Comments posted by PeTTs0n


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+15 1. PeTTs0n commented 14 years ago on video Lego House

#8 No, £500k - that's a pretty big bloody difference.
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+9 2. PeTTs0n commented 12 years ago on video Woman driver gets her just desserts

#10 This situation gives you absolutely no right to break the laws of the road, whatsoever. Nothing is stopping you from turning around (unless it's a one way street), or getting out of the car and speak to the bus driver, to see what's causing the holdup. Entrapment? No way.
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+6 3. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Diver finds site off the coast of Ireland that's littered with WW2 Sherman Tanks

#6 They most likely didn't have the manpower or resources to salvage those, the manufacturing line was already spewing out Shermans by the thousands, and these were already lost. After the war it might've been an idea, but then again, lots of other things to prioritize when it came to rebuilding Europe.
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+4 4. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video The Overview Effect

Beautiful doesn't cut it, I long for the day when humanity can be called a single race with a single goal. When the Earth will start to benefit from us rather than the opposite. When evolution will push us as humans, along with all flora and fauna species, and the planet itself, into the future.
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+4 5. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video 46 and 2 by Tool

To be perfectly honest... fucking hell, these guys are absolutely amazing for their age.
All hats off, these kids deserve any and every music scholarship available!
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+4 6. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video How Computers Add Numbers In One Lesson

#12 Good times, and it was interesting that several AMD, Cyrix and Intel processors were compatible and interchangeable. (Back in the Socket 1-3, 5 and 7 era anyways.) Had a DX4 100MHz back in the day, went like a rocket... ah, those were the days.

Graphics cards (both 2D and 3D ones) rarely had heatsinks either back then, that came quite a lot later, on Voodoo 3s, TNT2s, Rage 128/Pros and G400s.
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+4 7. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video Guy connects 244 9v batteries in a row...

#3 Good ol' Ohm's law! ^^
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+4 8. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video Billie Jean on beer bottles

#6 It's far from impossible, those with music in their veins know this. When you go into "groove" mode, it just all works out - you become one with the rhythm of the song, and the instrument you're playing.
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+4 9. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video GoPro expectations vs reality

The image quality, build quality and concept of the camera are easily worth it. Had one as dash cam on my US roadtrip, shot some guns with it attached - not disappointed.
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+3 10. PeTTs0n commented 14 years ago on video The Monster

Had one like this on my old job - shredding hard drives, mostly (that'll sure as hell remove the risk of sensitive information getting out) :P

Happened, "sometimes" (^^), that other stuff got in there as well - remember entire computers being ripped to shreds by the might of the jaws. :P
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+3 11. PeTTs0n commented 14 years ago on video Golf Ball Hitting Steel

#18 So it isn't real if it is shot out of a gun? How the bloody hell does that make it any less real?!

They've probably used an artificial launcher (read: not a golf club) to get the ball flying at a constant launch angle and velocity - to test the impact properties.

Bottom line is: how the ball was launched has nothing to do with it! It's how it reacts when it impacts steel @149mph.
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+3 12. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Cool visualisation of a Dial Up Modem Handshake

#4 Are you my unknown twin brother/sister/dog? I did just the same thing, went down to the basement where the house PC was (this was before everyone and their goldfish had a few PCs of their own) and made sure to cover the modem as well as possible, holding the breath after the handshake to listen for movement.

Ahh, the memories...
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+3 13. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video Just a little tip from your friendly Truck Driver

Traffic flow (in a general sense, rather than just for yourself) is always something to strive for rather than just forcing and pushing ahead, so this guy is definitely onto something so many people are missing. Every overtake and lane change is inefficient in the sense that you make other people brake for you - which in turn will cause a disruption in the traffic flow, and if everyone starts doing this, the only thing they'll achieve is a slower flow for everyone.
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+2 14. PeTTs0n commented 14 years ago on video The gentlest dog you'll ever see.

Hah, one *real* bark would've been enough to scare the living hell outta that kitten. These dogs have quite powerful "voices".
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+2 15. PeTTs0n commented 14 years ago on video Michael Gregorio imitates guitar with his voice

Huh, this is not unique; Van Canto does it in pretty much all of their songs.
And yeah, all it takes is a little skill, a guitar amp with a good overdrive/dist setting and et voilá.
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+2 16. PeTTs0n commented 12 years ago on video Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know - Old School Computer Remix

That's some really beautiful sine waves right there! Oh, and a great arrangement and tune.
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+2 17. PeTTs0n commented 12 years ago on video The value of simple ideas...

#1 It doesn't really matter how complex the end results are, you still need to have the fundamentals in your head right. Advanced equipment and tools help us to some degree "do the impossible" - but it's far less than some believe. (A computer, or a calculator even, are great tools, but you got to know exactly what to put in to get results. Knowing that always comes from the mind at the beginning.) Proving the earth's shape thousands of years ago, the speed of light more than a hundred years ago? Those discoveries weren't made because of the equipment used - they were made because the scientists of the time asked the right questions, thought in ways never done, and understood the road between the theoretical discovery and how to prove it.

It is no different whatsoever from today, the equipment may change, but the scientists still need to have the extraordinary way of thinking the scientists of thousands, and hundreds, of years ago also had. To ask questions no-one believes we can answer. To dare to think outside set boundaries. Confront knowledge set in stone, and all the people believing they know the truth.

There are always, historically, challenges for all scientists. Society is built on "truths", which are in turn based on knowledge, which is relative to time. That means, truth is relative, and it's only when you start to think about that and accept nothing for a fact, and start testing the consensus-defined scientific rules, limits and boundaries, that you can truly discover.

In that way, Adam Savage has a brilliant understanding of what discovery and invention really means and comes from - people's minds, always.
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+2 18. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Awesome paintballing

Improvable design - Mythbusters did a variant that was controllable in both X(hor) and Y(ver) axis. Still, just another day at the office, nice. ^^
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+2 19. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Guy rolls his car 7 times and walks away

Tires might just as well have been brand new, hydroplaning in those weather conditions may occur even with specified rain tires with 0 mileage - even though the risk is smaller.

The driver did nothing wrong worth of note, I would personally not recommend keeping that pace in conditions like that though, as that also increases the risk of hydroplaning and losing control of the vehicle.

Always adapt the speed to the conditions, and, as very visible from every vehicle on that road, no one does these days. It's most likely about risk calculation as well - the risk is small enough for drivers to virtually ignore it, but it's still large enough to cause accidents such as this one.

It's a great clip to show the dangers of driving in rainy and wet conditions, not only snow and ice make for a lethal road.
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+2 20. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Incredible 6,000 lb JDAM Airstrike in Afghanistan

Civilians are always effective targets in war or war-like conditions. (This due to a large psychological and logistical effect. Ethics are often forgotten by people and entities (armies, companies, groups) angry, power-hungry or otherwise driven enough.) Many civilian casualties in a lot of the middle-east conflict zones are due to internal strife, in addition to external forces.

As for the US - it's not really relevant in the end, humanity has different goals depending on who you are and what/who you're affiliated with. (We're different. Xenophobia exists.) As long as we are humans, there'll be fighting, don't live in the illusion that there's some political agenda causing the US to be the world's warmongers - because they aren't to any extent others aren't. Of course there are entities that benefits from war and conflict - but that is the case wherever you are.

Death follows humanity because of what we are, not what country we live in, or what religion we follow. Those are mere excuses we use.

So sick of both the ridiculous anti-US statements and all contraries - people fail to see the problem, and are just looking for scapegoats for humanity. (It's easy to blame the US, or the Al-qaeda, when the problem is inherent with the entire human race, and you want to feel better by putting blame on an entity that is very easy to blame.) We're all human, we're all contributors to war and conflict. Whether we like it or not.

You can see evidences of it everywhere, from pre-school bullying, to world wars - but also more subtle ways, like politics (that may indirectly hurt and kill) or any role/work with power over others.

The only way to end conflict would be to overcome humanity (evolve, transcend) - and that's way beyond our grasp as the world stands today. I'm not religious and see no possibility for this today. We can only hope we overcome it before it overcomes us.
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+2 21. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Close Call

#2 On the camera subject - lots of drivers in Russia and eastern parts of Europe have dash cameras, mainly to prevent insurance fraud attempts.
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+2 22. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Yak 50 engine fails and pilot has to make emergency landing

#7 No, wilco = will comply, to be used by radio addressee when instructions/orders are given by call initializer, wilco includes a roger (roger in and by itself means you have received and understood a transmission) *and* that you will comply to those instructions/orders.
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+2 23. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video F18 Fighter - Flying Low

#1 #8 You guys are aware that the areas the F/A-18 is flying over are pretty damn desolate, right? Sure, it's a low-altitude flight, but it's not rarely done to train pilots in how to use the environment to their advantage. Try learning that 1000ft up.

#6 Just a promo watermark of some sort - this is very real, and should be very obvious for loads of reasons.

Looks like a really nice flight, ace terrain, excellent visibility and a sweet aircraft to ride. The Sk60 hasn't got much on the F/A-18. ^^
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+2 24. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video How to handle a road rage confrontation

Why are people attributing human behavior to nationality?
It's about the species, not about where the individual is from.

Cultural differences may or may not increase or decrease the risk of this happening, of course, but the behavior in itself is only human. (Rage and especially unproportional such. Rarely seen in animals not fighting for their lives. Well, except for maybe cats - they're likely to claw your eyes out if you do not please them...)

In all seriousness though, it's the downside of individualism - rage has probably earned him a benefit or two (likely over others) in his life (be it knowingly getting power over another human being, in some way - or just making a stand when in a bad position), meaning he's more likely to use it later on. On the other end - the guy keeping his cool displays the very other end of the spectrum, avoiding conflict (again, this might have earned him benefits earlier in his life) to an almost extreme length.

It's very apparent which way is the one that avoids both physical and mental (to a relative degree) damage to any or both parties of the conflict. Ironically, trying to attribute it to nationality (causing segregation) or other superficial attributes (religion, occupation, gender, age etc.) of a human being is not the second way here. The second way would be learning from guy number two, avoiding conflicts and avoiding blaming the conflict on an attribute of the party/-ies that we cannot state are actually involved. It only comes from (and breeds) prejudice.

The human race, capable of causing (and adding fuel to the fire of) extreme conflicts - but also (out of need, perhaps) extreme conflict solving and mediation. Interesting video, and interesting comments. Many going for way one subconsciously while their conscious is promoting way two.

In other words; humanity takes over where we lose our cultural (i.e. related to upbringing) or consciously taught ways.
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+2 25. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video The Leidenfrost Effect

Excellent idea of a simple principle - having a gas "cushion" (which is created by the water vapor when quickly evaporating water - i.e. at above 200C-ish) constantly below the water droplet stops it from quickly evaporating, as the heat transfer between the main heat source (i.e. the plate) and the main water droplet is a lot less efficient with said gas cushion between. (As opposed to a large surface area droplet straight on top of the metal plate.) The gas cushion also acts as a propellant with the sawtooth shaped edges, as it expands in a controlled way, pushing the droplet forwards (or backwards, depending on the direction and shaping of the sawtooth pattern).

Interesting to see it in practice rather than just theorizing on paper and in imagination though. ^^
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+2 26. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video Four kids with amazing juggling skills

Mesmerizing, that's some serious skill!
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+1 27. PeTTs0n commented 14 years ago on video Lego printer

I'd love to see this boxed by LEGO;

(On the box):

"Recommended for ages 20 and up"
"Build time: long"
"Pcs: a shitload"

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+1 28. PeTTs0n commented 12 years ago on video A Cello Love Story

#10 You realize the guys that make these videos (including Steven Sharp Nelson on the Cello) are called The Piano Guys, right? ;)
They've got a lot of good stuff, is great as well. :)
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+1 29. PeTTs0n commented 12 years ago on video 3D Printed magic arms

3:20, the smile on her face while hugging her mom... Faith in humanity is restored.
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+1 30. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Javelin Launcher Fails

#17 - The Javelin is 100% American, made by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. (Designed by TI and Martin though, but still all-American.) Would prefer holding an M136, providing the target isn't a mile+ away.

#18 - As opposed to Russian stuff, that both fails and explodes frequently! :p
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+1 31. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video A Water Bomber cools off a traffic accident.

#7 It doesn't work that way, water disperses as soon as it goes into the air - the lack of density of it means that it isn't a lot of mass per surface area of the body it hits.

A very good demonstration of this is in - where the firefighters don't even buckle when the water comes down on them.
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+1 32. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video What a Ride

#6 isn't that what the phrase "always use a rubber" means?
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+1 33. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video Canadians don't mess around when it comes to snow removal

Bah, studded tires for the win. A few inches of snow? No problem!
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+1 34. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video Creepy Computer Lady at SXSW

#3 Why? She doesn't seem very deep. :|
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0 35. PeTTs0n commented 14 years ago on video Pothole in Russia

Imagine 100% potholes and welcome to Sweden.
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0 36. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video LEGO Axle Sorter

#8 and #(removed comment) With this "little" invention, (s)he could actually be building stuff while pieces gets sorted for him/her! Axles like those might come in non-sorted packages, and when they arrive (s)he can just throw them in the sorter and go back to building. ^^ Love it!
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0 37. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Javelin Launcher Fails

Last one looks like an M72 LAW (major ouch there), but other than that it's 80k USD failures all throughout by the looks of it. Heh, hope there's warranty on those things... :p
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0 38. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Chris Hadfield demonstrates what happens when you ring out a washcloth in space

#1 - you can be pretty sure everything is quite substantially waterproof. Otherwise you could have risks as soon as there's sweating and sneezing for example. I do believe (don't quote me on that though ^^) they've got filters in the air recirculation systems that grab a hold of water, dust etc. that may be floating around, and either clean and repurpose it (in the case of water) or compact and stow it. (In the case of dust/trash particles.)
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0 39. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Shortest Runway in The World

Kinda limits the variety of aircraft that can land and take-off there though, maybe a catapult and arrestor hook would be an alternative at locations like these - plus it would look pretty awesome.
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0 40. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video Fail compilation August/September 2013 | TNL

#5 It's likely absinthe, with the bohemian method (basically setting the liquor on fire, by using a absinthe-drenched sugar cube which is then dropped into the liquor, and due to its high alcohol content it presents quite a fire hazard) of preparing and drinking it. It's recommended to wait until the flame has completely died when you drink bohemian method absinthe, something certain daredevils "forget".
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0 41. PeTTs0n commented 11 years ago on video A Pilots last landing at Schiphol in the Netherlands

#12 thanks, thought it sounded a bit different (percussion loop in particular) but I dunno - that one's good. :)
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0 42. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video What happens when you film the police in Sweden

#10 It's not a new video, and that's how the Swedish Police buses looked then. It's legit.

And to be honest, us Swedes have a really screwed up booze culture - there's a lot of heavy drinking, and it starts at a pretty early age as well.
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0 43. PeTTs0n commented 10 years ago on video Car explodes on impact

#3 You think the US is bad? Visit Scandinavia - it's worse. (Due, in some part, to the fact that there are criminals that actually crash cheap cars into each other to stage a 'real' accident - and after that robbing anyone stopping to help. Was an article about it here just a few days ago.)