Comments posted by mom2wlim


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+1 1. mom2wlim commented 15 years ago on video Deer for breakfast anyone? you people not realize that these deer are probably raised in a pen? My father has raised whitetail deer for close to 25yrs. We have over 75+. The first ones that we raised came from the game commission when the mothers were killed by cars or farmers found the babies w/no mothers in sight. Depending on how they are raised they can be a pet just like a dog. If they are bottle fed from birth, which is sometimes necessary then usually they will be just as tame as a dog! The more time you put into them the more tame they would become! Most of the deer we have now were raised w/in our pen by their own mothers so they are not as tame as the ones we had got early on!! Some run away at the sight of us and others will run right to us! The one deer we call Jealous b/c she is so jealous of anyone else that comes around my dad! As for the lime is a problem in the area we live in...however where my parents raise these deer at we have never seen a deer tick! That is just a bad name for the tick. We have never over all these years found ticks on our deer and my dad is the pen w/them everyday!