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Thumbnail of Frank Drebin, Police Squad.    Classic intentionally bad American comedy.

Frank Drebin, Police Squad. Classic intentionally bad American comedy.

Published 6 years ago in Compilations. Submitted by Austin

And look who shows up at 5.28 He has a killer, sorry legally innocent, smile ;-)

Thumbnail of Top 10 INCREDIBLE Alternatives to Alternative ENERGY

Top 10 INCREDIBLE Alternatives to Alternative ENERGY

Published 6 years ago in Compilations. Submitted by buckleg08

Thumbnail of The Pink Panther Funny clips

The Pink Panther Funny clips

Published 7 years ago in Compilations. Submitted by Judge-Jake

If you needed cheering up today, this ought to do it. JJ

Thumbnail of 21 TV Shows that existed but shouldn't have

21 TV Shows that existed but shouldn't have

Published 7 years ago in Compilations. Submitted by Judge-Jake

Thumbnail of Top Motivational Pictures With Deep Meaning | Today's Sad Reality

Top Motivational Pictures With Deep Meaning | Today's Sad Reality

Published 4 years ago in Compilations. Submitted by sux2bu