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Thumbnail of The Backwater Gospel

The Backwater Gospel

Published 12 years ago in Short films. Submitted by SamPsychedelic

:warning: Warning: Animated violence. Not for Kids! :warning:Read more…

Thumbnail of The biggest company you've never heard of.

The biggest company you've never heard of.

Published 14 years ago in Short films. Submitted by trancetunes


Thumbnail of The Box

The Box

Published 1 year ago in Short films. Submitted by manro

Writer/director/animator Dusan Kastelic's short animation is a surreal yet exuberant allegory about the pleasures and perils of non-conformity, being an individual and pushing through obstacles to a new level of consciousness.

Thumbnail of The Bridge

The Bridge

Published 12 years ago in Short films

Forget that its a religious commercial in the end..just ask yourself..what would you do?

Thumbnail of The Chase

The Chase

Published 12 years ago in Short films. Submitted by manro

by Philippe Gamer