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Thumbnail of World's largest shotgun

World's largest shotgun

Published 16 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Sizzlik

Now that's impressive :D

Thumbnail of Copying Goes Wrong

Copying Goes Wrong

Published 16 years ago in Accidents. Submitted by most_uniQue

Ouch! :(|)

Thumbnail of Zoo York "Bomb Down Broadway" BMX Contest

Zoo York "Bomb Down Broadway" BMX Contest

Published 16 years ago in Sports. Submitted by Niek

Zoo York and Skavenger hosted NYC's first-ever "Bomb Down Broadway" BMX race on June 1st. With 5G's up for grabs, 100+ riders battled it out to see who could get from point A to point B the fastest without getting crushed by traffic or collared by Johnny Law. It was sic…
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Thumbnail of Studio on fire

Studio on fire

Published 16 years ago in Weird

Security camera footage shows a Greel news presenter handling a fire during his work :D

Thumbnail of Why we drink

Why we drink

Published 16 years ago in Weird. Submitted by Blaine

A good scientific explanation of why we drink :)