Comments posted by robert180197


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+4 1. robert180197 commented 16 years ago on video Cops dump paralyzed man on floor

They did not get dismissed and I concider them evil.
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+3 2. robert180197 commented 16 years ago on video Stupid cop doesn't like to be called "dude"

This is what most cops are like in America sad but true and I lived in Baltimore.

The bible states respect authority and that means you respect what they can do to you not respect what they do Most America cop are evil and I will respect what they can do but not who they are.

If all the Cops in America died tomorrow it would be a good day let's look at who the protect they protect a system where the medical industry (doctors and Drugs manufacturers) are the leading killer of Americans but the system put those people in prison who self medicate which is the 76 leading cause of death in America.

When the cops start arresting crooked politicians business leaders and doctors and basically anyone who graduated from a Ivy league collage I will respect them until then I will respect what they can do to me.