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Thumbnail of According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

Published 13 years ago in Other. Submitted by Gmastershief

Well, I'll go back to my warm CRT screen ;-)

Thumbnail of Overconsumption


Published 11 years ago in Other

Thumbnail of Crazy Painting !

Crazy Painting !

Published 15 years ago in Other. Submitted by haloora

Impressive speed and result

Thumbnail of Brand new asphalt in Bosnia

Brand new asphalt in Bosnia

Published 15 years ago in Other. Submitted by nokster

People are so glad with the new road that they loose they're shoes about it! :P

Thumbnail of Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary

Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary

Published 15 years ago in Other

Surprising interview