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Thumbnail of "I can't feel my face"

"I can't feel my face"

Published 14 years ago in Ownage. Submitted by beel


Thumbnail of Michelle's Tongue Tricks

Michelle's Tongue Tricks

Published 14 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Namron7

I wonder what it would be like to kiss her :*

Thumbnail of Hardest game ever?

Hardest game ever?

Published 17 years ago in Technology. Submitted by Jos

A very frustrating Japanese Mario-like game. The game can be downloaded here.

Thumbnail of Stupid Criminals

Stupid Criminals

Published 15 years ago in Other

And also the happiest ever :D

Thumbnail of Why women shouldn't play soccer

Why women shouldn't play soccer

Published 14 years ago in Awesome

At least, this particular female player (Elizabeth Lambert) should be banned from playing soccer :|
All incidents occurred during the same match.