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Thumbnail of Unintentional Flying Tents

Unintentional Flying Tents

Published 12 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Burimi

Thumbnail of Going under the ice field for food

Going under the ice field for food

Published 13 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by sux2bu

This has to be one of the most stressful ways to bring home dinner.

Thumbnail of Trampoline Wall Tricks by Julien Roberge

Trampoline Wall Tricks by Julien Roberge

Published 13 years ago in Sports. Submitted by joZCo

Thumbnail of Red Hot Nickel Ball In Water

Red Hot Nickel Ball In Water

Published 12 years ago in Nature

Thumbnail of Amazing badminton shot!

Amazing badminton shot!

Published 11 years ago in Ownage. Submitted by joeman