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Thumbnail of The lobby scene - Bollywood style

The lobby scene - Bollywood style

Published 17 years ago in Other

Looks familiar? It's the famous "lobby scene" from The Matrix shamelessly copied by a Bollywood movie called "Read more…

Thumbnail of Vancouver time-lapse

Vancouver time-lapse

Published 17 years ago in Other

A time-lapse video of the Canadian city Vancouver.

Thumbnail of Late for work

Late for work

Published 17 years ago in Other

Those traffic jams suck. Unless you have a Yamaha FZR600 motorbike and you drive like this.

Thumbnail of Crushing a truck

Crushing a truck

Published 17 years ago in Other

Australian style!

Thumbnail of Driving Safely - Road Signs

Driving Safely - Road Signs

Published 17 years ago in Other

How to drive safely in your car... with a proper English accent!