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Thumbnail of Men's and women's brains

Men's and women's brains

Published 16 years ago in Other. Submitted by imapwnzu

Mark Gungor explains the difference between the male and the female brain ;)

Thumbnail of Indian teacher explains the word "fuck"

Indian teacher explains the word "fuck"

Published 16 years ago in Other. Submitted by Araniko

An Indian teacher brilliantly explains the word "fuck" :D
Warning: foul language.

Thumbnail of What Virgin mean?

What Virgin mean?

Published 15 years ago in Other

Now that's an answer

Thumbnail of Ruined moment

Ruined moment

Published 17 years ago in Other

Ah, that SUV ruined such romantic moment…

Thumbnail of Racist Field Trip

Racist Field Trip

Published 9 years ago in Other. Submitted by Sizzlik