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Thumbnail of "Date While You Wait" Offers An Alternative To NYC's Hustle And Bustle

"Date While You Wait" Offers An Alternative To NYC's Hustle And Bustle

Published 9 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by joeman

This welcome distraction has proven extremely popular, and he's been featured on talk shows, in newspapers, and has started a larger "tour" of the city with his charming personality in tow. He's even played a round of Connect Four with Howard Wexler, the game's inventor…
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Thumbnail of "Ebay" by Weird Al Yankovic

"Ebay" by Weird Al Yankovic

Published 17 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by family_guy

This is the excellent Weird Al Yankovic Ebay song sung to the tune of "I want it that way" by the Backstreet Boys, synched to the videoclip. I must admit Ebay is very much the way he describes it in the song. Enjoy!

Thumbnail of "Free" energy generator

"Free" energy generator

Published 5 years ago in Science. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of "Grande"


Published 6 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by yorfo

Thumbnail of "Grande" - Surf Clip

"Grande" - Surf Clip

Published 7 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by manro