Comments posted by Pato5000


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+45 1. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Dancing in the rain

Awesome skills!! I bet a lot of "professional" dancers would learn a lot from those guys!!
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+35 2. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Psycho Skater

He seems to me more psychedelic than psycho. It's like watching a '80s skate video!
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+31 3. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video World's largest swimming pool!

It's about 1Km long (0.62 miles)! Holy crap!
I've googled and here is the satellite view:
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+20 4. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Sideways bike

I'd like to see a sideways tandem! I think Holland is to bikes like Japan is to technology...
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+18 5. Pato5000 commented 13 years ago on video Iron Mountain

#1, agree. Knowing how hysterical the US is, they must have another super-secret location anywhere else...
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+11 6. Pato5000 commented 13 years ago on video Don't bully animals...

The saddest part of the video is the future of that lizard... Did someone noticed what is the movement of the dad at the very end of the video? Seems like he's going to smash the lizard with his foot...
I do not feel sorry for the kid. I just would enjoy if the lizard were a Komodo dragon...
What is the f***ing moron of the dad teaching to the kid? I teach my kid to be as respectful as possible with every living creature, not like this retarded moron. I always thought that there would be necessary a psychological test before having children...
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+10 7. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Extreme Toe Wrestling

Actually, it seems more difficult as it seems at first glance...
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+9 8. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Best Soccer Skills 2009 - 2010

#17 Please, don't say that! There is more than an ocean between american football and rugby! Rugby is for gentlemen, whereas american football is for unicellular brained people!! :D

The reason why football is called "soccer" in the USA is because they already had a sport ( :| ) called football, and of course, as they have to be the first on everything, they changed the name of the real football...
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+6 9. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video The Whiz Biz

#7, yeah, and don't forget they have to shake it after peeing... :D
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+5 10. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video How not to make a turn

This video has been recorded by a mother who lost her son one year ago, in an accident like this one, at the same place. She was recording this turn to let other people know how bad is the road at this point, because it's not considered as a "black point" as we call in Spain to places where the road is in a very bad condition, or a dangerous turn, and there's a lot of accidents. The fate, or coincidence is that when she was recording it, an accident happened.
These images has been aired on the news to call the attention of people and government.
The translation of what she says is:
Man: Further...
Woman: Look, look, Carlos, look! Woo! Have you seen it, fatty(*)? This is what happened to my son. That's what happened to my son. Oh my god. Please, please, please, sons of a bitch!
(*) Fatty (gordi, in spanish) is used like english people uses "dear" or "honey".

#12 and #16, the car is ok, but what is really wrong is the road. Tha woman said on TV that the road is in very bad conditions. You can see the road condition at the bottom of the video, near the cam car.
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+5 11. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Taiwanese Boy Sings Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'

Indeed, it's better than the real one! By the way, in an interview he said that he has to learn all the lyrics phonetically, as he don't know a shit about what he's singing...
Hope most so-called singers would learn something from this guy!!
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+5 12. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Lightning vs. plane

This plane is from Oceanic, and was made after Lost was aired...
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+5 13. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Martial arts in football

Holland misunderstood the match... Instead the World Cup, they thought they were playing the 5 Nations.
It's worth watching the whole match. Holland played to put Spain on their nerves, then waiting for the red cards. It seems that during the first part, the referee lost his guide dog.

Shame on Holland for their gameplay on the final...
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+4 14. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video The Nam: Bombing and Shooting

#12, the polytetrafluoroethylene (teflon) was not invented by the military. A man called Roy Plunkett discovered it in 1938, and was working for the Dupont company. This company is specialised on industrial chemicals. It was trademarked as Teflon in 1945 and yes, it was used by the military in artillery shell fuses, but also in the Manhattan Project.

Anyway, are you trying to convince us that if there wouldn't have been wars, the world wouldn't have evolved?
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+4 15. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Anti-homosexuality tape from Uganda

They should send all the homosexuals in Uganda to the Vatican, to get cured. Because the Vatican says homosexuality is a disease, right? ;)
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+4 16. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Vancouver Demo Fail

#6 There is a great and obvious reason: if the digger would have been in the street side and push the wall instead of pulling the wall, this video wouldn't have ever existed... ;)
Oh, wait, never mind! There will be always some morons performing "clever" actions to make great websites like this one exist. :D
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+4 17. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Catching Snapping Turtles by hand

I was waiting all the vid long the moment when a turtle struggles and bites his balls...
Unfortunately this has not happened.
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+4 18. Pato5000 commented 11 years ago on video Take a seat, make a friend

#3 Actually me too! I really find this experiment awesome!!
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+3 19. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Firefighters save dog's life.

#2 If I'd be one of those firefighters, the only medal I'd appreciate would be the dog's life. Seeing him alive would be enough for me...
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+3 20. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Happy ending

No blue and hurting balls, I think...
With this happy ending, all that has been raised up, now has fallen under zero.
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+3 21. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Spanish bullfighter gored

For those facts I feel ashamed being spanish...
Spain has a huge tradition on bull fighting, but fortunately we are more and more people hating this slaughtery. Now, in Cataluña (the Barcelona zone) there will be a law forbidding bullfights. I hope in a few years all Spain will be following this law.

And for everybody saying "poor guy" watching those images,
I want to say only three words: WELL DONE, BULL!!! I've never felt bad for a torero (spanish word for toreador, or matador). Screw him! This will never happen to me, because I'll never be in front of a bull.

This is not gore. Gore is the end of the corrida (bullfight), when the torero shoves all the way down a narrow sword through the bull's spine to kill it. Before this, the bull gets the "banderillas": other toreros puncture the bull's back with 70cm spikes, and of course, this make it bleed lots of blood. After all this, if the bull still stands up, the torero cuts the bull's spine with a short and large knife. This is gore, not watching how the bull defends itself as good as it can!
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+2 22. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Amazing vehicle recovery truck

I wish I could have one of these when I park on the street and some bastards park at 5cm of the front and the back of my car!!
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+2 23. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Extreme Toe Wrestling

The rules of Toe Wrestling says that any kind of steroids or anything that could strenght muscles are forbidden, except alcohol...
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+2 24. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Vancouver Demo Fail

Oops, sorry! Just openend the browser and the comment has been added again... :S
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+2 25. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Milky Way Time Lapse

#6 I think those are planes. As #17 said, a shooting star has not a straight trail, and don't go all the way through the sky.
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+2 26. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

#23 And? I know several straight couples that can not procreate or doesn't want to. Are they "not natural"?
Maybe a kid adopted by a gay couple will have a better life and will be more loved than a natural couple having an unwanted baby. THink about...
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+2 27. Pato5000 commented 11 years ago on video Unknown Force Changing Cloud's Shape

Looks like someone's farting pretty good up there!
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+1 28. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video The Nam: Bombing and Shooting

And the funniest part (or shall I say the saddest) is that most americans still think they won the war...

#12 Sorry, but I don't agree with you. Of course when you're in a hurry you have to find your way quickly, but I think that all the "benefits" of the war could be reached from another way less agressive.
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+1 29. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Extreme Scare Prank

#25 Sorry for taking down your american supremacy, but I've watched several vids of american "dumb bitches".
I'm really sorry about you people who believes you're the greatest of the whole universe, and others are bullshit.
Just remember which people went to America and raised it: the worst of every country. Check the history...
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+1 30. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Points of interest

#1, agree. At the beginning I thought this would gonna be a "serious" vid.
Maybe a remake would be good, with several girls in different positions, like stand up, on the stairs, on a bike... then the guy notices a pair of laser dots on his parts.
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+1 31. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Spanish bullfighter gored

Sorry, I forgot a last sentence...

For all those people saying that this is culture and has to be respected: in some countries on Africa, ablation is also a culture... Should it be respected, or should it be forbidden?

There is also a tradition in some spanish villages: to throw a living goat from the belfry of the local church. Funny, isn't it?
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+1 32. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video World's largest swimming pool!

#7 How do you think they fill the pool?

#22, Come on, say the truth! Say you like the little cottage I lent you for holidays... :D
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+1 33. Pato5000 commented 11 years ago on video Jaguar's new hybrid supercar

I'm sorry to say that, but they don't have the steering wheel on the wrong side... They have it on the right side. :D
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+1 34. Pato5000 commented 11 years ago on video Throwable panoramic camera

I NEED that table, with all the stuff on it!!!! :O
Well, on second thoughts, my wife would ask me why I don't throw away all that useless stuff... :'(
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0 35. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video How not to make a turn

#20, #22 and #23, first of all, I'd like to ask some respect to someone who has lost his life, I don't care whose fault is. Imagine this guy was your brother. Would you call him idiot?
I'm from Spain, and even if I haven't been on this road, I can tell you that there are some roads around that are not really safe, and this is a fact. Of course there are some people (I will not insult them even if I'd like to) that should think twice before driving a car, or someone should take their driving license, but this is not the reason for all the accidents. I can tell you that I've seen roads with holes so big that you could hide a tire inside.
Thinking technically: this is an exit from a motorway. That means the limit may be at 60km/h. The car speed may be what? 80-90Km/h? Come on! Something has to be wrong.
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0 36. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Bush wipes hand on Clinton's shirt

#22, yeah, in Spain we call them "fachas", and we do know quite a lot about them...
#21, AIDS, as you might know, can not be caught by shaking hands, and even if it would, I can guarantee that the way of getting it off the hand is not wiping it on a shirt...
Bush has been, and still is a big a**hole, supported by a bunch of narrow-minded and/or selfish people...
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-1 37. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Spanish bullfighter gored

#58 You may be right, but I must say something about your parallelism: you choose going to war or not, whereas the bull don't. Nobody asked it.
Anyway, I agree with you: if I were in the place of the bull, and wouldn't have the choice of bullfight or living peacefully on the fields screwing some cows, of course I would fight back as hard as I could. But in the bottom of my heart I'd prefer screwing some cows on the fields.... ;)

#60 As far as I know, abortion can be safely done within the first 4 months, when the foetus is not completely formed. I mean, it's not a baby yet. And my point of view is not only because the risk of dying as #56 said, but in the case of a non-desired pregnancy, like the consequence of a rape, or a too young couple, when sometimes the guy doesn't have the guts to go on after having done the funniest part. You're 57, right? Imagine you've a 14yo daughter, and one day she comes home and tells you she's pregnant, and she does not know who's the father because she had sex with half of the football team... What would you do? As you say, killing the innocent baby, or encourage your daughter to have the baby, even if this would screw her life?
It's tough to say, but sometimes we should let apart the politically correct thoughts and be more open minded.
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-3 38. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video The Internets, The Google and The Tubes

To the Cleverbastard, the USAnumber1 and all the bunch of narrow-minded people with a pain in the ass:
I must say I'm not a big fan of USA, but not all the people living there are like The Bush... Some people voted Obama, and I believe that was a really fair vote count. That means some people in USA didn't get the brainwash kit, or they didn't use it.
You can't point with your finger at some people only because they are citizens of a nation, as I can imagine there must be a lot of dumb people in India too, and in France, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Russia... Am I right? Tell me there is not one dumb people in your country and I'll find it for you. Every nation has, or has had, a black history, bigger or smaller.
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-3 39. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Getuppa

#13 : And? I don't really get the point of your comment... Perhaps I haven't read the rule about posting vids "not in english".
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-4 40. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Andy Lewis' squirrel backflip.

#1 Lucky you because you feel average... The only thought of being on a string like this one makes me feel useless :S
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-4 41. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Spanish bullfighter gored

#44 The protest is done, that's why the catalan zone got a local law forbidding corridas. But I'd like you to see images of people who support and people who are against. Police has to protect the anti-corrida people...
I do not consider that an animal life is better or worse than a human life: both of them have the right of living in peace. But when you watch a bullfight you know that the advantage is for the guy, as the bull always die, even if other toreros has to get inside the arena to help the main torero. So, when it happens, I'm glad if the bull can give back a bit of what they receive. The "fight" is not fair. Romans did it well: bare hands, intelligence, muscle and the bull. Spanish and latin-america people not.

#49 How would you like to get killed? Would you like to get some wounds on your back, with some people harrassing you around until you faint, or would you like a quick death, with a minimal pain?

#53 You wouldn't like to know about what "spaniards" think about bulgarians... :D

#(removed comment) Yeah, right, you say that those bulls are bred for this purpose. Fine. I've also heard that if there wasn't bullfights, the bulls would have been extinct, so they preserve the race... Tell me one thing: Who decides this or that race will be bred for being slaughtered in front of a crowd? Who has the right of taking this decision? No one asked the bulls if they agreed...
I'd like to watch a corrida with a genetically modified bull... with the DNA of a wolf, for example. It would be interesting...
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-5 42. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video The Nam: Bombing and Shooting

Sorry. Duplicated.
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-16 43. Pato5000 commented 14 years ago on video Watching The Sun Shoot Solar Flares

Awesome! I think sometimes we don't realize how big is everything out there!

Anyway, I wouldn't like to be near this big fart!