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Thumbnail of Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

Published 14 years ago in Weird. Submitted by Niek

This guy needs a new Xbox... and a new girlfriend :O

Thumbnail of Don't bully animals...

Don't bully animals...

Published 14 years ago in Animals. Submitted by Niek

...or they'll get you!

Thumbnail of Your life and Videogames

Your life and Videogames

Published 14 years ago in Technology. Submitted by Dokandre

A video that transmits a very nice message to all the people that spend lots of time playing.

Thumbnail of Toll road accident

Toll road accident

Published 14 years ago in Accidents. Submitted by PortugaL26


Thumbnail of You Can't Trust Science!

You Can't Trust Science!

Published 14 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by mndar

"Science has an agenda! Science is unreliable!" If you've ever heard a religious person say these words, you'll love this video.