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Thumbnail of "Un-bee-lievable!


Published 7 years ago in Other. Submitted by Burimi

Woman discovers 35,000 bees in ceiling of house! Cherisse Mulzac discovered after noticing honey dripping from her ceiling

Thumbnail of The Highly Endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros And Her Calf

The Highly Endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros And Her Calf

Published 8 years ago in Animals. Submitted by thundersnow

Extremely rare video capture of the small, long haired and friendly minded Sumatran Rhinoceros with her calf.

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Thumbnail of African Bullfrog Protects His Tadpoles

African Bullfrog Protects His Tadpoles

Published 8 years ago in Animals. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of The Lego Rainbow - A tiny soccer ball and a machine with 1,150 moving parts.

The Lego Rainbow - A tiny soccer ball and a machine with 1,150 moving parts.

Published 7 years ago in Awesome. Submitted by Austin

It’s called the “Rainbow Wave GBC,” and it was created by Berthil van Beek over the course of about 100 hours.

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Thumbnail of Otter Juggling

Otter Juggling

Published 9 years ago in Animals. Submitted by mmmendal