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Thumbnail of Home-made laser show

Home-made laser show

Published 17 years ago in Other

This video shows how you can make an impressive laser show using a simple cigarette lighter.

Thumbnail of Ruined moment

Ruined moment

Published 17 years ago in Other

Ah, that SUV ruined such romantic moment…

Thumbnail of Marshmallow eating

Marshmallow eating

Published 17 years ago in Other

From Japanese TV show "gaki no tsukai ya arahende"

Thumbnail of Jet-Turbine Fire Extinguisher

Jet-Turbine Fire Extinguisher

Published 17 years ago in Other

A group of Hungarian engineers have built the world's most powerful fire extinguisher, equipped with two Mig-21 jet turbines. Basically, the water is injected through the exhaust, throttled up, and used to extinguish fires.

Thumbnail of Amazing Paper Airplane Flight Over NYC

Amazing Paper Airplane Flight Over NYC

Published 17 years ago in Other

This guy launches a paper airplane off the 30th floor of a building in the financial district of New York City. The flight it goes on without crashing is pretty amazing.