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Thumbnail of Victim steals burglars' van

Victim steals burglars' van

Published 15 years ago in Ownage. Submitted by Jos

This is how to treat burglars >:)

Thumbnail of How traffic jams are caused

How traffic jams are caused

Published 15 years ago in Pranks. Submitted by Jos

This explains everything :D

Thumbnail of The Credit Crisis visualized

The Credit Crisis visualized

Published 15 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by Jos

A good and comprehensive explanation of the Credit Crisis we're in.

Thumbnail of Designing the stop sign

Designing the stop sign

Published 15 years ago in Parodies. Submitted by Jos

What if there were no stop signs, and a major corporation was charged with inventing one? They'd brief their agency and let them do it ;)

Thumbnail of Unbreakable skateboarder

Unbreakable skateboarder

Published 15 years ago in Ownage

It is just as amazing he didn't lose his determination as it is that he didn't break all his limbs...