Comments posted by roady


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+40 1. roady commented 8 years ago on video Clearing the roads, Russian style

"I go up one side. I go down the other side. All day long. And it is never clean!"
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+12 2. roady commented 9 years ago on video Scythe vs Brushcutter

If you don't factor in building the machine and fueling it, yes.
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+10 3. roady commented 8 years ago on video Behind the Leather

Not a big fan of cruelty, but fur and leather are better than plastic. Australia once used 500,000 fox skins a year. Now There are millions out there that only the farmers are trying to kill.
"However, as foxes may kill many animals in a night, yet only consume a small amount of each, this will amount to thousands of mammals, reptiles, birds and insects killed each year by a single fox."

On the other hand plastics, no matter how real they look, are nothing but toxic to the environment from start to finish. They are killing us, and killing animals everywhere. What we really need is to lose is simplistic single minded selfishness.

And yes, PETA has been taken to court for animal cruelty. They don't seem to care about animals, only about pushing their way into peoples lives, pretty much like what we see in this video.
I don't like people who take their mental illness out on animals, any more than I like the ones who take it out on people, like PETA do.
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+8 4. roady commented 10 years ago on video Ian Darke Calls a Date

Yep, she lost, that's for sure
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+6 5. roady commented 11 years ago on video Armored Combat League

You are not crazy if you do it, though you might be if you just watch it. Feeling pain is not crazy. Enjoying the pain of others at no risk to yourself seems like madness to me.
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+5 6. roady commented 8 years ago on video Dashcam Accidents - Weekly compilation - Episode #114 HD

I'd have to agree with #1, these seem more avoidable than normal
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+4 7. roady commented 11 years ago on video Collision between two cargos in Singapore detroit

The larger ship is 57,000 tonnes according to
Assuming that nothing is actually malfunctioning it is probably the same old story. You wee it on the roads too. The smaller ship is cutting across and because it is front, has a right to expect the bigger one to slow down. The larger one feels it doesn't want to lose the time and fuel (lots) and expects the smaller ship to get out of the way on the grounds that being hit is too expensive. Neither backs down, so CLUNK.
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+4 8. roady commented 10 years ago on video TED talk on how TED talks are worthless

This talk would not be possible without the freedom of Ted talks.
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+3 10. roady commented 11 years ago on video How Much Money is There on Earth?

Worse still, if banks weren't allowed to invent money (steal), they would have to pay more interest on the money they got from us. A lot, lot more. Retirement savings would be worth retiring on.
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+3 11. roady commented 11 years ago on video Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom

#17 the issue is not fractional reserve as such, which is lending out most of the money you have. The issue is lending money you don't have, never had, and claiming interest you do not deserve. This devalues the money, which was fine when it was just the bank that would go bust. Money is called "bank notes" for a reason. But when the country guarantees the notes, then only the country should be issuing the money. And as a policy, should perhaps not issue inflationary amounts that sacrifice pensions and services to get politicians dodgy deals.
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+3 12. roady commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

Every day tons of toxic chemicals are produced that are reducing our environment. Plastics that don't break down, radioactives that don't go away, heavy metals that poison forever, by-products that build up. About the only industrial thing we do that helps plants is CO2.
So which one do they want to reduce?
I have been a green for 40 years. The current greens say we should use highly toxic long lasting mercury, without any recycling method, to reduce the plant friendly CO2. What a joke this is.
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+3 13. roady commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - Game of Trains

They need tire spikes. Not illegal on a footpath.
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+3 14. roady commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia

So #3, you are fine with seeing people hurt, but an animal being rescued causes you stress?
The topic here is human effort overcoming a human mistake. It happened in Russia.
I'm fine with that.
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+3 15. roady commented 8 years ago on video Behind the Leather

#12 I think bolt gun killing, which is the official method in the west, can be painful. It is the best we have and it still does not always work. I was trying to acknowledge the views of others and be moderate. But if you wish, I state I specifically do not support the killing of an animal by anything less than a quick, humane method. Quick and humane are qualitative, yes, but we all know we are talking a few seconds and before they are skinned. What ever we do should be done with respect for life.
I apologize for giving any impression to the contrary.
So the question still is, do you see truth or are you just for/against?
In America, PETA was sued for animal cruelty. Are you defending that? Are you defending them by attacking others?
Plastic is toxic. Should we use real life or petroleum for all our needs?
We can be intelligent creatures. Should we instantly take sides and fight, or should we try to understand first, and use our brains?
For me, I will respect life.
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+2 16. roady commented 13 years ago on video How Ancient Egyptians Did Math

The maths used by computers is simpler, because they are, but takes more speed, which they have. Our maths is more complicated, because we are, but takes fewer calculations. The maths we do does take more learning, and more understanding. Hopefully, for a while at least, we are still smarter. We are working on computers that can program themselves, and when they do succeed (next few decades), life is going to get very interesting indeed.
But in the meantime, would you rather be proud about how dumb you are, or how smart you are?
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+2 17. roady commented 11 years ago on video Roadracers with balls of steel

It's amazing how complainers (#(removed comment),#11) will slag off these racers who are the pinnacle of skill, precision, reaction time and bravery, then go and really like jackass style stuff, which is just as dangerous, but with no skill, talent or earthly value of any kind.
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+2 18. roady commented 11 years ago on video Biker cuts sidemirror with portable grinder

Perhaps he felt if you weren't going to use it you might as well not have it?
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+2 19. roady commented 11 years ago on video Jumping self-assembling cube robots

So once we have something that is multitask capable, next we need to make it (extremely) energy efficient. And environment friendly. And capable of finding its own energy from multiple nearby sources. It would need to be self programming to cope with all this complexity of function. It would also need to have the ability to shutdown 40%- 60% of processors to save energy when they are not being used. It would need very sophisticated and capable sensors. Communication between devices is a must. And a self repair function would be useful. How about self replication?
Once we have all that, additional programming is needed to sort out the mass of incoming data and exclude the unremarkable or pointless. It needs to make full use of predictive programming to speed reaction times.
You would then need to invent something called SNOTR, because extremely sophisticated, highly efficient, environmentally integrated, self programming devices with the (proven) ability to preprocess information to exclude the dross, do in fact get something called BORED.
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+2 20. roady commented 11 years ago on video Eyecam 9mm Handgun shooting

#6 might be being voted down because it is a fish eye lens and the side vision seems closer than it is. Seeing as these guys hit with 10 centimeter (or better) accuracy 10 meters might be a bit less scary. Gun laws have nothing to do with it, as gun fans don't like being hit by strays either.
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+2 21. roady commented 10 years ago on video The HUGE difference between empathy & sympathy explained

Sympathy: n. Community of feeling: power of entering into another's feelings or mind: harmonious understanding: compassion, pity. [Greek sympatheia; syn - with, pathos - suffering.
Empathy: n the power of entering into another's personality and imaginatively experiencing his experiences: the power of entering into the feeling or spirit of something (esp. a work of art) and so appreciating it fully.
Chambers English Dictionary.
I think the whole point of the video was to confuse sympathy with fake sympathy and then say at 1:50 finding a silver lining is not sympathetic. It would not do to have people say "Well your problems really aren't that bad and you should stop watching stuff, get off the drugs, and start helping others"
The American drug companies would not be happy.
This is worth tens of billions of dollars a year, if not hundreds and also many deaths.
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+2 22. roady commented 9 years ago on video Mischievous Desert Fox Steals A Phone!

Actually he wanted to make a call but had run out of credit in his own.
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+2 23. roady commented 9 years ago on video Wingsuit Jumper Defies Death And Logic

Wingsuit flight records


On 28 May 2011, Japanese wingsuit pilot Shin Ito set world records for the fastest speed reached in a wingsuit of 363 km/h (226 mph).[24]

Longest time and highest altitude

On 20 and 21 April 2012, Colombian skydiver Jhonathan Florez set Guinness World Records in wingsuit flying. The jumps took place in La Guajira in Colombia for the following records:

Longest time: The longest (duration) wingsuit flight was nine minutes, six seconds[25]
Highest: The highest altitude wingsuit jump was 11,358 m (37,265 ft)[26]


A month later, on 23 May 2012, British stuntman Gary Connery safely landed a wingsuit without deploying his parachute, landing on a crushable "runway" (landing zone) built with thousands of cardboard boxes.[27]
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+2 24. roady commented 8 years ago on video WOW! Navy SEALS' Insane Parachute Jump into Football Stadium!

#3 There were two parachutists holding together but controlling the chutes to stay sideways, so they did not tangle and kill them both. See 1:33 of
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+2 25. roady commented 8 years ago on video Behind the Leather

#3 I do agree if the manufacture of leather is done in a toxic way it is not so good for us. We used to do it with just tree bark. We have animal protections laws. We could, and probably should, stop doing it overseas to increase profits.
This is my point.
This whole business is not and should not be simplistic or simple minded, pro vs con. And in PETA's case, hurt and hatred as a motivation and a goal. We should not be defining truth based on sides or agendas. We should not support those who enjoy hurt.
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+1 26. roady commented 13 years ago on video Footage Of Car Assembly Line In 1936

Henry Ford made it his personal policy to have cycle times as short as possible. Why he wanted to drive people nuts, who knows?
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+1 27. roady commented 11 years ago on video Eyecam 9mm Handgun shooting

I can't (and won't) defend the course as being safe, I wasn't there. And anyway stuff does go wrong. And it can go just as wrong directly behind the shooter, if you want to consider the worst case scenario, so even 180 isn't enough. But then, in my country it is actually illegal to have full power BB guns.

But there are a couple of rules in this style of shooting (IPSC) that you may find interesting.
There is a official following the shooter watching his hands. The beep sound you heard is the timer he carries. That's one official per shooter, for the entire time he has the gun out of the holster.
If the guy were to have his finger inside the trigger guard and to point the gun off the targets, the guy will be disqualified. As in go home. And that is any targets, not just the one we are unhappy about.
If the gun were to be pointed loaded at the ground within 3 metres, same.
Point further around than 89 degrees, again, go home.
Finger inside the trigger when reloading, then go home. He would have been disqualified if it had been seen. No empty threat, I've seen it happen.
If you were to actually fire the gun as above, even more serious.
Your average gun range doesn't watch you like this.
So it is safer or not? Well, I have to go back to the fact that spectators don't like being shot.
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+1 28. roady commented 10 years ago on video Before safety was as big a thing... Amazing Helicopter Flying

Suicidal? Snotr is full of people showing precision and skill and dedication and turning machines into an extension of themselves. I rather think that is what you want from military people too.
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+1 29. roady commented 10 years ago on video YouTuber shows many "Hood Prank" videos on YouTube have a high possibility of being fake

Even if the crime rates are 6 times higher in one group or another, the overall crime rate in the USA is well under 10 percent. On average, any person you meet will be a good person.
Just saying.
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+1 30. roady commented 8 years ago on video Lucky truck driver

There was no design fault and no process fault. The fault was a truck driver who thought that the bars would come down but no train would come.
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0 32. roady commented 13 years ago on video What Happens When You Drop a Slinky

What is this "downward force vector doesn't transfer " rubbish? You are as bad as the guy in the clip. The slinky is in free fall. Because the stretching force on it before it started was gravity, when it was released the ends accelerated towards the middle at roughly the acceleration of gravity (it is a spring, storing force exactly is what we use them for). The top is accelerating down at G + G, the bottom is doing G - G until the spring is used up. And G - G = 0 so no relative motion.
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0 33. roady commented 12 years ago on video Pipe Makes Laser Noise When Hit With A Rock

Yes. That is how they did the sounds for Star Wars. For most of the sounds. See the "making of" documentary.
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0 34. roady commented 12 years ago on video Grenade fishing gone wrong...

When did safety nazi's start on SNOTR? They wanted to do it. They lived. They even videoed it. Seems fine to me. What is with all the "It's toooo dangerousssss" whining? Whatever it was didn't even rupture a rubber boat. Grow up.
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0 35. roady commented 11 years ago on video Burnout

Exactly like petrol engines, diesel engines also run rich when increasing revs quickly. It prevents detonation. Modern engines all detonate mildly as the computers run very close to the edge. The diesel is perhaps not willing to run so close to the edge, plus has a longer stroke and needs more protection. Running at full power you could see the exhaust was clear.
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0 36. roady commented 11 years ago on video The reasons why we drive on the left vs. right side of the road

Most people are right handed. Right foot does the accelerator. Right hand should be on the wheel when the left does the gears.
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0 37. roady commented 10 years ago on video 1,000-Pound Firework Sets World Record

Four feet diameter surely, not circumference.

Or "Japanese firework shells range in size from smaller ones to the world record holding Yonshakudama shells which are 1.2 meter in diameter and weigh several hundred kilograms."
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0 39. roady commented 9 years ago on video Oil Change Scam: A Hidden Camera Investigation

I get the impression that the TV show is as dodgy and exaggeration focused as the oil change company
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-1 40. roady commented 11 years ago on video Defense Distributed's Cody Wilson Explains the Printed Firearm

There are so many gun nuts in America it is not funny and it is spreading. And as far as I am concerned, if you are against guns, and you are nuts, you are a gun nut. The real issue here is not the device, but the people who are nuts. Why were well over half of the mass killings in the US done by people on legal drugs? Why is nothing being done about drugs that list psychotic behaviour as a known side effect? Is it something to do with them being worth billions a year? What about all the killings of less than four people, drug related? Why are people jumping on the bandwagon and ignoring known issues? Obsessive behaviour that ignores the facts is still nuts whether it is pro or anti gun.