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Thumbnail of $5,000 go kart stroll

$5,000 go kart stroll

Published 12 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by mailher

2005 Yamaha R1 Sport Bike engine in a Beisse Shifter Kart. Around 180 HP, weighs 100 kg. Previous owner had Kart up to 292 km/h before a tire blew out.

Thumbnail of $700 Rechargeable Battery Pack Contains $30 Worth Of Batteries

$700 Rechargeable Battery Pack Contains $30 Worth Of Batteries

Published 8 years ago in Other. Submitted by Kopi

Surprised? :)

Thumbnail of $800,000 watch tells perfect time

$800,000 watch tells perfect time

Published 10 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by dbomber69

Thumbnail of « Beat It »  Miguel Rivera

« Beat It » Miguel Rivera

Published 9 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Burimi

Thumbnail of “Parkour Atlas”  (Or you can try to run human but I will catch you)

“Parkour Atlas” (Or you can try to run human but I will catch you)

Published 6 years ago in Technology. Submitted by Austin

Boston Dynamics two-legged robot “Atlas" shows off its frightening agility.