Comments posted by thorargent


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+7 1. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Girls are evil

I found a proof that there is a difference between men and women years ago. It goes like this. Men know that men and women think differently, women know that men and women think the same. The fact that they disagree proves that there is a difference, QED.
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+5 2. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Flat Frog

#3 ...and there's always a hook...
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+2 3. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Explosive Bubbles

You could do this while that annoying neighbor is having a barbecue... maybe they would drift toward his grill!
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+6 4. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Micro Machine Manufacturing

Soon enough, the scaffolds will be proteins and nanomaterials and the systems will be powered by light, air, and glucose. Then we will see hoards of nanomachines that can perform tissue repair, surgery, and other operations at the cellular and then molecular levels.
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+1 5. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video The Original Beardo Beard Hat

Add noseglasses and nobody would ever know who you are.
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+1 6. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video SpaceX tries out its new SuperDraco rocket engine

You know, Space-X developed a whole new liquid-fueled spacecraft engine in five years from a standing start, and only spent as much money as NASA spends in 11 days... a superb accomplishment. Now they have a six-passenger spacecraft that has flown in orbit successfully, and still are far, far less money than NASA spills in a few days. Time to let private companies handle our space travel needs.
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+5 7. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video The Crush

Wow, four thumbs up!
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-1 8. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Babbage's Difference Engine

#14 Well, for example, what you wrote is not even close to being correct or what I wrote. Think about it.
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+10 9. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Experience by Universal Studios

That was his reaction to the credit card bill for his family's vacation!
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+6 10. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Babbage's Difference Engine

People back then were a lot sharper than most people today, they just didn't have the technical toys and resources we have. Adversity sharpens the mind.
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+2 11. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video The Creepiest Guy In The World

#1 Those aliens are probably staying away because the rest of us don't use blow up things this way.
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+5 12. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video 3D immersion technology

Now add moving air for wind and hot or cold air for climate and a bit of mist spray for oceans, and a few scent cannisters... Better hook up an IV for food because some people will never come out again.
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-3 13. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video The Gift

This shows what independent people can do without the money and resources of Hollywood. Excellent effort, keep working! Incidentally, it reminds me of the work of Moebius in Heavy Metal / Metal Hurlant from the 70's.
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+3 14. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Archimedes Death Ray

#7 Myth not busted, they made some sort of mistake. I built a version years ago that became known on the net as the "backyard death ray" that used similar simple methods and can set fires a city block away easily. I also made a solar generator for making power at home using similar principles. See this link on youtube:
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+1 15. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Gangs Taking Their Violence Online Via Twitter

Oh no, more online shootings!
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+4 16. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video The NASA Effect

Brilliant man, but NASA has fallen down hard on its perceived mission. They are masters at drawing a plan out for decades and doling out thin rewards for the money. They used to be great, but the people who got them there are dead or retired- the guys there now are just warming their chairs.

The future is not with government, it's with private efforts. NASA probably now means No Actual Science Allowed.
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+4 17. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Guy Kicks His Way Out of ATM

Maybe, just maybe, he can't ... READ?
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+4 18. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Light barrier used to repel mosquitoes

Okay, it keeps them from flying through it, but what happens when WIND pushes them through anyway? Just saying...
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+1 19. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Mars in a Minute: Is Mars Really Red?

#8 you post a very good question that nobody seems to actually think about. Mars had oceans once but some of that water is lost to space (low gravity) and some is in the form of glaciers today under the dust. But there had to be free oxygen present at some point, just like the Great Rusting here on Earth long ago. This implies that there was some form of life to produce enough oxygen to make this happen. Rusty rocks are one compelling piece of evidence, and the huge quantities of sulfate compounds is another. All the sulfuric acid could not have formed to make those compounds without a huge amount of water and oxygen, regardless of the official NASA position. It's basic chemistry.
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+3 20. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video US Debt Crisis - 2012 is only for America

We used to provide food for the world, but farm subsidies and paying people not to grow just to control food prices and other factors made it unprofitable. We used to create wealth by turning raw goods into finished goods. We shipped those jobs off to other countries. We used to have massive technical growth, but lawsuits, patent battles, and a failing educational system made that unfeasible. Big business and banking seem to have corrupted and destroyed so much. They have the best politicians that money can buy.
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+9 21. thorargent commented 12 years ago on video Best Portable Computer..

Is Jacque's last name "Jetson"? I wonder where he keeps his car...
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+2 22. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Optical effects of travelling close to the speed of light

#14 the other way to think of this is that your mass is curving the space like a lens, so the light follows curved paths and even light from the sides can reach you at what appears to be impossible angles.
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+4 23. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Gali the Alligator

I can't wait to see their cooking show.
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+1 24. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Origami - Real World Applications

NOw, let's figure out how George Jetson folds that car up into a briefcase- that would be truly impressive origami!
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+3 25. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Vacuuming fire

This is the kind of guy who combs his hair with a tire...
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+6 26. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Day vs Night

One of the best animations in a long time, and one with an excellent message.
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+1 27. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Recycle cans

#7, government is never the answer to any problem. Education is. People who are educated tend to make better decisions. Anyone who would simply throw their trash down is an uneducated fool.
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+2 28. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video The God of Mathematics - Georg Cantor's Infinities

The point is simple- infinity is not a number, it is a concept of being endless. Subtracting something from infinity is like subtracting something from green. Does not compute.
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-1 29. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping Dog Falls From The Couch

Peewee Herman's voice: "I meant to do that!"
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+3 30. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video The power of animation

He could afford all that stuff, but couldn't buy some cookies? He's just like the coyote after the roadrunner. Just buy dinner if you have that much money...
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0 31. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Solar Sinter Project

Well, set a couple up making bricks, another making stepping stones, one large setup spinning fiberglass and another weaving it into cloth. Make them robotic and let them cruise across the desert making homes and buildings and solar power plants. Soon there would be all-glass cities made of sand and sun by robots.
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+5 32. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Solar Sinter Project

I did this stuff years ago, and it can make simple bricks, stepping stones, etc. with ease. I also used it to weld, make a steam powered turbogenerator for electricity and a number of other things. You can see my videos on YouTube. The account name is thorargent. Here is one of the videos.

Incidentally, this is a good idea but his setup is way too complex. It can be done with a lot simpler setup.
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0 33. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Original shopping method

Which aisle has the loop-the-loop? Or is that the fruit loop through the produce section?
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+2 34. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Guys break duck ride

That's just ducked up.
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+1 35. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video 60 Watt Coherent Laser Diode Test

#5 the diode has less than 100% efficiency of course, and he appears to be getting about 1/3 watt per amp at the operating voltage. So even at 90 amps (his quoted full power rating) at the 2.3 volt operating level, which is 207 watts total input power, 60 watts is about right. For him operating at 124 watts input, his laser is probably putting out around 41 watts or so. But laser diodes are also not linear- highly dependent on temperature and power supply internal resistance.
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+2 36. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video How to operate a digger

You can use large shop vacs and do this safely and quickly. But my first thought was "government work program" which still equates with stupid.
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+4 37. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Balloon of FIRE

Calvin once said "Cartoons are about idiots, anvils, and explosives." Well, this is right up there- idiots, hydrogen, and matches. I love it.
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+34 38. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video About the laws of physics

(Duke Nukem voice): That's gonna leave a mark!
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+3 39. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Willard Wigan's Nanosculpture's

He worked through adversity and made something amazing of his life. How many complainers do you know who have this much time but do nothing with it?
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+13 40. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Rotating stars, not.

#8, yes, a yellow laser based on the frequency of sodium atoms is used to create a synthetic "guide star" which is a tiny dot in the sky. By measuring how the synthetic guide star trembles or twinkles, the computer distorts the telescope mirror slightly to compensate for it. This is called "adaptive optics" and it makes very clear images that way.
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+4 41. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video New beetle commercial

I would much rather drive the Mantis. It can eat up the competition.
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+8 42. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Kitten with cigarette addiction

patches and gum stick to fur- must have real cigarette
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+2 43. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Animatronics by John Nolan

#2 when your fruit starts doing that, it's time to compost it.
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+1 44. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Who is Charles Manson?

As I was going down the stair,
I met a man who was not there.
That same man wasn't there today.
I wish that man would go away...
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+3 45. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Hot Dogs

#14 well, they must get rid of the old ones somehow.
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+2 46. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Increasing Gas prices?

Can we get a hummer version of this?
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+3 47. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video World Record Indoor Photo 360º Panorama

Yeah, in three weeks Nintendo will be doing this for Mario World. Then kids will think that everything is that hi-rez. Time marches on.
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+7 48. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video I Am Epic Win

What the hell was that?? I'm going to invent Mini Giraffe Tetris now...
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+6 49. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video A Journey Into A Black Hole

#6, uh, because most of them don't know any other languages?
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+6 50. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Sound sensitive larvae

This is a good thing in nature- a predatory animal might mistake this for some larger, potentially more dangerous creature rather than a few small bugs. A scary, moving rug-thing might have a dangerous appetite.
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0 51. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video The lost tribes of NYC

Wow, if you see this happening, it's time to TAKE YOUR MEDS.
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+3 52. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video How Can Something So Small Be So Impressive?

ZING! This is gold.
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+5 53. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Offtime

...and they accidentally hack a DoD site and you go to jail...
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0 54. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Tourist Swarmed By Monkeys

Yeah, it's all fun until somebody puts an eye out- then it's hilarious!
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0 55. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video The Memristor

Wow, are we still this gullible?? "As they are walking around, they are sampling the environment themselves"- like spying on everyone at once, hmm? Why is it that they start with some outlandish claim of a fourth, "missing" circuitry element and then fly into nanodevices that can collect... harmless data everywhere as people act as the nodes for that collection...

Something is seriously amiss here.
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0 56. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video The magic train

I experienced this sort of thing in Rome many years ago. Packed tightly is an understatement.
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+11 57. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Funny Store Robbery

I was waiting to hear Richard Attenborough saying "the preying mantis faces off the tarantula wasp".
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+2 58. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Superb Glass Harp

Then the wreck happens and nobody is crushed in the metal but the glass shards are a problem.
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+1 59. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Polar Bears playing with spy cameras

"Ooh, hey, I love these things! Crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside!"
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+9 60. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Insane crane accident New Zealand

He probably spilled his drink.
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+9 61. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Time for another car.

Uh, you missed a spot...
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+1 62. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Clowns vs Police

If clowns patrolled the streets instead of cops, there would probably be a LOT less crime! Who wants to face an armed clown?? Besides, when you go to sleep, the clowns will devour you.
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+7 63. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Houston Metro Rail

Wow, it's bigger than a semi and apparently invisible. He turns, Darwin scores!
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+7 64. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video A Unicycle?

Not impressed. Now if it were a unicycle-skateboard-hang glider submersible... over broken glass... hmm.
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+4 65. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Trumer Beer Machine

But now you have to convince your wife to reset all this stuff. It might be easier to have her get you a beer!
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+1 66. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Thai life insurance

The commercial is not important- it's the message you take from it that is important. For that I give it the highest marks.
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0 67. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video HOW ITS MADE - Gold

Gold certainly is not the softest metal- cesium is, and sodium is soft enough to squeeze into shape by hand- been there, done it, wear gloves! This video is really annoying, what does she mean by "flue rite"- fluorite? And the furnace, "whose temperature is..." I didn't know the furnace was a who. Nice video, needs polish, perhaps a professional company could do this properly.
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+3 68. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Weird guy roasting his chestnuts

Johnny Cash Bicycle- "I fell into a burning ring of fire..."
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+29 69. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video How to make iced tea... like a boss!

His wife probably says he's not doing it right.
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+2 70. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Never Say No To Panda

I wonder how panda steaks with that cheese might taste?
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+3 71. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video Killer Willard The Boxing Kangaroo

"Are they endangered?"
"Well, this one could be."
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+1 72. thorargent commented 13 years ago on video HRP-4C - Singing and Dancing Japanese Robot

Next expo she does the "Are You Sara Connor" dance. The lyrics go something like "Autoloader, laser sight, Uzi..." we know the rest.
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-1 73. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Robot Ant

Now all we need to save the world from these is a large robotic shoe!
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+3 74. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video SURPRISE!!

Wouldn't it be great to have that in your back yard? You would never need a television.
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+9 75. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Dumbest cop ever

"Yeah, I think we're dying. Oh, and could you send pizza with that rescue vehicle? Lots of pizza. And cookies. Is it here yet? Time's going really, really, really slowly."
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+3 76. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Tubing Fail Turns Into Win

Now, let's see them do it with skateboards!
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+6 77. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Stevie Starr's got talent

#13 gastric acid is mostly hydrochloric acid and is capable of dissolving metals. It reacts with most metals to produce hydrogen gas, will dissolve aluminum, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, stainless steel and many other metals.
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0 78. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Flying with Vultures - Path into the Future

At 3:57 it says "Only 2900 breading pairs remain worldwide." I don't really want to bread a vulture because I hear they taste terrible, so maybe they meant "breeding pairs"?
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+17 79. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video House Explosion

"I smell gas."
"Yeah, let's throw some fire in there."
(Musical interlude: Pink Floyd's "Learning to Fly".)
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+4 80. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Family Guy Coyote and Roadrunner

"Hey, I just ran over that turkey, you think he's okay?"
"Keep driving, Peter."
"No, really? I mean, maybe we should stop..."
"Just keep driving Peter."
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+1 81. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Predicting the future in 1964.

#16, we only have to make the first nanomachines, they grow the rest to our specifications. It is trivial at that point to literaly grow trillions of them in vats like vintners produce wine today. We are already producing custom cells and organisms, in a few years we will have perfected the means of growing any material to our whims.
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+4 82. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video 3 year old solves rubik cube in 114 seconds!

Just think of all the times you didn't get the job because you failed the Rubik's Cube test or couldn't play Chopin. Just saying... lol.
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+3 83. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Try not to laugh

One minute and forty seconds of gritting teeth and cringing - who knew injury could be so... entertaining?
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+7 84. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Experiences cross new technologies

I started out with fond memories of Heavy Metal from mid 1970s and then ended expecting Julius Zimmerman. Too bad that Corben and Bilal were not in on this. Excellent piece!
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+4 85. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video This commercial may change your life.

That guy looked like he was delivered by the Reaper, not the stork... just saying...
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+8 86. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video For the best sound...

What's REALLY funny is that as I watched this, there was a Twix ad on the side of the page! Eeww.
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+5 87. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video 210ft Rope Swing

#9, he was probably already wet, whether he hits water or not!
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+18 88. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Rubber band gatling gun

Now all he needs is the Acme Rubber Band Autoloader with Duke Nukem voiceover.
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+15 89. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Parking Difficulty Solved

This idea has been around literally for decades but in this country at least, nobody wants to give up their trunk space for it. Imagine the drifting and spinning that idiots will do when they do get this.
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+13 90. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Hilarious Toy

What happens when you put two or three of these together?
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+2 91. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Two Idiots And A Sword

But he missed the crotch- where's Darwin when you need him?
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+4 92. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Dont do it...

#2 That is why Doc Brown's hair stands up- he had to put all the meth in the flux capacitor to make time travel work.
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+7 93. thorargent commented 14 years ago on video Chinese traffic accident compilation

No traffic signs? Amazing. And none of these accidents erupted into "kung fu fighting". More amazing!