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Thumbnail of CapsiFlu Total

CapsiFlu Total

Published 5 years ago in Weird. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of Danger of Gas Cylinders ???? We will show you their power / Stay safe

Danger of Gas Cylinders ???? We will show you their power / Stay safe

Published 5 years ago in Weird. Submitted by sux2bu

Everything in this video is performed by professionals in compliance with safety regulations. Do not repeat - it can be dangerous.

Thumbnail of US couple narrowly escape gang of machete-wielding bandits

US couple narrowly escape gang of machete-wielding bandits

Published 6 years ago in Weird. Submitted by ComentAtor

footage shows a group of machete-wielding bandits chasing an American couple on a dusty road in Kenya.
Bryant Swenson and his wife Lauren, from Utah, were driving near Mai Mahiu on November 30 when three masked men attacked their car.The couple, who moved to Nairobi with their three kids to open a CrossFit gym, spotted a white van which the gangsters are believed to have been trying to rob.
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Thumbnail of two leaves of this bush keep waving without any breeze

two leaves of this bush keep waving without any breeze

Published 6 years ago in Weird. Submitted by thundersnow

Thumbnail of Schwarzenegger Japanese Energy Drink Ad

Schwarzenegger Japanese Energy Drink Ad

Published 6 years ago in Weird. Submitted by thundersnow