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Thumbnail of Craig Ferguson - A Musical Genius?

Craig Ferguson - A Musical Genius?

Published 15 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Aliquantulus

Or just a comedy genius?

Thumbnail of Chinese Factory Workers

Chinese Factory Workers

Published 15 years ago in Documentary

Ever wondered why everything made in China is so cheap?
This is how! >:)

Thumbnail of Mutant Parakeet

Mutant Parakeet

Published 15 years ago in Animals. Submitted by USAnumber1

From New Zealand.

Thumbnail of Dustin Hoffman tells a joke well

Dustin Hoffman tells a joke well

Published 15 years ago in Other. Submitted by USAnumber1

The end is worth it :)

Thumbnail of Porsche Magnet

Porsche Magnet

Published 15 years ago in Commercials

A humerous look at the real reason men buy the infamous German sports car. The answer may surprise you.