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Thumbnail of Good Cop, Baby Cop

Good Cop, Baby Cop

Published 15 years ago in Ownage. Submitted by Tareim

Will Ferrell meets the toughest cop in the world.

Thumbnail of Shady optical illusion

Shady optical illusion

Published 15 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by Niek

Wow... this actually works! :O

Thumbnail of School answering machine

School answering machine

Published 15 years ago in Ownage. Submitted by Niek

This is an actual answering machine message of a school in Australia :D

Thumbnail of Cool guys don't look at explosions

Cool guys don't look at explosions

Published 15 years ago in Parodies. Submitted by Niek

Great music video from The Lonely Island.

Thumbnail of Do-Re-Mi at the train station

Do-Re-Mi at the train station

Published 15 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Niek

That was unexpected :D