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Thumbnail of The best instant relief for tremors my epileptic wife has ever found

The best instant relief for tremors my epileptic wife has ever found

Published 8 years ago in Nature

My wife has epilepsy and chronic migraines. Early in her diagnosis, about fifteen years ago, she was taking over twenty prescriptions a day - she had to carry them around in a backpack. Thanks to the miracle of medical marijuana, not only are her symptoms under better control, but she needs only two prescriptions a day.

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Thumbnail of The biggest storm in 11 years hit Denmark

The biggest storm in 11 years hit Denmark

Published 11 years ago in Nature

Thumbnail of The Birth of a Snowflake

The Birth of a Snowflake

Published 10 years ago in Nature. Submitted by dbomber69

Thumbnail of The Chase

The Chase

Published 8 years ago in Nature. Submitted by Geekster

Thumbnail of The Difference Between Weather and Climate Change

The Difference Between Weather and Climate Change

Published 10 years ago in Nature

The Neil deGrasse Tyson climate - denier take-down we’ve been waiting for is finally here