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Thumbnail of Body scanner

Body scanner

Published 15 years ago in Other

So what will they be able to see when they install the new body scanners on airports?

Thumbnail of 15 YEARS OF TERROR


Published 9 years ago in Other. Submitted by kirkelicious

A time-lapse map of the terrorist attacks in the past 15 years

Thumbnail of Honda CBR 1000RR Fireblade

Honda CBR 1000RR Fireblade

Published 15 years ago in Other

That is one way to ride a motorcycle...

Thumbnail of John Cleese - Soccer vs Football

John Cleese - Soccer vs Football

Published 14 years ago in Other. Submitted by Platonic

very educational..

Thumbnail of Coachella Festival

Coachella Festival

Published 14 years ago in Other. Submitted by Platonic

time lapse / shift lense