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Thumbnail of How not to exit a parking garage

How not to exit a parking garage

Published 17 years ago in Weird

This guy must be either drunk or really stupid. Either way, he seems to have practiced this way of leaving a parking garage before.

Thumbnail of Oversized exhaust

Oversized exhaust

Published 15 years ago in Weird

An interesting motorcycle :)

Thumbnail of Tractor out of gas

Tractor out of gas

Published 17 years ago in Weird. Submitted by Matthijs

A clever solution...

Thumbnail of Dumbest cop ever

Dumbest cop ever

Published 17 years ago in Weird. Submitted by Niek

A police officer confiscated marihuana. You won't believe what he did with it.

Thumbnail of Bowling is sadistic!

Bowling is sadistic!

Published 15 years ago in Weird

This shows you how bowling is sadistisc and not to mention cruel, but really fun and enjoyable.