Comments posted by croc


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-1 1. croc commented 8 years ago on video Does Socialism Makes People Selfish

Paid for by the 1%. Or maybe even the 0.1% to whom the current monetary system benefits the most!

By this guy's logic the right to (having access to) clean air, water, food and shelter (which are basic universal rights accepted by the UN), are just "entitlements"? Payed forth by the "welfare state"? And when the government subsidizes the oil and coal industry instead of the sustainable energy sources that's not "the welfare state"? When the government subsidizes Walmart by giving food stamps to their employees because Walmart doesn't pay them a livable wage (which is even lower than the somewhat better "decent" wage of 15 $/hour), so that their top people can be billionaires while their employees are on food stamps, that's not "the welfare state"? Sure it's not, if we believe you. But if we know better, we know that this guy is full of s***...
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+1 2. croc commented 8 years ago on video The 4th of July

FFS! This guy really pisses me off with skewing the "facts" so much that in most cases they don't have anything to do with what's he's talking about! The Arabs also did slavery? And in bigger numbers you say? Well then that means that slavery in the US was OK? Or at least "not that bad"? And that's a justification for it? Like "stop complaining, it could have been worse"? I mean who is this guy kidding?!?
"90% of black people are killed by other black people". Well 84% of white people are killed by other white people but noone is calling that white-on-white crime. And why not just say "well (black) people are going to die some day eventually so I don't see what are you complaining about"... I mean the ignorance and stupidity of this guy is beyond belief and I really hope we won't be seeing such videos on Snotr any more because it doesn't do anyone any good...
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+1 3. croc commented 8 years ago on video The Problem of Evil: Crash Course Philosophy

Now that is some good stuff, makes you think!
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+7 4. croc commented 8 years ago on video Salto Angel waterfall - Venezuela

"It is the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall, with a height of 979 metres (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 metres (2,648 ft)."
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0 5. croc commented 8 years ago on video Logorama

A (depressing) glimpse into the near future?

I mean there were far less ads years ago but now you can't even go take a piss at your local bar without an ad staring you in the face, so what's next? This?
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+3 6. croc commented 8 years ago on video Near miss for this horse and cart crossing junction

Again, this isn't a "near miss", because a "near miss" is a "hit". This is a "near hit" 8-)