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Thumbnail of Sandwich


Published 15 years ago in Awesome

I wonder what this guy did in his past life to deserve this!

Thumbnail of Biggest Biceps In Latin America

Biggest Biceps In Latin America

Published 13 years ago in Weird. Submitted by lockandload


Thumbnail of Porsche Panamera Turbo 317km/h on Kosovo highway

Porsche Panamera Turbo 317km/h on Kosovo highway

Published 11 years ago in Vehicles. Submitted by Burimi

Thumbnail of It's Uptown Funk but they actually wait a minute

It's Uptown Funk but they actually wait a minute

Published 7 years ago in Other. Submitted by Burimi

60 sec

Thumbnail of 5 Simple Questions - Intelligence Test

5 Simple Questions - Intelligence Test

Published 7 years ago in Other. Submitted by thundersnow

I failed :'(