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Thumbnail of Ancient Encounters: 1561 German UFO Battle

Ancient Encounters: 1561 German UFO Battle

Published 1 year ago in Other. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of I animated a voicemail from my Dad

I animated a voicemail from my Dad

Published 1 year ago in Other. Submitted by thundersnow

I animated a voicemail from my Dad back in 2020.
If you're interested in submitting a voicemail for me to potentially animate, please fill out the following form (a gmail account is necessary):
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Thumbnail of Enormous snow castle part of annual Yellowknife festival |

Enormous snow castle part of annual Yellowknife festival |

Published 1 year ago in Other. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of Ninety Year Old 35MM Film Core

Ninety Year Old 35MM Film Core

Published 1 year ago in Other. Submitted by thundersnow