curious if he could use the same fake key on any of the locks, or if it only worked on this one?
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-6 1192. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Stop taking pictures of me!!!!

#19 none of them, they both sorted out the situation in a shitty way :P
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-6 1193. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video What went wrong ?

It was all over the news a while ago, they hit a submarine that was testing a new silent propulsion engine. Due to the silent drive, the ship didn't pick it up on the sonar before letting the anchor go, thus hitting the submarine. The submarine imploded on impact, and created a downwards draw due to an huge amount of rocks shifting on the ocean floor. The rocks and debris from the submarine attached around the anchor because of the huge amount of water pressure around it, creating a solid metal ball just dragging the entire anchor down with it. By now you must be wondering if there is the slightest truth to any of this, and i assure, there isn't. :P
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-7 1194. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The FN SCAR

In case you don't already know, FPS Russia is a CGI company that specializes within firearms and war effects. Most of their videos are CGI and effects. What the Bullpup and 12 gauge has to do in this title, is to me unknown, as the FN FAL has neither of the distinctions of the term.
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-7 1195. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video An Artisan Discovered

If he had been thinking out of the box, he would have designed them as a vaporizer instead. Smoking isn't something you wan't to promote, even if it's only the occasional pipe. And i wouldn't promote vapor usage either, but if you really have to smoke something, at least do as little as possible and the "safest" option (which is today vapor, until some nasty research shows different in 10 years)
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-7 1196. MindTrick commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag SPB - An Ordinary Man

I dunno... i dunno... is this worth it? Couldn't they spend their effort on something that could a bit more important? To me it seems like a bunch of ppl who enjoys their "vigilante" actions as long as its on a comfortable level. To me at least, it seems a bit petty. Not saying what they are doing is wrong, i just believe their righteous attitude could have been more effective in areas that are genuinely a problem area.
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-8 1197. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video A hunter in a tree-stand gets an unexpected visit.

To bad he suffers from VVS, like so many others...
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-8 1198. MindTrick commented 9 years ago on video Epic fail - 10 out of 10

I forgot my humor pill this morning... but why call it a fail? Sure, its not the most graceful way of landing, but i didnt see any "fails" here? :|
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-12 1199. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video Cyclist meets a thirsty Koala..

The cyclist was later found dead in the outback - Got invited home to the koala nest, and overdosed on eucalyptus...
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-13 1200. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video ... and then there are smart guys

To me, this is an obvious solution that anyone could have, and SHOULD have thought about. Nothing smart at all, just common sense. I once saved a cat from a tree, by holding my umbrella towards it so it could crawl down along it. Do i consider myself smart from that episode? Nope...
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-13 1201. MindTrick commented 11 years ago on video In 1968 the high jump event was revolutionized

everyone laughed at the beginning... It just shows you that if everyone is doing? something one way, it doesn't mean it's the best way!!
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-15 1202. MindTrick commented 10 years ago on video The unboxing video to end all unboxing videos

I think i'm getting it. But when people do those unboxing videos, it's usually because the product itself is interesting (at least to them, and obviously me since i search for them) And yea, sometimes the companies do extra effort to make the packaging look a bit more exclusive contrary to a more normal one (like in this vide). I can't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy unboxing a long wanted product that is nicely wrapped. I would have found this funny if he actually unboxed something more unordinary, with a very nice box and packaging, and THEN make love to it like some crazy perverted teenager...