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Thumbnail of “Slap her", children's reactions

“Slap her", children's reactions

Published 10 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Burimi

What happens when you put a boy in front of a girl and ask him to slap her? Here is how children react to the subject of violence against women.

Thumbnail of ‘Barely Legal Voters’ Try to Identify 2016 Prez Candidates- And There’s One Name T

‘Barely Legal Voters’ Try to Identify 2016 Prez Candidates- And There’s One Name T

Published 9 years ago in Other. Submitted by joeman

The Donald...

Thumbnail of ‘Key and Peele’ hilariously depict why the TSA ‘scares’ terrorists

‘Key and Peele’ hilariously depict why the TSA ‘scares’ terrorists

Published 9 years ago in Parodies. Submitted by sux2bu

Some may see the TSA as an inconvenience, but to the al-Qaeda fighters in this video, “they are an elite force of anti-terrorist commandos.”

Thumbnail of ‘The UGLIEST Woman’ Has A POWERFUL Message For Bullies & Whiners

‘The UGLIEST Woman’ Has A POWERFUL Message For Bullies & Whiners

Published 8 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by sux2bu

This woman shows that true beauty isn’t skin deep… and EVERYONE needs to hear her message.

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