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Thumbnail of Awesome motorcycle stunt

Awesome motorcycle stunt

Published 15 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by rubi

Changing the front tyre while driving with a motorcycle. Shown in the german show "Wetten, dass..?"

Thumbnail of How to talk to your wife

How to talk to your wife

Published 12 years ago in Commercials. Submitted by avolyte

Watch and learn :)

Thumbnail of Most ridiculous workout machine ever?

Most ridiculous workout machine ever?

Published 16 years ago in Commercials

"If you can sit, you can get fit". Never mind the fact that this Hawaii Chair will make you look fat AND stupid.

Thumbnail of How to destroy a Porsche 911

How to destroy a Porsche 911

Published 17 years ago in Vehicles. Submitted by Jos

It's more difficult thank you might think... From Top Gear.

Thumbnail of Stuck on an escalator

Stuck on an escalator

Published 16 years ago in Commercials. Submitted by most_uniQue

We have already seen what happens if you get stuck in an elevator. Here is a video about getting stuck on an escalator. A weird commercial for Read more…