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Thumbnail of Another brilliant (?) Japanese game

Another brilliant (?) Japanese game

Published 17 years ago in Weird

Somehow the Japanese TV viewers can't get enough of seeing people falling in water. 8-)

Thumbnail of Hanoi traffic

Hanoi traffic

Published 17 years ago in Weird

A view at an intersection in Hanoi, Vietnam. This is said to be only a small and quiet intersection, but it still looks like there are no traffic rules.

Thumbnail of Spare my life!

Spare my life!

Published 17 years ago in Weird. Submitted by smartpatrol

After you have learned to ask for a toilet, the Japanese aerobic team teaches you how to survive a thrilling crime scenario …<br><a href=Read more…

Thumbnail of McCain calls Putin the president of Germany

McCain calls Putin the president of Germany

Published 17 years ago in Weird

U.S. president candidate John McCain says Vladimir Putin is the president of Germany... Read more…

Thumbnail of Segway vs. Yoshi

Segway vs. Yoshi

Published 17 years ago in Weird

Two colleagues talk about their transportation devices, a Segway and a Yoshi. From Read more…