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Thumbnail of 11/1/2022 Falcon Heavy Booster landing

11/1/2022 Falcon Heavy Booster landing

Published 2 years ago in Other. Submitted by Geekster

Thumbnail of Apple's Mysterious Third Co-Founder

Apple's Mysterious Third Co-Founder

Published 2 years ago in Technology. Submitted by Geekster

Thumbnail of Idiots Driving Fast AND CRASHES 2022

Idiots Driving Fast AND CRASHES 2022

Published 2 years ago in Accidents. Submitted by Geekster



Published 2 years ago in Science. Submitted by Geekster

Thumbnail of How One Camera Changed NASA and How We Saw the World

How One Camera Changed NASA and How We Saw the World

Published 2 years ago in Science. Submitted by Geekster

The photographs that came from the Apollo missions have become some of the most famous and influential ever taken but these were done with mostly just one make of camera that only came about due to one of the early Mercury astronauts taking a low price commercial camera on board …
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