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Thumbnail of Sea Urchin pulls itself inside out to be reborn.

Sea Urchin pulls itself inside out to be reborn.

Published 8 years ago in Nature. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of A-10 Warthog Live Fire - Estonia

A-10 Warthog Live Fire - Estonia

Published 7 years ago in Other. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of The Recital

The Recital

Published 9 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by sux2bu

A young girl and her dad are asked one very simple question: What is something you’ve always wanted to do? They both give the same answer: they want to spend more time together.

Thumbnail of Sister hears brother's heartbeat after death

Sister hears brother's heartbeat after death

Published 9 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Sizzlik

Thumbnail of Man Robs Taxi Driver at Gunpoint...In Front of Cop

Man Robs Taxi Driver at Gunpoint...In Front of Cop

Published 8 years ago in Ownage. Submitted by sux2bu

The would-be robber made his armed demand for money inside a taxi cab in Reading, Pennsylvania while not noticing a police car right behind the cab.