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Thumbnail of Eye of the Tiger on a dot matrix printer

Eye of the Tiger on a dot matrix printer

Published 4 years ago in Weird. Submitted by krazeeeyez

I know this one is annoying but when we're all stuck at home, we'll watch anything, right?

Thumbnail of Daniel Mckim ( World Champion ) Caber Toss ... The clock strikes 12

Daniel Mckim ( World Champion ) Caber Toss ... The clock strikes 12

Published 4 years ago in Weird. Submitted by thundersnow

( SAAA State Championship ) Costa Mesa, CA Scotsfest 2011

Thumbnail of What's going on here?

What's going on here?

Published 4 years ago in Weird. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of Learn how to do the Doo Dah Doo Doo!

Learn how to do the Doo Dah Doo Doo!

Published 5 years ago in Weird. Submitted by krazeeeyez

Instructional video for kids