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Thumbnail of Borat's Bay Watch

Borat's Bay Watch

Published 15 years ago in Parodies. Submitted by Xionbox

Warning: You may have to wash your eyes out with soap!!

Thumbnail of Man almost hit by train

Man almost hit by train

Published 16 years ago in Accidents. Submitted by Niek

What was this guy thinking? Apparently he wanted to look cool by videotaping his jump over the rails, which almost resulted in his death.

Thumbnail of Future designer laptop - Rolltop

Future designer laptop - Rolltop

Published 15 years ago in Technology. Submitted by Jos

The Rolltop is an interesting laptop concept using a flexible display, by Orkin Design.

Thumbnail of Kid Teaches Shirtless Bully a Lesson

Kid Teaches Shirtless Bully a Lesson

Published 15 years ago in Ownage

Classic case of self defense.. Gotta love it.. >:)

Thumbnail of Airplane Refueling... in Congo.

Airplane Refueling... in Congo.

Published 12 years ago in Other. Submitted by m_otreborv

This is the reason why they got a flight delay.