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Thumbnail of Chinese Military Multifunctional Shovel

Chinese Military Multifunctional Shovel

Published 13 years ago in Other. Submitted by PortugaL26

An awesome little tool. It's the new Swiss Army Knife!

Thumbnail of Dude Visits The Tattoo Artist

Dude Visits The Tattoo Artist

Published 13 years ago in Other. Submitted by lockandload

Thumbnail of Not Scared Of Heights

Not Scared Of Heights

Published 14 years ago in Other. Submitted by lockandload

These kids walk onto the steal beams holding up an observation deck over 2000 feet above the ground.

Thumbnail of The costs of war

The costs of war

Published 16 years ago in Other. Submitted by Blaine

Note: Snotr does not express its political view here. This video is published because it contains interesting statistics.

Thumbnail of Drugs make you ugly

Drugs make you ugly

Published 16 years ago in Other. Submitted by most_uniQue

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