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Thumbnail of The lobby scene - Bollywood style

The lobby scene - Bollywood style

Published 17 years ago in Other

Looks familiar? It's the famous "lobby scene" from The Matrix shamelessly copied by a Bollywood movie called "Read more…

Thumbnail of Dragons Den

Dragons Den

Published 14 years ago in Other

This guy should be in jail

Thumbnail of Porn Buddies!

Porn Buddies!

Published 15 years ago in Other

Thumbnail of Even cops can be funny

Even cops can be funny

Published 17 years ago in Other. Submitted by micromaniac

Couple of cops suprise another cop with a big joke, the poor man is in total panic.....

Thumbnail of "I have three PS3s"

"I have three PS3s"

Published 17 years ago in Other

Also, I have this cake.