Comments posted by bethc


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0 1. bethc commented 16 years ago on video Don't drink from hotel room glasses

I used to work at a 4+ star resort in British Columbia, Canada and I can assure you that they clean the drinking glasses the exact same way as in the video. When I first started at the resort in the housekeeping department I was trained to clean the glasses that way. However, I can say for myself that I got new glasses off our supply cart. Now the glasses off the supply cart are supposed to be clean and right from the dishwasher. However, when looking for a clean glass I also came across a lot of dirty ones. So who was to say that they were all clean. I mentioned this to the manager and she told me that the glasses are supposed to be changed, not washed in the rooms, and that the ones off the supply cart are supposed to be clean. I showed her my cart and then we went to look at the other carts. All dirty. I actually spent one night running ALL the glasses from the carts in the dish washing machine. They were still dirty when I pulled them out and cold. Needless to say that I told the manager about it and they had maintenance fix the machine. Now, I no longer work there, but I can imagine that the room attendants are still cleaning the glasses like the women in the video. It's sad that people are too lazy to get a clean glass off the supply cart. That's where the clean towels, sheets and other supplies are kept too. All one would have to do is go to the cart to get a clean glass. It makes no sense to me.