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Thumbnail of The Man Without a Facebook

The Man Without a Facebook

Published 13 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Sizzlik

Thumbnail of The Money Tree

The Money Tree

Published 14 years ago in Short films. Submitted by fombels

Thumbnail of The Monk & The Monkey

The Monk & The Monkey

Published 14 years ago in Short films. Submitted by Platonic

A determined young boy, Ragu, is sent by his master on his final quest to become a monk. A seemingly simple task becomes an unexpected challenge for Ragu as he discovers the real value of his quest.

Thumbnail of The Most Beautiful Thing

The Most Beautiful Thing

Published 12 years ago in Short films. Submitted by aravind7

Winner of the LACHSA 2012 Moon Dance Best Film Award, and Best Actor Award.

Thumbnail of The Passenger

The Passenger

Published 15 years ago in Short films. Submitted by zaik

A short animation movie, created over a period of 8 years, made by one man