A different way to heaven

"family planning is a plot created by infidels"

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Picture of ComentAtor48 achievements

+5 1. ComentAtor commented 6 years ago

thank you geekster, i know it's too long for snotr but it's worth it :)
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 2. Judge-Jake commented 6 years ago

Well I watched the first five minutes and I think I got the gist and then got bored if I'm honest.
Picture of ComentAtor48 achievements

+1 3. ComentAtor commented 6 years ago

2 minutes are more than enough,
now you know you go straight to heaven if you become second wife of a wealthy muslim and you control your jealousy
it's not so easy to crop videos and post them to snotr
Picture of Kenuty31 achievements

+2 4. Kenuty commented 6 years ago

When I saw the Burka, I was like oh damn here we go again
There will be talk of Infidels - Check
Allah is the greatest - Check

There is a word we have for this in my langauge translated to
Some men just want to start a HAREM and women aren't allowed to do so
They will do what it takes no matter what to justify that it is ok and come up with all sorts of crazy.
If you really love fucking, just don't get married and swing around just remember to protect yourself.
Different way to heaven, lewls.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+4 5. thundersnow commented 6 years ago

Jealousy and pain caused by polygamy will get you into heaven? A theory their men developed to be able to have the cake and eat it too. 8-)
Picture of mwak48 achievements

+3 6. mwak commented 6 years ago

ouch life must be really hard in this society so they have to justify so much of their daily life through religion.
Picture of nomaddaf22 achievements

+3 7. nomaddaf commented 6 years ago

The fact that it all pivots around material wealth is all you should need to know. The rest is simple psychological abuse. The glaring give away is that the woman must learn to control her jealousy, but the many has no responsibility to control his lust. How very convenient.
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+2 8. Judge-Jake commented 6 years ago

Just another example of a prehistoric religion based on decades of bulshite that allows men to dominates women. Those stupid men smiling as they were doing their speeches at the beginning makes my blood boil, uneducated, ignorant, sad people, individually committing crimes against humanity. :(
Picture of oleHashow30 achievements

+1 9. oleHashow commented 6 years ago

8. JJ humanity? i guess if you think that man who cant or wont bullshit women are at loss here.
Or maybe in greater context when we let this kind of fairy-tales fly. We should be talking more meaningful stuff than heaven and hell.

I think i said this before, but if bad people go out without paying for their sins. World is left a bit more hellish than it used to be and it is up to us, to "pay for this sin".
That is socialism what probably Jesus wanted to tell us and they had to kill him and as far as i understand it he died so we wont have to, if we dont raise this question again.
And we all know, there were way to many people who asked and had to die for this.
They always make sure to kill the ones who want to be good and change their status quo at the top.
Pyramid is best human can come up. The people on top are to smart to let anything else kick in to topple them down.

War is a racket!
Some are wasting money, others are losing lives.
We all know it is better to destroy than to give, if you destroy something this makes people work and that means jobs and that is good for the economy.>:)
Capitalism or slavery 3.0 as i call it.
Dont forget to feed the machine!
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+2 10. Austin commented 6 years ago

Two comments.

First, #33. ComentAtor 'it's not so easy to crop videos and post them to snotr'

Use VLC media player. Free and open source . Very simple to crop vids. Just play and re-record the sections you want. It is really easy to do.

Secondly, I think this is the first time that we may have a relatively unanimous opinion on a subject! And this is with #7. nomaddaf and #4. Kenuty weighing in. ;-) I don’t think we have ever seen eye to eye on a topic. This is kind of amazing! Who would have thunk it would be on the topic of polygamy.

Few creatures mate for life, lifetime monogamy is rare enough and a challenge – just look at divorce rates in the world. Polygamy is psychologically challenging and often, and not unexpectedly leads to favouritism and jealousy – as one would expect. And it of course is only available to men.

I am also happy FWIW that no one decided to bash Islam. The Qur'an permits men to have more than one wife but does not demand it or require it. It is a primitive practice, one also described in the Bible. Sadly in 2018, it is an option that men have in some parts of the world and one that women are often, by circumstances, basically forced into. And it is depressing that there are still societies where such arrangements are the only really options open to women to get out from under their family’s control – by moving into another man’s control. Cool!
Picture of ComentAtor48 achievements

0 11. ComentAtor commented 6 years ago

#10 well i have to download a video from youtube using those weird sites full of ads, then use sth to trim it , i prefer vidtrim, and then upload to snotr.. it's easier to copy paste link to submit page :)

P.S there is also polyandry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4yjrDSvze0
Picture of snotraddict45 achievements

0 12. snotraddict commented 6 years ago

#10 "I am also happy FWIW that no one decided to bash Islam." If they were Mormon I suspect everyone would be piling on. In some regards Islam should be bashed (religion in general has been bashed here pretty handily but yet you want to pat yourself on the back when it's refrained against Islam LOL). However, I can't agree with you more than women who don't have a lot of options often trade one "hell" for another.

Personally I'd defer to letting adults live how they want to live, but it is definitely concerning that in this arena it seems to be a very controlling environment, something that Islam excels at. More than the multiple wives, the black robes with just the eyes revealed is just sick to me. Given the choice I don't think women would choose to live that way.
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+1 13. Austin commented 6 years ago

#12. snotraddict ‘ If they were Mormon I suspect everyone would be piling on.’

With all due respect, yes, and rightfully so because this practice is neither accepted or practiced by today’s Mormon Church. Your 2018 Mormon would probably join in the denunciation. The only group that still practices plural marriage, as they call it, is an off-shoot Mormon cult called Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And these people are really cultists in every scary way.

Mormons, like any organised religion, are definitely open to critique and criticism for their practices and institutional belief system … much like many other religions. But that is another matter.

#12. Snotraddict. ‘In some regards Islam should be bashed.’

I don’t like the term bashed. How about taken to task? Critiqued? Subject to a robust discussion? Held to account? Bashing is just so primitive. And let’s include Catholicism, Judaism and all the major religions to the same degree of scrutiny. With religion it is always just a matter of degree of submission and obedience and sacrifice (for some) in the here and now for some promise of a future reward.

#12. Snotraddict. ‘yet you want to pat yourself on the back when it's refrained against Islam’

What? I was patting everyone else on the back. We agree for once and you still cant resist taking a shot. Sigh

[multiple wives, the niqab (which is worn by a small majority of Muslim women by the way), the black abaya (an Arab Gulf state thing, they don't have to be black] do challenge Western cultural practices and values. As well as my own.

#12. Snotraddict ‘Given the choice I don't think women would choose to live that way.’

You just hit on the key word, choice. FWIW, You may be surprised at the number of Muslim women who do like to wear the far less encumbering? hijab as part of their Muslim cultural identity. They chose to wear it in Western states and that is something I can appreciate. Choice and free will are complicated concepts especially when it comes to religion and religious practices. It is far easier in theory than it is in practice to give up or eschew or denounce them in many parts and cultures of the world.
Picture of Urmensch44 achievements

+2 14. Urmensch commented 6 years ago

So given that the ratio of men to women is about one to one, worldwide it was 102 males to 100 females, you promulgate a doctrine that says all men should marry, they should have up to four wives, there is no sex outside of marriage and homosexuality is an abomination. Then go around claiming that Islam is the most rational religion.

I remember reading a book by a Moroccan woman scholar about how the reality of these ideas impacted society. Even without the polygamy the separation of the genders meant that boys had no outlet for sex except among themselves. But the macho culture and homophobia meant they couldn't have sex with other boys without loads of baggage. Huge guilt around sex. Younger boys being targeted by older boys. Lots of bestiality. She recounted stories of these religious leaders running radio programs with people ringing in with their confessions. Boys fucking farm animals. Fucking each other, and then feeling like sinners. But the fact is they are set up to fail. And then they grew up and became obsessed with purity. She believed that the situation they were put into during puberty ensured they would end up doing stuff that was haraam, or forbidden, and then they'd flip in later life and tend to become unforgiving and dogmatic and blame everything except their religion for their woes.
Picture of ComentAtor48 achievements

+1 15. ComentAtor commented 6 years ago

#14 similiar to Catholic monasteries