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Thumbnail of Melody road

Melody road

Published 17 years ago in Weird

The grooves in this Japanese road produce tunes when the tires of your car run over the asphalt. The sound quality is best when driving at 50 km/h (28 mph), so the idea is to control the driver's speed voluntary.

Thumbnail of Man fires a gas station

Man fires a gas station

Published 17 years ago in Weird

This man filled up his invisible car, but when it appeared to have gone, he tried to light this gas station in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia instead.

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Thumbnail of I have a bad case of diarrhea

I have a bad case of diarrhea

Published 17 years ago in Weird

A Japanese educational video, meant to teach you the basics of the English language...

Thumbnail of US tank crushes Iraqi civilian's car

US tank crushes Iraqi civilian's car

Published 17 years ago in Weird

These Iraqis stole some wood, so the US soldiers crush their car. That's how you make friends >:)

Thumbnail of Iraqi wedding: fire a mortar

Iraqi wedding: fire a mortar

Published 17 years ago in Weird. Submitted by Niek

In the western world we might perform a first dance at our wedding, but some Iraqis have different habits. Check out this bizarre video of a just married couple firing a 107mm rocket at the US Army.