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Thumbnail of Isolated


Published 10 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Kenuty

After finding himself in a wrecked taxi, Evan tries to figure out the pieces of the puzzle, while dealing with a dangerous threat, in a seemingly deserted city. A short film by Tomas Vergara

Thumbnail of Confusion Through Sand

Confusion Through Sand

Published 10 years ago in Short films. Submitted by lerpo

:warning: This gets loud and intense and may be hard for some people. use discretion if sensitive to this material.

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Thumbnail of MiniDrones Battle

MiniDrones Battle

Published 10 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Malakyte

Wake up the child inside you... :-)

Thumbnail of #Equality


Published 10 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Geekster

A short film about equality

Thumbnail of Cinema Space Tribute

Cinema Space Tribute

Published 10 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Geekster