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Thumbnail of Powering stuff when there is a power outage

Powering stuff when there is a power outage

Published 7 years ago in Awesome

Thumbnail of Climb K2 in 3D

Climb K2 in 3D

Published 9 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of monkeys stealing from tourists

monkeys stealing from tourists

Published 8 years ago in Animals. Submitted by Burimi

Can BBC journalist trade his phone back from a criminal monkey?

Thumbnail of The art of pillow spinning

The art of pillow spinning

Published 8 years ago in Other. Submitted by joeman

Thumbnail of Kinetic sculpture looks like birds in flight.

Kinetic sculpture looks like birds in flight.

Published 7 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Austin

Diffusion Choir" is a kinetic sculpture that simulates the movement of an invisible flock of birds. The "birds" are white hexagons made of fabric that hang in garlands from the ceiling. When a hexagon opens and closes, it looks like a bird flapping its wings. Each piece can move independently, and they work together to make patterns. It's controlled by software running a flocking algorithm.

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