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Thumbnail of Russian Transformers

Russian Transformers

Published 14 years ago in Short films. Submitted by alucard696poland

an awesome fan clip from Russia

Thumbnail of Satellite Car Chase

Satellite Car Chase

Published 14 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Niek

Awesome animation!

Thumbnail of Scottish - Irish - English - American - Eleven

Scottish - Irish - English - American - Eleven

Published 14 years ago in Short films. Submitted by avolyte

Open The Door Pleasee :D

Thumbnail of Scrat. No time for nuts

Scrat. No time for nuts

Published 14 years ago in Short films. Submitted by De_Micco

Thumbnail of Sea Chair

Sea Chair

Published 10 years ago in Short films. Submitted by txo

Since the discovery of the Pacific Garbage Patch in 1997, which is predicted to measure twice the size of Texas, five more have been found across the world’s oceans with the Atlantic gyre predicted to be even larger. This plastic takes thousands of years to degrade, remaining in the environment to be broken up into ever smaller fragments by ocean currents.
The gyre stretches from the coastlines of California to the shores of Japan. Recent studies have estimated 46,000 pieces of plastic per square kilometer of the world’s oceans. The number of plastic pieces in the Pacific Ocean has tripled in the last ten years and the size of the accumulation is set to double in the next ten.
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