Insane drive harasses cyclists

A video of an SUV trailing two bicyclists while honking and refusing to pass the riders.

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Picture of mikeaza36 achievements

+79 1. mikeaza commented 12 years ago

And that's what we call an ASSHOLE.
Picture of wtfysc23 achievements

+43 2. wtfysc commented 12 years ago

Someone's really struggling at life lol
Picture of Cvejic44 achievements

+8 3. Cvejic commented 12 years ago

That's why you should always bring a gun (.357 at least) when riding a bike.
Just pop one in the front tire and keep cycling.
Picture of Cloe41 achievements

+7 4. Cloe commented 12 years ago

i bet that when they presented this video to police they said : "we can't do anything about it" in my country police will even laugh at you and tell you that you were rong not to stop and let him pass... cuz you know " roads are for cars"... stupid asshole
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+24 5. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago

#4 I had a feeling you where from Romania before I clicked your profile... and the police can do something about it. You can't honk your horn it traffic without a reason... it says so in the traffic code.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+24 6. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago

They can consider themselves lucky ! :D In my country, really not far away from me, a group of 29 cyclists from Canada were making tour of Europe, and in a village they've encountered a group of stupid gypsies which threw with rocks at them, knocking them all down, stealing their stuff and beating them up. They all ended up in hospital... Now they don't want to hear about no freekin tour of Europe no more :x and ya' I know, it's RUBBISH AND STUPID !!!! But still, ppl have heard about romanians doing bad stuff in Europe, it's not us, it's the gypsies !! Because the media is making confusion between rroms and romanians. It's a totally different thing ! they also infected our country... and they only beg and steal, if you ask a gypsie to work for some money he will refuse you with no thinking... not all of them are bad, but kind of 90% are no good. No offence if I sound racist, but that kind of gypsies broke in into one of my houses and stole one of my bikes and my dad's tools and anything expensive they could find...
Picture of beerholder29 achievements

+30 7. beerholder commented 12 years ago

maybe he was just cheering them
Picture of Natan_el_Tigre52 achievements

+7 8. Natan_el_Tigre commented 12 years ago

It's just their team doctor, trying to get them to pull over for their Erythropoietin shots. Oh, and cute outfits, bois. :S
Picture of Papuchar41 achievements
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-10 9. Papuchar commented 12 years ago

By the law, if you want to pass cyclist you must go into left lane, like passing a car and there was a double line.. I say this is not road for cyclists..
Picture of HellsVacancy40 achievements

+21 10. HellsVacancy commented 12 years ago

Its probably his wife *honk honk", "youve forgot your sandwiches"
Picture of LQoQK44 achievements

+1 11. LQoQK commented 12 years ago

now lets hear the SUV driver story
I bet the cyclest will sound like assholes and the story will never end
Picture of librabooks40 achievements

0 12. librabooks commented 12 years ago

True #11. We only get part of the whole story. For all we know, those cyclists could have been the assholes first and the idiot behind them was just pissed off and wanted to ruin their day like they maybe ruined his. Just saying because cyclists are some of the worst jackasses on the road. They tend to have a sort of "superiority complex" and think the road was made for them so they don't need to follow rules. I live in the suburbs and see them barreling through stop signs and such. I'd hate to live downtown in the big city! I hear horror stories about them.
Picture of yourmum35 achievements

+3 13. yourmum commented 12 years ago

According to the internet, this arsehole's details are:
James R Ernst
4763 Betty Pl Erie Boulder CO 80516 US
Phone: +1 (303) 828-4104
Picture of peacinu34 achievements

+5 14. peacinu commented 12 years ago

#6 Geekster I feel you, I'm from the same area you are and I know about that event and a few years ago the same thing like yours happend to me - a few gypsies entered in my familly's yard threathened my familly then stole everything they could get their hands on and yet the law did nothing to them. They were released a few hours after the theft. One thing about this ethnic: if you go to court against them as a witness, you put your life in great danger, probably a mortal one. They bring in cour most of their familly and relative and wait for you to show up. If you do show up, they'll learn all about you and later they'll be all over your ass. Taunt you, threat you or your familly, beat you up... all kinds of things. Probably even kill you. That almost happened to me and my familly.
Just one thing to remember, the gypsies life is mostly based on begging, theft, scams, beating, rape and murder. They're pure parasites, they haven't brought any good to the society's evolution into good.
Just like you said, because of them we romanians and our country have a bad image around the world. I traveled a lot across Europe and recently US, but in most of the countries I had to hide my nationality (among people), 'cause otherwise I would've been treated with dissgust AS a gypsie.
So if we get against them we, romanians, can get prosecuted for discrimination and racism.
Picture of Mourialaid23 achievements

0 15. Mourialaid commented 12 years ago

8-) A recent study has shown that squirrels have a better survival instinct than cyclists. Only one squirrel has been road killed last year, compared to hundred of cyclists.
Picture of imagic42 achievements

+3 17. imagic commented 12 years ago

now if i was the one cycling i would offer my waterbottle to his windschield
Picture of librabooks40 achievements

-2 18. librabooks commented 12 years ago

That's great #13. When you're 75, have just recently lost your spouse and do something stupid, we'll post your name, address and telephone number for the world to call and harass you too!
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 19. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago

#14 and by the way: a new "trend" for gypsies is the following: they take one of their small kids, and they go near by a road and waits for a car, when a car comes, they throw the kid in the front of that car to make an accident and he asks you to give monneh or else he will call he cops... or that he will sue you... can THAT be called HUMAN ? NOPE ! and lots of very similar techniques are being use by gypsies.... it's not about being racist here, it's about being human !
Picture of wtfysc23 achievements

+2 20. wtfysc commented 12 years ago

-1000 votes for the comments section of a cycling video becoming full of rants about gypsies. +5 for pure randomness and effort though.
Picture of andreas081638 achievements

0 21. andreas0816 commented 12 years ago

Reading racist rubbish from a moderator astonishes me.
That he gets a +20 for that astonishes me even more. Silly idiots obviously never die out.
For the vid: Even if the cyclist did something stupid before the harassment started, that is no reason for anything.
Picture of soupyKID14 achievements

-2 22. soupyKID commented 12 years ago

License plate...noted

commence vigilante baseball bat mission!
Picture of moon-trial21 achievements

0 23. moon-trial commented 12 years ago

The society trains us to stay right. But for some, it's often so tempting to cross the line! 0:51 & 1:53 as an example. And they dress sexy, as if to say, we have feelings, please pay attention to us. >:)
Picture of digitalemu15 achievements

-1 24. digitalemu commented 12 years ago

#17 yeah you throw the water bottle and then the nutjob runs you down with his Ford.