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Thumbnail of Top Gear - Funniest Moments from Series 13

Top Gear - Funniest Moments from Series 13

Published 2 years ago in Vehicles. Submitted by Geekster

Thumbnail of Sydney's firework display brings in 2022

Sydney's firework display brings in 2022

Published 3 years ago in Other. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of Feral Hogs Are Tearing Up Texas, So Tourists Are Shooting Them from Helicopters

Feral Hogs Are Tearing Up Texas, So Tourists Are Shooting Them from Helicopters

Published 4 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by sux2bu

Like paying a bounty for killing invasive reptiles such as pythons in Florida that threaten native animals,
the state of Texas has found a way to reduce the number of these destructive wild hogs. Yeha

Thumbnail of Long Long Man

Long Long Man

Published 5 years ago in Commercials. Submitted by manro